Chapter 364
With Mu Qiu's order, the hidden guards immediately calmed down, and the frontmost hidden guard with a bow and arrow immediately drew his bow and shot.

The dozens of killers flying in the air were completely invisible for a while, and most of them were shot down.But there were also a few killers with high profound energy who forcibly knocked the arrow back in the air, killing and wounding several hidden guards.And they also took this opportunity to rush to the top of the Heartbroken Cliff.

Seeing this, Mu Qiu immediately made corresponding arrangements, and the killers were intercepted and killed by the hidden guards within a quarter of an hour after climbing the Broken Heart Cliff.

However, with the success of the killers breaking through the defense line of the hidden guards just now, it gave great encouragement to the killers below.As a result, more killers imitated those killers just now, first throwing the dead bodies in their hands to the hidden guards, and then, taking this opportunity to leap towards the top of the cliff.

After absorbing the experience of the killers just now, most of the killers behind were able to avoid those arrows in mid-air or directly shoot back the arrows that were shot at them.

Therefore, although a large number of killers were still shot in the air, more and more hidden guards rushed up.

Mu Qiu looked at the situation in front of him, but he didn't panic.He looked at the hidden guards below, and found that they had already killed most of the five hundred killers left behind by Cao Shaojie, and were about to break through their defense line.

Mu Qiu thought, as long as they persist for a while, when the hidden guards below rush up, these killers will die.So, he settled down and commanded everyone to fight calmly.

It's just that more and more killers rushed forward.Mu Qiu had to leave half of the people to continue shooting arrows downwards, while the other half formed a big encirclement circle, enclosing all the killers rushing up, preventing them from rushing out of the encirclement circle and threatening them. Go to Jingyi and Beitang Lanyou.

However, the profound energy of those killers was comparable to that of these hidden guards, and their number far exceeded that of the hidden guards.Although more than half of the casualties were on the way up, the number was still as many as Yinwei.

As a result, the hidden guards gradually found it difficult to stop the killers from rushing forward.

Mu Qiu saw that the archers could no longer play much role, and those killers who rushed up would often attack the weak archers first, so he simply ordered all the hidden guards to give up their bows and arrows and use all their strength to attack them. Intercept and kill the killer who rushed up.

As a large number of killers rushed up, the encirclement circle of the hidden guards continued to expand. Jing Yi and Beitang Lanyou watched the battle between the killers and the hidden guards, but did not act.However, the ever-expanding encirclement forced them to keep retreating.In the end, they were forced to be less than 50 meters away from the edge of the cliff.

Fu Ruxue picked up the bow that the guards had discarded by the hidden guards, and picked up an arrow basket and carried it on her back. At the same time, she also picked up a lot of arrows and put them on the arrow basket behind her back.

Seeing Jing Yi and Beitang Lanyou retreating, she has been following Jing Yi and the others. She has been watching those killers defensively, and when she sees an occasional killer break through the line of defense and wants to kill Jing Yi, she draws her bow to The killers shoot away.

Although this Fu Ruxue's profound energy is not very good, but his shooting has always been very powerful, and it is no problem to penetrate Yang with a hundred steps.

Not long after, as many as five or six people died under her arrow...

(End of this chapter)

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