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Thinking of this, Fu Ruxue wished to kill Beitang Lanyou.

However, she knew even more clearly in her heart that even if she really had the ability to kill Beitang Lanyou now, she probably wouldn't!Because if Beitang Lanyou died, she herself would not survive!Who told her that only Beitang Lanyou can cure the poison she is suffering from now?
So, facing the revenge of killing her father and her own life, she easily chose her own life!She don't want to die! !

"So there was the incident on the Heartbroken Cliff?" Beitang Lanyou looked at Fu Ruxue with raised eyebrows, recalled the situation at that time, and asked, "You rushed over to Jing Yi at that time, did you do it on purpose?"

"That's right!" Fu Ruxue said, "Above Broken Heart's waist, there is an extremely secret cave. It was discovered by my father by accident, so no one except my father knew about it. At that time, my father After hearing Hiroshi Ito's plan, I also felt that even Brother Yi would not be able to escape to heaven under such a lore. So, my father told me the direction, saying that as long as I can push Jing Yi from the cliff according to that direction If we fall, he will be able to save us! That day, my father and a few cronies stood guard in the cave all the time, when I took advantage of the situation and pushed brother Yi down, I was indeed saved by them!"

"Aren't you afraid that you and Jing Yi would die together if you made a mistake?" Beitang Lanyou asked curiously.

Fu Ruxue was so afraid of death at this time, didn't she know that if she had a slight deviation at that time, she and Jing Yiyi would be sent to Huangquan together?

"My father told me where I'm going to fall, I believe my father!" Fu Ruxue said, paused, her face kept changing, sighed, and said: "Besides, at that time, I felt that if If I can't get Brother Yi, what's the point of me being alive? Even if I really deviate from the direction, then if I can die with Brother Yi, then I am willing!"

When Beitang Lanyou heard the words, she looked at Fu Ruxue with a trace of pity in her eyes.Hey, after all, she was just an infatuated woman at that time!

"I'm very surprised. Why didn't you go to Jing Yi and inform him? If you had told him Hiro Ito's plan directly, maybe Jing Yi would give you credit!" Beitang Lanyou asked strangely in his heart.

When Fu Ruxue heard this, a trace of disdain flashed on the corner of her mouth and she said, "Even if brother Yi gives us credit, so what? Then, I still can't get her! Then, in the end, he will only marry you, and the only one who gets the benefits is You are just Beitang Lanyou! And why do I do such a thing? What I thought at the time was just to grow old with him!"

  "I didn't tell him, just to kill you with Ito Hiroshi!" Fu Ruxue said, looking at Beitang Lanyou with hatred in her eyes: "As long as you die, Brother Yi will not think about you anymore Already!"

Beitang Lanyou couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.Sure enough, once a woman becomes jealous, once she becomes crazy, it is a terrible thing!

"Jing Yi's profound energy is so high, even if you took advantage of his inactivity and pushed him off the cliff. But after you were rescued, how could he let you manipulate him?" Beitang Lanyou asked.

"Of course we know that Brother Yi's profound energy is higher than any of us, so my father asked me to put a medicine on him that would temporarily lose his profound energy when I pushed him off the cliff. Therefore , after he is rescued by us, even if he doesn't want to be manipulated by us, there is nothing he can do!"


(End of this chapter)

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