Peerless Thief: Miss Arrogant Fourth

Chapter 721 Secret Road Trap 17

Chapter 721 Secret Road Trap 17
 Chen Aoran took Ito Hiroshi's severed hand, approached the bloody hand towards the ghost's face, and then dripped all the blood from Ito Hiroshi's severed hand on the ghost's face above.

After Chen Aoran dripped the blood dripping from Ito Hiroshi's hand on the ghost face, the blood fell on the ghost face and was immediately absorbed by the ghost face.

After all, Ito Hiroshi is dead, even if he cut off Ito Hiroshi's hand, there is still not much blood that can flow out of it.

Seeing that the blood dripping from the broken hand in his hand was getting less and less, he immediately turned his head and said to Ximen Luqing: "Qing'er, the blood dripping from this hand is almost gone, hurry up!" Cut off his other hand and give it to me!"

When Ximen Luqing heard the words, she didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately stepped forward, with a knife in her hand, cut off Ito Hao's other hand, and handed it to Chen Aoran.

Chen Aoran took Ito Hiroshi's other severed hand, took it directly, and then threw away the severed hand with almost no blood.Use the one you just took over, and continue to drip blood on the ghost's face.

When the blood from Ito Hiroshi's second severed hand was about to run out, the ghost face had already sucked enough blood, and it began to turn a demonic red.

Seeing this, Chen Aoran threw away Ito Hiroshi's other ear, and then nodded to the two eyes on the ghost face.

As soon as Chen Aoran pressed his hand, he saw an incomparably powerful red light appear on the ghost's face, which pierced the eyes of several people in the cave.

A red light shot out from above the ghostly face, majestic, and shot straight into the sky.

Even Beitang Lanyou and the others were shocked when they saw this situation.Beitang Lanyou couldn't help thinking inwardly, in the current situation, has this formation been opened, or has it failed?

At this moment, Chen Aoran turned his head, glanced at everyone, and said: "It seems that we have not made a mistake in our bet, this formation has already been opened!"

When Beitang Lanyou and the others heard the words, they felt relaxed in their hearts.

At the same time, in the Ito family.

After Ito Lin and others put Beitang Lanyou and others into the underground formation, they began to clean up other matters of the Ito family and deal with the injuries of several elders.At the same time, if Ito Hiroshi fell into the formation, he would die no matter what.He is a person who has contributed to the Ito family, and he is the father of the head of the family, Ito Lin. Since it is confirmed that he is dead, they naturally have to prepare for his funeral.

The underground formation is the secret of the Ito family, and it will be activated only when the Ito family is in extreme danger.For so many years, they are the first time to start this formation.And the power of that formation, as the head of the family, Yi Tenglin is naturally clear in his heart.The five elders also understood in their hearts.

Therefore, after watching Beitang Lanyou and the others fall, they didn't feel that Beitang Lanyou and the others could come out alive.Because of this, they never even planned to rob and kill Beitang Lanyou and the others.

And as Beitang Lanyou's mother and son fell together with Ito Hiroshi, all the things they had prepared for the ghost festival before naturally fell through.

However, at this moment, they saw the red light soaring into the sky.Seeing that red light go straight into the sky, all of their faces changed...

(End of this chapter)

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