Arad's Sword

Chapter 129 Annihilation Black Hole

Chapter 129 Annihilation Black Hole
"Hamilton bastards, are you planning to break the city directly!" The moment the emergency report was received, the expressions of the three commanders became extremely serious at the same time.

If only the city wall was hit, there is at least the possibility of repairing it. However, if the city gate was damaged, it would probably take only a few days to be attacked into the city.In normal times, this is nothing. It is just the beginning of a tug-of-war. The two sides will continue to wrestle in the city gate area. However, if they are facing the Golden Branch Army, the result will be completely different.

Because there is Fina Hamilton sitting here.

The rainbow formation can only be used for external defense. Once the city gate is breached, the Queen of Magic Bullets, who is like a humanoid strategic weapon, can directly destroy it from the inside.

Thinking of the powerful magic bullet with a range of more than one kilometer, the faces of several generals turned pale.

Never let Fina Hamilton break through the city gate!

General Scar, the commander of the Flame Guards, and the head of the Cangyan Iron Cavalry reached an unprecedented agreement in an instant.

Six hundred siege machines fired another volley, and the howling fire bombs streaked across the night sky with blood-red arcs, causing dazzling tails of flame.Most of these fireballs were still aimed at the city wall, but a few aimed at the city gate with great precision.

Once these fireballs hit the target, the oil-soaked city gates must have burned immediately, and the fire was impossible to extinguish.Afterwards, those armored spearmen who had already approached attacked again, and they could immediately take down the city gate, thus opening a passage to the interior of Hongguang City for the Queen of Magic Bullets.

However, this time, none of the fire bombs hit the target.

While they were still flying in mid-air, a waterfall-like water curtain fell from the sky in Hongguang City, covering the moonlight and the sky full of stars in an instant. Just a few ripples.

The rainbow array finally activated again.

However, at the same time as this large array was activated, the space suddenly vibrated.The invisible but qualitative magic power surged like a tide at this moment, swirling towards a certain point, and in an instant, a huge magic vortex was formed.

And in the center of this vortex, an incomparably deep and impenetrable darkness appeared.

Not only the magic power itself, but also the objects around the black dot, whether it is a solid city wall, a fireball passing through the air, or magic missiles, arrows, and even the soldiers themselves, seem to have lost the shackles of gravity. attracted by it.

"This is!" General Scar's face suddenly turned pale.

"Annihilating the black hole!" The commander of the Flame Guards narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were full of haze.

The rainbow array can restrain Fina's long-famous magic bullet, but why does the magic bullet queen only have one attack method?At this moment, what Fina displayed was the elementalist's top skill, annihilating the black hole.

However, the black hole cast by ordinary elementalists only affects the surrounding area of ​​about a few hundred meters square, and can only attract and crush ordinary soldiers. If it is a high-level powerhouse, it can easily get rid of that gravitational bondage and quickly Move to a safe area, or even counter the spellcaster.

But at this moment, the annihilation black hole cast by Fina has affected almost half of the city of rainbow light.

This terrifying all-swallowing eye is hovering right above the city wall at this moment, constantly devouring the protective shield created by the rainbow array.Even ordinary soldiers who are extremely insensitive to magic power can feel it at this moment, as if there are invisible air currents being swallowed by the black hole.

Affected by this, the originally majestic curtain of water and light became thinner at this moment. Although it still barely resisted the fire bombs of the siege machinery, the surface became flickering, and cracks even appeared in some places.

Of course, it was impossible for the Seth family to just watch their biggest reliance be broken like this. Soon, the eight magic towers in Hongguang City all entered a state of limit operation.

The magic power that far exceeded the general standard was extracted from the underground magic vein by the tower, and then sent into the rainbow light array to fight against Fina's annihilation black hole.

In the eyes of those great magicians and generals, the rainbow array at this time is definitely not something that manpower can fight against, not even Fina Hamilton!
Although there are several magic circles in the camp of the Golden Branch Legion, so what?The temporarily built magic circle can't be compared with the Hongguang formation in terms of the use of the magic veins. Moreover, at this moment, both sides are competing for the magic power in the magic veins in the same area, and the Hongguang formation will definitely occupy an absolute advantage.

However, after the extreme operation was turned on, the strength of the protective cover not only did not increase, but further decreased. Cobweb-like cracks continued to spread on the curtain, and the crisp sound of glass shattering burst out from time to time. But it swelled a full circle!
The great magicians of the Seth family were stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes.

How can a person compete with the magic circle on the magic vein?
Could it be the secret method of the Hamilton family?
Or does it mean that Fina herself has some special talent?

These magicians thought desperately, but could not get an answer.

"All-out attack!"

Seeing that the Hongguang formation was crumbling and the defenders at the top of the city panicked, Midi immediately and decisively issued an order.

The armored spearmen at the front began to move forward recklessly, and a large number of heavy firepower occupations following behind - gunners, elementalists, heavy crossbowmen, etc., immediately began to launch a fierce attack when they entered the range .

Fireballs, thunderbolts, magic missiles, icicles, explosive bombs, armor-piercing bullets, magic arrows, etc... All kinds of attacks hit the protective cover of the Rainbow Light Array like a storm, although the damage they can bring is not enough for the large array. The formation is extremely small, but at the moment when the two sides wrestled to the limit, it did make the balance of victory tilt little by little in the direction of Jin Zhi.

Finally, accompanied by bursts of roars, the Hongguang array finally began to collapse.

Countless pieces of magic power flew in all directions, arousing large waves of air.

The black hole that lost its containment exploded in an instant, sweeping a violent wind.The wind blade was like a knife, and it actually cut off a large part of the city wall, and even smashed all the soldiers sucked into it!

At the same time, a new wave of fire bombs had already fallen from the sky, like countless shining meteors, igniting the gates of Rainbow City in an instant!

"Attack!" Midi waved the flag in his hand.

In an instant, the Iron Armored Spearmen gave way to the two sides like a tide, and on the central avenue that was just opened, the well-known Golden Branch Heavy Cavalry was already ready and immediately launched a charge.

A total of [-] cavalry in heavy armor were like a torrent of steel, directly breaking through the incomplete city gate, destroying the obstacles that had been scorched black, crushing all the enemies in front of them, and rushing directly into the city. In this city that the Seth family has run for hundreds of years!
All of a sudden, the sky-shattering shouts, the clash of swords, the flames that shot straight into the sky, and the magic bullets that pierced the night sky all bloomed on the battlefield.

The siege battle has finally entered the most tragic stage of shopping.

At the same time, on a hill tens of kilometers away from this extremely scorching battlefield, a knight was quietly watching the flames rising from the distant horizon.

Under the night, the battlefield in the distance was particularly conspicuous. The flames flying in the night sky were like a dream, and the face of the knight admiring the scene was full of excitement and pride.

This knight is the "Book No. 1" of the Hamilton family, Domingo Hamilton.

And behind him was an army of more than ten thousand people.

This [-]-strong army is all cavalry, everyone is wearing heavy armor, holding a long spear with sawtooth, and the mounts under the crotch are even taller and burly.Not only that, whether it is a man or a horse, a blood-red light radiates from the eyes, like a waking killing god.

The name of this legion is "Destruction Cavalry".

They are not ordinary cavalrymen, not even ordinary human beings, but obtained part of the divine power of the God of Destruction Kazan through secret methods, and then continuously tempered their bodies, and finally created them.

To some extent, these destroying cavalry can be said to be man-made versions of berserkers. They have extremely powerful explosive power and powerful attack skills, but they will not lose their minds like berserkers. On the contrary, it can be said that they absolutely obey orders .

As long as Domingo said a word, even if these destroying cavalry were sent to die, they would not even blink their eyes.

Such a terrifying army is the trump card that the Scroll Branch and Queen Skadi have painstakingly built over the past ten years.But now, in order to be able to seize greater power, satisfy the ambition of becoming a king, and stop crawling under the trunk, Domingo is about to sacrifice this sword of destruction.

And his first goal is to take Midi and Fina, as well as the Golden Branch Legion, and win an unprecedented victory!
Perhaps, 1 people is not a large number for a wealthy family like Hamilton. In normal times, this force cannot pose any threat to it at all.

What if they charged from behind when the Golden Branch Army was fighting with the Seth family army?

What if among these 1 people, everyone can explode with the power of a berserker close to the level 30 ghost swordsman?

Domingo is absolutely confident that launching an attack with such a force at this time can definitely cause heavy damage to the so-called undefeated Golden Branch Army!

The cold wind whimpered and blew, lifting Domingo's blond hair, as well as the burning ambition and desire for power in his heart.At this moment, his lips were extremely chapped, his throat was dry, and his eyes were full of greed.

When the sun rises tomorrow, it will be the day when Domingo Hamilton becomes famous!

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(End of this chapter)

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