Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 483 Mrs. Fu Yi 04

Chapter 483 Mrs. Fu Yi 04
Beitang Lanyou suddenly remembered that Beitang Siyi had said before that Fu Yi's face was completely ruined and looked ferocious, that's why he put on that golden mask.

Could it be because of his face that he didn't come back to find himself?However, he should know that what she cares about is never her appearance!

No, no, Beitang Lanyou felt that if this man was really Jing Yi, there must be other reasons why he didn't go back to Lingshan to find her.

But what is the reason?

With all kinds of questions in his heart, Beitang Lanyou suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to look at the situation in the room.

But seeing that woman heard Fu Yi's words, she couldn't hold back her anger anymore.She suddenly stood up from Fu Yi, and looked at Fu Yi with resentment on her face: "Brother Yi, why are you doing this to me? Why?"

Facing Ruxue's questioning, Fu Yi just looked at her quietly with a hint of sadness in his eyes, neither spoke nor refuted.

This expression made Ruxue's heart more and more angry, she looked at Fu Yi with red eyes, and then said: "Brother Yi, even if you fell off the cliff and lost your memory because of the people from Lingshan, but , no matter what, I am your wife! Even if you can't remember the past, this is an indelible fact. But why? Why have you never touched me since you woke up? Why?!"

Beitang Lanyou listened to these words, but something was ready to come out from the bottom of her heart!Some of the doubts in her mind just now finally got some explanations.

Now, she is sure that the two people in this room must be Jing Yi and Fu Ruxue.

The reason why Jing Yi didn't go back to Lingshan to look for her after falling off the cliff; the reason why he didn't react when he heard Beitang Siyi's name;

Just because he lost his memory, Fu Ruxue made up a story.

The story probably goes like this: five years ago, Fu Yi was chased and killed by people from Lingshan, and was forced to fall off a cliff, thus losing his memory.And she, Fu Ruxue, was his wife!
Beitang Lanyou could even imagine that Fu Ruxue must have made up for Fu Yi a bloody feud between him and Lingshan, so that he could use Jing Yi to deal with Lingshan and avenge her Fu family, right?

Five years ago, what exactly happened after Jing Yi and Fu Ruxue fell off the Broken Heart Cliff?

Why didn't they die when they fell from such a high heartbroken cliff?

Since they didn't die, what happened to the two bodies of Jing Yi and Fu Ruxue that Mu Qiu and the others found at the bottom of the cliff?

Jing Yi's profound energy is obviously much higher than Fu Ruxue's, so why did Fu Ruxue not suffer any injuries when he fell from such a high place, but Jing Yi, who had a strong profound energy, not only lost his memory but also disfigured him?

Back then, Jing Yi had a strange Gu in his body. Without the blood of the ghost firefox and the antidote, Jing Yi couldn't live for a few months at all.Then who solved the Gu poison on his body?
Now, probably only Fu Ruxue knows the answers to these questions.

Beitang Lanyou thought about what Fu Ruxue said just now. Although Jing Yi lost his memory, he had never touched Fu Ruxue in the past five years. Why?
(End of this chapter)

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