Chapter 521
That afternoon, Jing Yi was resting in his room, when a close aide chased the wind and came in to report to him: "Pavilion Master, someone came just now and said that he wanted to hire us in Zhuge to kill Beitang Siyi!"

Hearing this, Jing Yi's eyes froze, and there was a cold light in his eyes, and a strong murderous aura subconsciously emanated from his whole body.Zhuifeng immediately felt a strong pressure that made him almost out of breath.

He also thought that fortunately he has been with the Pavilion Master these days, knowing that the Pavilion Master likes Beitang Siyi very much.Therefore, when he heard that someone offered money to buy Beitang Siyi's life, he didn't accept it immediately, but came to ask the Pavilion Master.

Otherwise, if you take this order hastily, you really don't know how it will end!
"No!" Jing Yi squeezed out two words between his teeth!
"Yes!" Chasing Wind replied immediately.

"Immediately send someone to keep an eye on the person who came to pay for the murder, and find out who is behind the other party!" Jing Yi said with a dangerous light in his eyes.
Jing Yi is his son. Isn't it ridiculous that someone came to his bamboo pavilion to buy his son's life? !


"Also, send a few masters over there to protect Siyi's safety!" Jing Yi said with a chilly tone: "If something happens to Siyi, none of you will live!"

Although Beitang Siyi was protected by people from Beitang Lanyou and the Beitang family, but he thought that since he found the Zhuge behind the scenes, he wanted to kill Siyi.Even if Zhuge doesn't accept this order, they will definitely think of other ways!
In any case, with his own protection, he can feel more at ease!
However, he couldn't think of who on earth would do such a cruel thing to a child who was less than five years old? !
After hearing the rumors, he was startled.

It was within his expectation that the pavilion master would not accept this business, but he never imagined that the pavilion master loved Beitang Siyi to such an extent that he even sent someone from the pavilion to protect him safe!This... This seems to be too unlike their usual pavilion masters.

But, how could Zhuifeng know that Jing Yi thought Beitang Siyi was his son, how could he watch his son in danger?
Seeing that Zhuifeng was in a daze, Jing Yi rolled his eyes slightly, and his gaze instantly became as cold as ice: "Zhuifeng, didn't you hear clearly what I said just now?"

After hearing the rumors, he immediately came back to his senses, and quickly replied: "I heard you clearly! This subordinate will do it now!" While speaking, a thin layer of sweat had already oozed from his forehead.

Only then did Jing Yi's expression soften a little, he nodded and said: "Go and arrange people to protect Si Yi first, and besides, after the identity of the person behind the scenes is found out, come and report to me immediately!"

He would like to see who is the one who has the guts of a bear and a leopard, and dares to come to move Siyi!
"Yes!" Zhuifeng didn't dare to delay any longer, and after bowing to Jingyi, he immediately exited Jingyi's yard and started to make arrangements.

After chasing the wind, Jing Yi's expression was full of gloom, if he were to find out who wanted to attack Si Yi, he would definitely not let him go!


On the second watch of the night, Jing Yi left his yard, ignored those who were spying on him, summoned his profound energy, and galloped straight in the direction of the Beitang family...

(End of this chapter)

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