Chapter 731
After listening to Beitang Lanyou's words, Jing Yi thought about it, but he still didn't understand.

Then the Ito family suffered such a big loss at their hands, how could they let them go like this?Therefore, if they got any information about Beitang Lanyou's whereabouts, they would definitely come to stop them.

According to Ito Lin's hatred for Beitang Lanyou and the others, he will definitely attack them.

Today, although the Ito family is now being suppressed by the Red Sun Kingdom, the Ito Family is a century-old family after all. Even if the Red Sun Kingdom royal family wants to deal with them, it is not possible to bring them down in a day or two.But in the Red Sun Country, if the Ito family wanted to deal with them, it would be easy for them.

Although all eight of them have tenth-level strength, Jing Yi still doesn't understand why Beitang Lanyou did this.Doing so will not only expose their whereabouts to the Red Sun Kingdom, but also make their actions passive.

In this case, it would be easier for them to stay and deal with the Ito family in secret.

"Youyou..." Jing Yi looked at Beitang Lanyou and frowned slightly.

Seeing this, Beitang Lanyou naturally understood the doubts in Jing Yi's mind.She looked at Jing Yi and said, "Yi, I know you have doubts in your heart, but I did this to make the Ito family take action!"

When Jing Yi heard the words, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized.

"Youyou, you want them to take action so that Xuanyuanjue and the others have an excuse to take action against the Red Sun Kingdom?" Jing Yi looked at Beitang Lanyou, although he was asking a question, his tone was full of affirmation.
Beitang Lanyou heard the words, nodded, and said: "That's right!" She paused, and then said: "Today, Nangong Zimei and the others are going into the palace. The emperor of the Red Sun Kingdom must be aware of the current situation. The situation of the Red Sun Country, therefore, wants to win over Xuanyuan Jue and Chen Aoran. However, you also know that the ultimate goal of Nangong Zimei and the others coming to the Red Sun Country with us is not to form an alliance with the Red Sun Country. Now we Now that we are going back, we have to find a way to let the Red Sun Kingdom break this agreement by themselves. And once the Ito family takes action against Xuanyuan Jue and Chen Aoran, then we can use this as an excuse to deal with the Red Sun The country sends troops!" Said, Beitang Lanyou paused, a gleam flashed in his eyes, looked at Jing Yi, and then said: "Yi, don't forget, those cannons I asked Qinger to bring It has never come in handy!"

Ximen Luqing heard the words, looked at Beitang Lanyou, smiled and said: "Youyou, you are really insidious!"

When Beitang Lanyou heard the words, he was not ashamed, but rather proud, and said: "Naturally! Since the Ito family dares to touch my children and men, then they must pay the price!" Beitang Lanyou looked at it. Looking at Xuanyuanjue and Chen Aoran, he said again: "Besides, this will be of great benefit to the Kingdom of the Stars and the Kingdom of the Moon! You all know the ambition of the Red Sun Kingdom, and you can use this as an excuse to kill the Red Sun Kingdom." The annihilation of the Japanese kingdom can also eliminate your worries. Why would we not do such a thing that achieves multiple goals in one fell swoop?"

Xuanyuanjue heard the words and looked at Beitang Lanyou, with a flash of admiration in his eyes: "That's right, such a good thing, we can't let it go!"

Naturally, Chen Aoran had no reason to object to such a matter, so this matter was settled like this...

(End of this chapter)

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