Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 439 Save Zhang Siyi 07

Chapter 439 Rescue Siyi 07
After jumping up to the roof, Beitang Lanyou didn't immediately run wildly with Beitang Siyi in his arms, but continued to wait for the opportunity.

She was able to become a thief, not only because of her excellent skills, but also because of her care and caution.

Because of this, she was able to do it without missing a single shot.

But this time, Beitang Lanyou was more cautious than any other time in her past and present life when she went to steal things. There was no reason, but because her son was involved this time.

She would never risk even half of it with her son.

When the hidden guards changed directions, Beitang Lanyou carried Beitang Siyi and continued to plunder outside the courtyard.

Beitang Lanyou had already figured out the movement rules of the hidden guards when she came in, so now she only needs to seize the gap between them.

After repeating this, after half an hour, Beitang Lanyou finally left the courtyard safely with Beitang Siyi.

She stood on the top of the wall and was about to jump down when she suddenly saw a carriage that looked very ordinary but was very spacious driving to the gate of the yard.

The carriage seemed ordinary, but Beitang Lanyou's intuition told her that the people sitting in it were definitely not ordinary.

Therefore, even she didn't dare to move lightly at this time, she just leaned her body on the wall as much as possible, hugged Beitang Siyi tightly with her right hand, and let him lean against the wall , not to be discovered.

Beitang Siyi also saw that carriage, in fact, he really wanted to tell his mother now, let her not worry, it was the golden masked uncle sitting in it, and the masked uncle would never harm him.

However, before he could utter his words, Beitang Lanyou glared back fiercely.

Beitang Siyi pouted, feeling a little unhappy.However, he also knew the rules of Beitang Lanyou when he was stealing, so even though he really wanted to tell her mother, he didn't dare to speak under Beitang Lanyou's staring eyes.

He thought that after his mother brought him back, she would always ask him, and then he would just talk.Therefore, Beitang Siyi turned his attention to the carriage.

At this moment, the carriage had come to a complete stop, and a man dressed in moon-white clothes and wearing a golden mask came down from the carriage.

The man just got out of the carriage casually and stood in front of the carriage.However, it was this casualness that made him feel like a fairy and spotless.

Even Beitang Lanyou couldn't help but be overwhelmed by his demeanor at this moment, and stared at him blankly.The heart also jumped up a little uncontrollably.

What's more, she suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to lift the mask he had covered her face.

After the masked man got off the carriage, he walked towards the yard.

Until the man completely disappeared from Beitang Lanyou's sight, Beitang Lanyou still didn't recover.

Beitang Siyi, who was being hugged by her, waited for a long while, but didn't see any reaction from Beitang Lanyou, so she couldn't help stretching out her hand, and gently poked Beitang Lanyou.

Didn't his mother lie here just because she didn't want to be discovered?
But now that everyone has left, why doesn't his mother move?Could there be some hidden master somewhere that he didn't discover?Beitang Siyi thought about it, and then looked around, there was really nothing...

Why are you still motionless without his mother?Beitang Siyi couldn't help feeling a little confused.


(End of this chapter)

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