Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 693: Crazy Revenge 12

Chapter 693: Crazy Revenge 12
The Great Elder received Ito Lin's order, and he squeezed the pliers in his hand and pulled them out forcefully.One nail shell was completely pulled off by him.
As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to hearts!

Everyone knows that if your fingers are pinched, crushed, injured, it will be very painful, it is all because the fingers are connected to the heart!
At this time, the nail of Jing Yi's left little finger had been pulled out by the root with the pliers.He only felt a tearing pain coming from his fingers, straight and straight to his heart.Even he couldn't help but feel a little trembling.And the fingers whose nails had been pulled out suddenly became bloody.

The severe pain stimulated every aspect of Jing Yi's expression, but he didn't cry out.But in his heart he was secretly rejoicing, fortunately Yi Tenglin listened to his words and was attacking him.If this kind of torture is used on Beitang Lanyou, how can she, a delicate woman, endure it?
Come to think of it, Jing Yi is probably the only one in this world who is still secretly thankful after suffering such a heavy burden, right?

Beitang Lanyou looked at Jing Yi's blood-dripping fingers, her heart was already in a mess.

At this moment, how much pain should Jing Yi have?That was his finger!

At this moment, Yi Tenglin said again to the elder: "Elder, continue!"

For some reason, seeing Jing Yiyi's unmoved appearance made him feel uncomfortable!He must make Jing Yi feel unbearable pain and cry out in pain.

The Great Elder received the order and began to pull out Jing Yi's other nails.

One by one, the great elder pulled out the nails one by one. After a while, all five nails on Jing Yi's left hand were pulled off by the great elder.

During this process, Jing Yi never even hummed.However, if you look carefully, you can see that Jing Yi's forehead has already seen fine sweat, and his face has begun to become a little wrinkled.

Looking at Jing Yi like this, Beitang Lanyou couldn't bear it anymore.She turned her head and looked at Ito Lin, her voice trembling slightly: "Ito Lin, what do you have to do to attack me, what kind of hero are you to attack people who have nothing to do with you?"

Yi Tenglin looked at Beitang Lanyou's heartbroken expression, and felt a sense of vengeance in his heart: "Beitang Lanyou, this makes you feel bad? Now do you know that when I saw my father, I My heart hurts thousands of times more than yours now!" As he spoke, a trace of perverted excitement appeared in his eyes, and he continued: "Beitang Lanyou, this is just the beginning, just stand aside and watch slowly! "

Although Jing Yi's performance made him feel a little unhappy, but Beitang Lanyou's performance at this time made him very satisfied.It seems that he really made the right move with this move!

He just wanted to destroy Beitang Lanyou's will first, and then torture her body!
"Elder, continue!" Yi Tenglin turned his head, looked at the elder, and said lightly.

"Stop, if you really like pulling out people's nails, come and pull mine!" Beitang Lanyou saw that the pliers in the elder's hand had already clamped the nail of Jing Yi's right hand, and shouted repeatedly.

However, the Great Elder naturally wouldn't listen to Beitang Lanyou.As if he didn't hear her voice at all, with a force on his hand, the nail shell of Jing Yi's right little finger was pulled off.

Beitang Lanyou looked at the nail shell thrown on the ground by the great elder, and seemed to feel that her heart was crushed by the pincers...

(End of this chapter)

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