Arad's Sword

Chapter 123 One Person, One Rider

Chapter 123 Two People Riding Together

Flowing Water County was captured?
Yes, of course it should be taken.The lackeys of the Seth family, the ignorant Black Flame Legion, and the stupid and conceited General Scar should all be kicked out of Hamilton's sacred territory.

However, shouldn't Hamilton and even the strongest Golden Branch Legion in the Principality do this by themselves, and then win the highest glory?
Why now, it suddenly became Midi? Asrex's record?

After all, with a mere 2 cavalry, how on earth are they going to conquer an important town with [-] people stationed there?
In an instant, the brains of all the generals were short-circuited.

They looked at the scout captain in front of them for a while, looked at each other, and looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say, so that the scene suddenly fell into silence.As for the scout captain, he could only accept the baptism of the sharp eyes of the generals with his head down, and waited for the order with his head down and sweating.

"This matter is too weird, you should check again immediately..." After a long while, a general finally came to his senses and said with an embarrassed expression on his face.

However, before he could finish the order, some frontline scouts returned to the central army formation.This time, there was still a whole team of ten scouts.

"We saw the flag of the Hamilton family on the bell tower in Flowing County." The scout at the head said, and the nine around nodded at the same time to show that they were absolutely right.

The general who asked for reconfirmation just now shook his body suddenly, as if he had been hit by an invisible sledgehammer, and his face became extremely pale.

"This may also be the scheme of the Black Flame Legion! Pretend that Liushui County has fallen, lure us into the encirclement, and then ambush us!" Another general stepped forward and speculated.

This speculation is somewhat logical, so it has been recognized by other people.

It's not that the general should ignore the scouts, or even because of their hostility and fear of Midi, but because the capture of Liushui County with 2000 people is so outrageous that no one thinks it will be a reality.

But at this moment, more scouts returned to the main formation, and brought information about Liushui County for the third time.

"We have already contacted the garrison in Liushui County. They are colleagues from the [-]st Cavalry Battalion of the Golden Branch Army. There is no problem with their identities. They are now making preparations. Lord Midi said that they will personally welcome the arrival of the Patriarch." The third wave The scout reports like this.

The thoughts of the generals suddenly fell into a blank.

Could it be that Liushui County, that important town with [-] Black Flame Legion stationed there, was really defeated like this?
How is this possible... How is this possible!

The generals shouted and roared in their hearts, but the field was silent.

The three waves of scouts stood in place, and they could not leave without an order, but standing like this seemed extremely embarrassing.However, the only person with a clear mind and the most qualified to issue orders, Fina Hamilton, just watched all this with a smile, without saying anything.

It was as if the audience who had read the script had already expected this scene.

After a long while, a voice that tried to appear calm but still trembling finally rang out.

"Accelerate the march! But remember to stay vigilant!" Clarke, the leader of the Golden Branch Army, issued an order with a straight face, trying to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart.

Seeing is believing, he must see all this with his own eyes!For this standard soldier, this was the only thought left in his mind, and it happened to be what everyone present, from scouts to generals, wanted to do.

And when the army of 3 people finally advanced to the city of Liushui County, no matter what kind of doubts and suspense they had, they all disappeared at this moment.

The south gate of Flowing Water County was wide open, and a thousand cavalry from the Golden Branch Legion lined up in two neat rows, waiting for the arrival of the main force and the inspection by the acting Patriarch Fina Hamilton.They are by no means a trap by the Black Flame Legion, because many knights in the main force have already recognized those familiar comrades in the queue, not only that, but they also saw the excitement and excitement on the faces of these cavalrymen. , and that pride full of glory.

It seems a little different from a week ago.Many people have such an idea.

It’s just that I didn’t see him for a short week, and it’s just that I stayed for seven days under the hands of Midi, who was regarded as a lunatic, a little boy, a soft rice, and a fake genius. These cavalry have given people a completely different feeling. felt it.Whether it's posture, spirit, or even eyes, it seems that there have been obvious changes, as if he has begun to look like a master of all battles.

However, this seems to be taken for granted, because these cavalry defeated 2000 people with 2 people, captured Flowing Water County with their own hands, and won the first real battle of the Civil War of the Principality of Belle Mare.

And the commander who led them to victory in this miraculous battle was at the forefront of the team.

The black-haired and black-eyed boy carries a heavy sword on his back, and under his crotch is a vigorous and huge blood-toothed leopard. The cold wind blows his fur coat, like an unfailing banner, or like an eagle about to soar. , Looking from a distance, it can't help but make everyone's eyes shine.

Seeing the arrival of the main force, Midi immediately patted his mount, and the blood-toothed leopard rushed over like the wind with four paws.

The aura emanating from the bloodthirsty beast, coupled with Midi's aggressive aura, immediately made the entire phalanx involuntarily make way for him.

One person, one ride, and soon arrived at the central formation.

At this moment, after confirming with their own eyes the fact that Liushui County was taken back, the generals remained silent, looking at the young man who had brought them a brilliant victory with extremely complicated eyes. Even Clark, who had always been calm and reserved, was just Standing there blankly, completely lost the arrogance and demeanor of the past.

It was this kid who was regarded by them as a bad boy, who was soft-fed, young, and was once a dude, whose level was only level 36, who won a victory that they dared not even dream about.

Soldiers always respect strength.

Although the generals of the Golden Branch Legion had their eyes high above the top and their attitudes were arrogant, it was because their own strength was indeed at the pinnacle of the Principality.

But now, facing a commander who was stronger than them, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Midi didn't strike up a conversation with these generals either, but got off her mount and went straight to Fina.

He leaned his left hand behind his back, put his right hand on his left shoulder, bowed deeply, and performed a flawless knight salute. Then he took a step forward and said concisely: "Your city, I have taken it back!" .”

The red-haired girl smiled, and in an instant, she was overwhelmed.Not to mention Midi, even the generals are a little dazed at the moment—it turns out that my protagonist is not just strong, not just a beautiful but budding girl, but full of such feminine charm?
"Okay, take me to have a look." Fina said.

Without waiting for Midi to answer, she stepped forward and walked up to the huge blood-toothed leopard.

The blood-toothed leopard clearly sensed the powerful power contained in the petite girl in front of him. It crawled cautiously, as well-behaved as a cat.Obviously, this kind of deliberately pleasing move made Fina very satisfied.The girl rubbed the head of the Bloodfang Leopard vigorously, then leaped lightly and landed on its back, slightly forward.

Is this for two people to share a ride?
Midi's heart skipped a beat.

Joy was taken for granted, but he was also a little worried.

After all, for the patriarch of a wealthy family, maintaining majesty and distance, and creating a fair and just image are the only ways to control the family. Just like the Iron-Blooded Duke, what a high-ranking person needs is not a kind conversation. It is awe, admiration and trust without reason.

But now, in front of the [-] troops and the rebellious generals of the Golden Branch Legion, Fina showed her kindness and favoritism to herself without any hesitation.

This will undoubtedly cause some adverse effects, making people doubt whether she is fair, mature, or willful like a little girl?
"What are you thinking about, come up." Suddenly, Fina's words interrupted Midi's thinking.The red-haired girl looked at the black-haired boy with a smile, and held out her hand.

That sweet smile completely relieved Midi.

That's right, so what if you are suspected?It wouldn't be Fina Hamilton if she was afraid of other people's evaluation and stares and kept her feet on the ground.The magic bullet queen that Midi knows is always a woman who does not know how to compromise, is always free and will not be bound by anything, just like the wind.

So, what is there to worry about?

"It's a great honor!" Midi replied, took Fina's hand, and then jumped up and landed firmly behind the red-haired girl.

Feeling the fragrance of Fina's hair, at this moment, he felt extremely happy.

This situation, in the eyes of the generals, is another scene.

If what Fina showed before was "favoritism" and "support", then at this moment, what she showed was out-and-out "intimacy".Looking at it from another angle, this seems to confirm the gossip that Fina and Midi are lovers.

However, facing Liushui County with its gates wide open in front of them, they could no longer say such words as "little boy" and "eat soft rice", and they couldn't even think about it in their hearts.

Could it be possible that this kid really is a once-in-a-century genius?
The generals all speculated in their hearts, but at this moment, Fina's voice interrupted their thinking.

"What are you doing there? Everyone, follow me and Midi into the city!" The red-haired girl turned her head and said casually, "You must be very curious, how did he defeat [-] defenders with [-] cavalry? Yes, along the way, let Midi explain it to you.”

The next moment, with the long howl of the Bloodfang Leopard, the red hair as beautiful as Bel Mare's autumn maple fluttered in the wind.

Like a ever-victorious banner.

Dazzling, but people can't turn their eyes away.

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(End of this chapter)

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