Chapter 362
From Duanchang Cliff to the top of the mountain, there was only a five-meter-wide stone step. Hiroshi Ito chose this place to intercept and kill Jing Yi because of the dangerous terrain.There is a man who guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

But now, seeing that the road leading to Duanchang Cliff was blocked to death by Jing Yi's hidden guards, a trace of despair suddenly rose in his heart.

It seems that he underestimated Jing Yi after all!He only thought that as long as he tricked Jing Yi to the Broken Intestine Cliff, he would be absolutely sure to kill him.Even if Jing Yi brought more than a hundred hidden guards, he was confident that he could annihilate them all in this Broken Heart Cliff Hall.

But looking at him now, he never expected that Jing Yi would ambush the archers in the Broken Heart Cliff Hall.This undoubtedly blocked all the way forward for his killers.

Now, waiting for his killers are hidden guards with archers in the front and Jing Yi in the back.It is really a situation where you can't go up and you can't come down.

It seems that not only will he not be able to kill Jing Yi today, but he will also bury all the subordinates he brought here...

It turned out that before Cao Shaojie came to the Young Master's Mansion, Jing Yi had already noticed Hiro Ito's actions, and had ambushed the five hundred hidden guards on the Broken Intestine Cliff one step earlier.

Today, these hidden guards have long been arranged in a row of 20 people at the entrance of Broken Intestine Cliff in an orderly manner.The front row is full of bows, just wait for the people below to approach, and shoot them without hesitation.The people behind are always ready. Once someone falls in the front row, the people behind will immediately make up for it.Absolutely will not give the killer below any chance to rush up.

At the same time, Mu Qiu also sent out a signal flare to let the hidden guards below start to attack upwards.

After receiving the order, the killers brought by Ito Hao began to rush upwards. However, they did not rush far, and the hidden guards shot death arrows at them under Mu Qiu's command.

Although those killers are not weak in profound energy, they are still flesh and blood after all, so how can they withstand the shooting of bows and arrows?
Not long after, the screams of killers came.

When Jing Yi heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, Ito Hao heard it like a light on his back, and hated Jing Yi more and more in his heart.

Seeing the murderer's corpse rolling down from the entrance, Cao Shaojie's face was uncertain.He originally thought that after killing Jing Yi tonight, he would get Beitang Lanyou and take her back together.However, he never expected that the situation would turn around in the end.Now it seems that they can't go up, and they can't escape if they want to go down the mountain!

Now, not only would they not be able to kill Jing Yi, they might even die here.

Cao Shaojie was extremely unwilling, thinking that if Beitang Lanyou hadn't used him, they would not have ended up in such a situation.

No, he is not willing to die here like this!Besides, even if he was really going to die, he didn't want to make Jing Yi feel better!
Looking at the corpses rolling down from above, Cao Shaojie's heart suddenly moved, and he ordered the killers: "Use the dead people as shields, stand in front, everyone line up, and charge up together!"

At this time, these killers were under the enemy's back and belly, knowing that if they did not act like this, they would die in the end.If he had listened to Cao Shaojie's words and rushed forward, there might still be a chance of life.Therefore, those killers listened, and each of them picked up a dead companion, stood in front of them, and rushed upward...

(End of this chapter)

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