Arad's Sword

Chapter 100 Battle Formation Versus Squad

Chapter 100 Battle Formation Versus Squad

"Impossible to win." Midi shook her head and directly gave a very definite answer.

And just as Midi said, Fina was indeed just surprised for a moment, and then she used her own magic power to launch a counterattack, so the last efforts of Odell and Irene were defeated in an instant.

The widely circulated saying in Eagle's Nest that "Fina will go berserk in 3 minutes" is actually caused by the difference in the source of magic power supply.

In the beginning, Fina would only use the magic power wandering in the air of the arena to attack, and when the magic power was exhausted, she would turn to use her own pure and condensed magic power. The quality of the two kinds of magic power differed greatly, naturally The effect of the attack is also completely different.

But this time, because Odell's team configuration almost gave up defense, and the tactics were completely counter-attack, so, the magic power in the arena was exhausted ahead of time, and the time for Fina to use her own magic power was earlier.

And because of this, the battle naturally ended much faster.

"19 minute and [-] seconds?" Odell knelt on the ground, panting heavily, and looked at the final score.

She still remembered that before the battle, the Queen of Magic Bullets said "You will win after 3 minutes", but now, it's not even half the time.

It seems that the strength of the Morning Star Mercenary Group is still far behind their own strength.

Thinking of this, Odell's expression suddenly dimmed.With such achievements under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if he joins the Falcon Group, he probably has no future to speak of, right?It's better to leave here and continue to accumulate experience and improve strength silently.

However, just when the half-elf was thinking about failure so dejectedly, the red-haired girl had already walked in front of her and extended her hand in a friendly manner.

"It's a good game." The red-haired girl smiled and commented.

Playing well?

For a moment, Odell thought that the other party was mocking her.

But at the next moment, the applause that sounded in the arena was not enthusiastic, but sustained enough, which proved that this was definitely not a taunt.

Seeing the smile of the Queen of Magic Bullets, listening to the applause from the stands, and recalling the tacit understanding between Midi and the girl that no one else could interfere with, Odell had mixed feelings for an instant.

"I can use up all the magic power in the arena. You have already proved your strength." Fina explained, "No one will question you in the entire Eagle's Nest. The only thing to do next is to accumulate more magic power." Contribute."

"Please advise me more." Taking a deep breath, Odell replied, with strong fighting spirit surging in her eyes again.

The road ahead must be very long, but after meeting Midi and coming to Eagle's Nest, Odell is probably very satisfied now, from a frog in a well watching the sky to a bird soaring in the sky.

Then, the only thing to do is to flap its wings vigorously, and then catch up with Midi's back.

The half-elf secretly made up his mind in his heart.

The Morning Star mercenaries proved themselves, and next, it was the turn of Kelvin's mountain wolf mercenaries.

However, compared to the first group entry test, the battle of Mountain Wolf is much bigger.The preparation process alone took more than half an hour.

Because what is going to happen next is a small battle of a hundred people against a hundred people!
Mountain Wolf spent a lot of time, and finally selected ten high-level, well-equipped and well-coordinated squads, and combined them into a hundred-man brigade.The one in charge is naturally the leader of the mountain wolf mercenary group himself, a level 40 magician, Kelvin.

On the Falcon Regiment's side, the formation had already been formed, because the opponent was a real centurion in a real army - an elite guard brigade with all members at level 25.This centurion is composed entirely of veterans, who had played a considerable role in the previous noble wars. At this time, it is a sharp knife under the command of Bartram, the chief knight of the Asrex family, and will not be deployed easily.

But now, this centurion is not only dispatched, but the commander is not Butland, but Midi himself!
On one side is the first-class mercenary group with excellent reputation, known as the mountain wolf who is the best at battle among adventurers.On the other side, there is the recognized genius commander Midi Asrex and the real elite army.

Even Eagle's Nest, which is as prosperous as Hutton Marr, has never seen such a big battle before.

It is rare luck for any adventurer to witness such a test with his own eyes.And when the two sides opened their battles, the fighting factors in the adventurers in the stands were even more stimulated. Before the battle, the surging emotions were already ignited.

It's just that the situation of the game has become somewhat chaotic because of this never-before-seen situation.

"Mi Di Sheng, it must be Mi Di Sheng, that kid is a real genius, and he has an elite army! 100 contribution points, I will fight this time!" Some adventurers howled immediately, and made a heavy bet with great excitement .

"Midi himself doesn't leave the field, he just takes command. Besides, what about the elite army? Their average level is only 25. On the mountain wolf side, they are all high-level adventurers above level 30 at least. I don't know who will die. .” Amidst the chaos, there were some minds who remained calm.

"Hey, data can't replace everything. Just look at the aura of their army, it's murderous! I trust my instincts." Some people spit and hype.

"Oh? You're so sure, how much do you plan to bet?" The dealer finally spoke impatiently.

"Intuition tells me, 10 contribution points..." The voice of the answer suddenly dropped.

In the stands, passion and chaos were intertwined, but Midi's side was calm.

Just like that, the black-haired boy went to the command tower to fight, and there was a sense of power in it.The strong wind blew the gravel on the ground, blowing up his hair and the corners of his clothes. For a moment, it seemed to give people a strong sense of oppression as the God of War descended from the sky.

"Don't think too much, just think of it as killing the Minotaur, or dealing with bandits." Midi said calmly.

"Yes, my lord!" The centurion captain, a tall and heavily armored paladin, replied loudly, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

The conversation between the two was very casual, but the voice was not low, and it was transmitted to the stands in its entirety, and even passed into the ears of the adventurers from the mountain wolf group on the opposite side.

The mountain wolf group suddenly became passionate.

They had fought side by side with Midi, so they naturally recognized Midi's strength and genius.However, comparing the Mountain Wolf, which is a first-class mercenary regiment, to those muscle-minded Minotaurs, or those courageous robbers who only know how to rely on the strong to bully the weak, completely angered these adventurers.

In an instant, the anger of the mountain wolf group was also quickly ignited, and then a big fire broke out.

However, Kelvin, who was also standing on the command tower, was secretly grateful to Midi.

Originally, the members of the Mountain Wolf team were a little nervous - surrounded by so many people in the arena, once they lost badly, not only would they not be able to enter the Falcon Group, their reputation would also be lost, and it might even become a joke.All kinds of concerns make them a little bit reluctant to let go.

But Midi's provocation ignited their fighting spirit, so naturally they would no longer be nervous, and they might even perform beyond their level.

"Squads, assault!" Taking advantage of the moment when morale was at its peak, Kelvin decisively issued an order.

At the same time, Midi also waved the command flag, causing the army formation to slowly spread out, slowly pressing down like an iron wall.

For the convenience of testing, all soldiers wore a black robe over their armor, and replaced their weapons with black wooden sticks.The mountain wolf is the opposite, using white robes and white wooden sticks.

As soon as the two sides moved like this, a piece of deep black and a piece of bright white approached each other, giving people a strong impression both visually and imposingly.And soon, in the not-so-big arena, black and white came into contact, and where they intersected, fierce sparks burst out.

The black army formation is always a whole, no matter whether it is advancing or retreating, it is uniform and has no flaws.The white mountain wolf, however, was like an unpredictable tide, constantly changing its position. Each team attacked separately, but echoed each other, showing the unique tactics of a first-class mercenary group.

All of a sudden, black and white echo each other, and the fight is inextricably linked.

Midi quietly watched the battle from a height, but she was constantly analyzing and evaluating in her heart.

What he evaluated was of course not the mountain wolf. Midi already had a general understanding of the mountain wolf's combat effectiveness during the adventures of the Elven King's Court.At this moment, what Midi really wants to know is the possibility of the "corps of adventurers".

That's why he specially transferred the elite under Bartram's command.

That's why he will personally take command.

That's why there was the provocation just now.

All to understand what happens when real armies fight groups of adventurers.

After all, although Midi is commanding an army at the moment, the final form of the Falcon Group is a legion composed of a large number of adventurers. Regional adventures must also be able to carry out intelligence warfare and reconnaissance warfare, and in the end, it must be able to condense into a fist, a sharp sword, and face all kinds of enemies on the real battlefield.

In the previous life, although the Falcon Group was well-known, they did not really fight alone many times. Midi's commander quality gradually emerged in the process of many times of attaching to other countries and fighting against the Delos Empire.

Afterwards, with Fina's death, the Falcon Group gradually disintegrated and absorbed many soldiers, but they could no longer be regarded as a pure team of adventurers.

Therefore, even if she has the experience of rebirth, in this life, in order to establish the brand new and powerful Falcon Group in Fina's mind, Midi must move forward while groping.

Although the current test is nothing, Midi doesn't want to let go of any chance.

Every time you learn a little bit, learn a little bit, and master a little bit, you will be able to make the Falcon Group stronger in the future, until it is enough to become the mainstay in the turmoil of the Principality of Belle Mare, and one day, it will be enough to face the Delos Empire army.

The so-called strength is accumulated bit by bit like this.

The warm-up is almost done, and next, it should be serious.

After nearly ten minutes of fighting, Midi finally raised the command flag in his hand again.

The battle flag was waved, and there was only one order expressed—forced assault!
The momentum of the black army formation skyrocketed in an instant. The soldiers who were originally on the defensive and fighting steadily launched a charge in an instant.

The white mountain wolf was on the verge of collapse.

 The situation of the DNF rematch is tense, frantically begging for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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