734 The Finale 03
And after more than [-] days of fighting between the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom and the Ito family, no one has won much favor.Most of them are fighting in a way of injuring the enemy ten thousand and self-defeating eight thousand.

However, in this war of imperial power, no matter whether it is the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom or the Ito family, they have become invincible, and no one can stop at this moment.It has really become an endless trend.

Regarding the current situation of the Red Sun Kingdom, Beitang Lanyou and the others naturally knew it well.However, they didn't intend to do it at this time.They wanted to wait for the Ito family and the Royal Family of the Red Sun Kingdom to decide the outcome before attacking them.And at that time, when the strength of the Red Sun Country was weakest, it was the most beneficial time for them.

Therefore, Beitang Lanyou and the others sat on the boat. Although they left the pier, they did not leave immediately. They stopped after meeting the twenty ships with cannons in the waters a hundred miles away from the Red Sun Country.Quietly waiting for the best time to come.

Of course, although they are staying at sea now, it is not that they have done nothing.Long after they made up the plan, Beitang Lanyou sent Xiaofeng to convey Xuanyuanjue's order to let the [-] sailors and [-] infantry that had been prepared in Binzhou immediately face the soldiers before they left. The Red Sun Kingdom advances.

Therefore, after Beitang Lanyou and the others stayed at sea for nearly a month, the [-] troops from the Kingdom of the Moon rushed over to join Xuanyuanjue and the others.
For the past two months, the Red Sun Country has been in the midst of a struggle between the royal family and the Ito family. Therefore, the [-] troops from the Moon Country came secretly, but the Red Sun Country didn't seem to notice it at all.Or someone found out, but didn't attract their attention.

However, no matter what, the arrival of these troops has indeed greatly increased Xuanyuan Jue's strength.

On the tenth day after Xuanyuan Jue and the others joined up with the [-] troops he had dispatched, the people they had left behind in the Red Sun Country to inquire about news sent back news that the nearly two-month civil strife in the Red Sun Country had finally come to an end. up.However, to everyone's surprise, the Ito family, whose strength was obviously three points weaker than the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom, won the final victory of this civil strife.

Moreover, when the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom was about to push the Ito family into desperation, they suddenly launched a big counterattack, and finally won the victory of this civil strife.

For such a result, Beitang Lanyou and the others were also a little puzzled.

According to their estimates, the civil strife will not end for at least a few months.And they always thought that the final victory would belong to the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom, and everything before was proceeding in the direction they expected.However, they never imagined how it was possible for the Ito family to destroy the royal family of the Red Sun Kingdom at the last moment.Could it be that Lin Ito hid the strength of the Ito family before, just for the last big counterattack?

Beitang Lanyou and the others wanted the informant they left behind to obtain clearer information, but the information they got disappointed them.Because they can't figure out anything at all.

However, considering the two-month battle between the Ito family and the royal family in the Red Sun Kingdom, the strength of all aspects has been greatly reduced, and the strength of the Red Sun Kingdom has reached the weakest point...

(End of this chapter)

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