Arad's Sword

Chapter 113 The Lost Inheritance

Chapter 113 The Lost Inheritance

As soon as this weapon named Thunder Whip appeared, it completely controlled the situation.

The long whip doesn't look long, but it's not a substance, but is made of energy like a lightsaber. When Martin swung it, the magic power injected into it was enough to make it stretch out to a terrifying length of tens of meters. A radius of tens of meters is completely covered in it.

Seen from a distance, the waving light whip brought up a large billowing thundercloud, and the field suddenly became dark. Not to mention people entering, even the dust was smashed to pieces, and the air was torn apart.

Not only that, but the more frightening thing about this trick is that the momentum is continuous, one whip after another, and there is no time to stop.Coupled with Martin's proud speed, amidst the flying dust, the lightning, thunder, and murderous intent almost merged into one, with no gap at all.

Facing the billowing thundercloud, Midi could only retreat again and again, and switched back to a defensive posture.It's just that this time he didn't fight back for defense, but because he was completely suppressed.

However, despite finally occupying an overwhelming advantage, facing the wild cheers in the arena and looking at the opposite opponent who is struggling, Martin's mood is not good at all.

He is a very proud person, and he always thinks that he must be the strongest.

But at this moment, he was forced to play his trump card first!
He knew very well that although Midi was being suppressed now, it was just because he didn't use his ultimate move!
None of these people in the arena had seen the extremely stunning sword at the family meeting, but Martin had.Although now I have the upper hand relying on the unusual weapon of the Thunder Whip and the special skill of controlling the whip, but when Midi is also forced out of that terrifying sword energy, what will happen to the situation?

Martin didn't know, but he knew one thing. At this moment, Midi hadn't done his best, but he had already done his best.

For this alone, in the eyes of the proud and arrogant Martin, he has already lost.

This made him feel extremely bad, so, at least, let this opponent who forced him to lose his elegance and restraint pay the price in blood.

In the eyes of everyone, killing the opponent in the battle of reputation is not flattering, but this does not prevent him from "slipping" and then removing one of Midi's arms and thighs, or simply severing the opponent's spine to paralyze him lifelong.

And now, that's exactly what Martin is determined to do.

Only in this way, only by completely making this idiot who appeared out of nowhere and wanted to stand next to the little princess Fina lose part of his body forever, can he calm down his anger.

As for that earth-shattering sword, Martin didn't intend to let the opponent use it at all.

Now that he has taken the lead, he must maintain his advantage to the end!
Making up his mind, Martin whipped out another whip while waving his hand.This time he exerted all his strength, and saw that the white sand under his feet even floated and rolled due to the huge reaction force, like countless ripples on the surface of a calm lake.

There was a crisp sound of "Pa!", as if a thunderbolt had been struck in mid-air.

Then came the second, the third...

The shadow of the whip was like weaving, and a series of deafening bangs made the air completely boil.Midi felt an overwhelming force coming towards him. This force was so strong that he didn't dare to take it head-on, so he could only fly backwards along the momentum of this huge force.

Under the overwhelming attack like a storm, Midi couldn't help but think of the three tireless female ghost swords under the command of the "Hand of Nightmare", and recalled the incomparable suffocation when facing the roaming dark elf gunmen oppression.At this moment, Martin Hamilton, known as "Fencing No.1", brought the same feeling.

Powerful, dangerous, and breathless.

This is the coercion of a real strong man when he exerts his strength!

However, what really aroused Midi's heart was not the tyranny and domineering on the other side, but the whip and Martin's way of controlling the whip.

There is no doubt that this is the "lost inheritance"!
The so-called lost inheritances are those inheritances that obviously possessed extremely powerful power in the long river of history and have not yet met their nemesis, but due to many coincidences and accidents, they were completely destroyed before reaching the peak in the end.And the whipping method used by Martin in front of him is obviously one of them.

In the previous life, Midi had heard that the Hamilton family had several powerful inheritances, one of which was the Dragon Whip Technique, which was specially used by Soul Sword.

This kind of whip technique is a variant of the lightsaber sword technique, but it has unique characteristics, possessing terrifying power and an unstoppable attack method.When the Delos Empire invaded, the masters under the command of the Iron-Blooded Duke even relied on this whip technique to kill a whole piece of the imperial army in the final defense of the capital.

However, no matter how strong the inheritance is, it cannot match the general trend.With the complete fall of the Principality of Belle Mare and the disintegration of the Hamilton family, those inheritances have also become extinct, either scattered in the troubled times, or simply destroyed by the Hamilton family.

For the Falcon Group in that life, for Fina and Midi who lost a lot, it was not only a pity, but also a pain in the heart.

But now, immersed in the depths of memory, the inheritance that has never been witnessed is right in front of him at this moment.

Not only in front of your eyes, but also displayed by a master.

In an instant, countless thoughts turned in Midi's heart.

In the extremely fierce battle, even Midi can't be distracted too much, but one thing is certain - he must do whatever it takes to win!
Only by winning can you give the fencing branch, which has always been arrogant, a blow to the head.

Only by winning can Gu Lienin and the "Fencing No. 1" in front of him lower their noble heads.

Only by winning can Fina and herself have enough voice, and use this as an opportunity to try to obtain those powerful inheritances from the seven branches!

If it is said that the purpose of Midi's participation in the battle of honor before was to integrate the seven branches so that the Hamilton family would not be disintegrated in the civil war, then now, Midi's purpose has been added—to allow herself, Fina, and The Falcons are getting stronger!

Because of this, Midi, who originally didn't plan to use the ultimate hole card, but planned to rely on experience and the advantages of all four elements to grind the opponent to death little by little, now no longer intends to hold back, but wants to completely Win with true strength and crush your opponent's confidence!

Having made up her mind, Midi's black eyes suddenly ignited a cold silver flame.The next moment, he turned into an afterimage, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed up against the wave of thunder created by the whip.

There was no splashing of blood, and no heavy impact. With the support of the extreme intention flowing all over the body, the seemingly ordinary Heitian sword in Midi's hand stabbed out like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, and every stab was extremely accurate. It hit the whip shadow that even the naked eye could not catch!

In an instant, the mighty light whip, like being hit by a seven-inch poisonous snake, was bounced away with a mournful cry. In the originally airtight attack, a large and shocking blank was instantly torn open.

"What!" Shock flashed in Martin's eyes.

He couldn't believe that his whip would be swung away, how could this be possible?

This hand breaking the army and raising the dragon whip is a unique skill of the fencing branch, and even the "golden branch" as the backbone cannot touch it.

The Iron-Blooded Duke tried to snatch this inheritance more than once, and even forced several fencing leaders to step down for this reason, but even so, this inheritance is still tightly held in the hands of the fencing branch, and there is no rumor so far, its preciousness can be seen Obviously, the degree of secrecy is unimaginable.

In other words, Martin can assert that it is definitely the first time that Midi has seen Po Jun Sheng Long Whip today.

The first time I saw it, I was able to predict the trajectory of the Thunder Whip, and then block it with the sword with incomparable accuracy. How is this possible?

For the first time, Martin, who claimed to be a genius, felt an uncontrollable shock and fear deep in his heart.

But this fencing No.1 actually didn't know, and Midi never made any predictions at all.

Regardless of whether it was in the previous life or in this life, it was indeed the first time for Midi to see the Dragon Whip of Breaking the Army and Rising the Dragon. No matter how wide-eyed and talented the understanding is, of course it is impossible to see through it at a glance. Even the Iron-Blooded Duke is thinking about it. What kind of powerful inheritance is it if it can be seen through at a glance?
There is actually only one thing Midi did, and that was to make her speed faster than Martin.

At this moment, the ultimate intention in Midi's body was circulating crazily, and it rang and vibrated together with the mysterious ghost on his left arm.Driven with all his strength, what he brought was an incomparably keen sense of five sense organs, as well as extraordinary physical fitness.

Martin may be fast, but the Thunder Whip in his hand is even faster.

But Midi is the fastest.

After all, he even blocked the bullets of the Dark Elf Roaming Gunner. In comparison, this Thunder Whip is fast, but at least there are traces to follow. How can it be compared with the invisible bullets?

The opponent is good at speed, and Midi directly suppresses the opponent from the speed, which is the most domineering method.

Therefore, Martin's proud hole card, the Breaking Army and Rising Dragon Whip Technique, was simply broken.

Because compared to this hole card, the extreme intention, which is rare in a thousand years, is obviously much stronger!
This is real power suppression.

At this moment, Midi has entered a state of extremely concentrated attention, just like predicting the bullet of the Dark Elf, all his attention has also been concentrated on Martin.

Whether it's the change of steps, the gesture of holding the whip, the movement of muscles, the location of the eyes, or other things, all of them are under Midi's eyes at this moment.Coupled with the oppressive speed, no matter how powerful Martin's whip was, it still couldn't block Midi's attack.

The curtain woven by lightning was finally torn open in front of Midi's sharp knife.

The next moment, Midi took a step forward, turned the Heitian sword in his hand over the blade, lightly removed the whip that was whipped in front of him, and then pressed down, the exquisite hilt tilted at an angle, and clasped the slender sword. the whip.And the holder of the Black Sky Sword himself quickly rushed forward again, and the heavy round handle held upside down hit the bridge of Martin's nose fiercely, and a pool of blood spurted out from the completely collapsed nose after a few seconds. The eyes of this arrogant Hamilton family genius were bloodshot.

"Fencing No.1" is hit!
Immediately, there was an uproar!
 The result of the first order yesterday was not bad, better than expected, thank you for your support, continue to ask for tickets O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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