Arad's Sword

Chapter 131 Destruction of Iron Cavalry

Chapter 131 Destruction of Iron Cavalry
Although Midi is in charge of "defending", she has no intention of relying on fortifications for defense at all.

You can tell with just a glance, the average level of this unknown cavalry unit has reached a terrifying level of 26, and everyone has a faint wave of magic power, it is almost like a team composed entirely of adventurers troops!

Facing an enemy with such strength, Midi knew very well that the only effective defense method was to ignore life and death, attack, and attack again!

Then attack desperately!

He only heard his order, and the four gates to the south of the Golden Branch Army camp were opened together, and six thousand light cavalry and one thousand heavy cavalry poured out continuously, like four torrents rushing out after a sluice was raised. The converging tide piled up layer by layer under the camp of the Golden Branch Army, and began to advance continuously!
Because he had already considered the possibility of being attacked from the front and back, in order to send troops faster, Midi built four gates when he first built the fortifications. The speed suddenly increased four times!
Contrary to the orthodox military tactics, the Golden Branch cavalry had no intention of forming a slow formation at all. As soon as they left the camp, the cavalry automatically scattered and attacked, and the shouts of killing were earth-shattering.

Among them, most of the light cavalry pushed up to the two wings tacitly. Only the heavy cavalry who had a head-on confrontation with the blue flame cavalry of the Seth family broke through from the middle. It was the black-haired boy who was riding a bloodfang cheetah and carrying a heavy sword.

Midi Ashrex!

"Huh, Midi? Asrex... Do you think that this cavalry force can block my destroying iron cavalry?" Domingo, who was hiding in the middle army, stared at Midi at the front. Di sneered.

As "Book No.1", Domingo naturally refused to stand on the front line at the risk of his life.Moreover, Domingo also understood from the bottom of his heart that he was not even Martin's opponent, so how could he fight against Midi who had defeated Mad Martin in the cavalry battle?
However, just because he couldn't be more clear in his heart, at this moment, seeing Midi at the forefront, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​completely defeating her.Not only to defeat Midi himself, but also to defeat his beliefs and destroy everything he guards!
Domingo is not arrogant, but because Midi's troops are light cavalry, and they have no capital to fight against the heavy cavalry, let alone the destruction of the iron cavalry, which is more penetrating than the heavy cavalry?
Head-on hedging, the only result would be the complete annihilation of Midi's side.

And if Midi avoids the edge of the destroying iron cavalry and uses his speed advantage from the two wings to harass, Domingo has already had a countermeasure, which is to completely ignore the opponent.

As long as this invincible army continues to advance all the way, directly smashes through the Golden Branch's camp with its iron hooves, and then gives its main force a hard blow from behind, it will be a final decision. Even if Midi escapes, he is just a lost dog.

No matter how you choose, Domingo is invincible.

In other words, it was precisely because he was invincible that Domingo chose to launch a surprise attack at this time.

As a reborn person with many years of command experience, Midi naturally knew better about the plans of the group of enemies in front of him.But he had no intention of retreating at all, and he still just rushed forward with a thousand heavy cavalry.

And when the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, suddenly, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped suddenly!

The verdant greenery of the Graka Plain was suddenly covered with a thick layer of frost. The next moment, a thick ice wall with a length of one kilometer rose up without warning!

Then came the second, and then the third.

This is the most common skill of elementalists, the ice wall.

But in the hands of Fina Hamilton, the famous queen of magic bullets, it is no ordinary ice wall.

It's "Ten Miles of Ice Wall".

In an instant, on the plain, it seemed as if three huge white scars had been cut open!

The height of these ice walls is very low, only about one meter high at most, and they can't even block the view. However, the timing of their appearance is extremely ingenious.

Those destroying cavalry galloping at high speed had no time to dodge.Even the cavalry at the rear of the array who had time to react, after crossing the first ice wall, couldn't speed up to cross the second ice wall at all.As for the outstanding ones who can cross the second road, they are at the end of their strength when they reach the third road.

Countless destructive cavalry crashed into the ice wall one after another. Under the powerful impact, the ice wall collapsed into thousands of flying debris, reflecting the scorching and icy sunlight, like a torrential rain of glass, piercingly cold. , extremely sharp, yet dazzling.

In an instant, the speed of this torrent of steel was completely suppressed, and the aura of destroying everything disappeared.

Just because these three ice walls would not bring much lethality in normal times.

Looking back at the beautiful red-haired figure on the high tower behind, Midi couldn't help showing a gentle knowing smile.

The next moment, his eyes flickered, and the heavy giant sword was already in his hand.

"Follow my sword!" Midi shouted loudly, and his whole body, together with his mount, turned into a black whirlwind.

And the thousand heavy cavalry who followed behind him were like an extremely sharp spear, piercing directly into the stagnant enemy army.

The greatest power of heavy cavalry comes from speed.Once interrupted midway, it will be extremely difficult to start a new wave of offensive, not to mention what a seasoned commander Midi is, once he seizes the opportunity, he will do everything possible to expand his advantage, and will not give his opponent any Room to turn around.

While a large number of iron cavalry were being destroyed, a thousand golden branch heavy cavalry led by him had pierced through them fiercely. broken pieces.

At the same time, the [-] light cavalry on both wings also began to exert their advantages.

Some of these light cavalry are archers who are very good at bows and crossbows. Although the rest have a short range, they mostly use long-range attacks.

To them, the heavy cavalry who lost their speed was equivalent to a living target. Although the heavy armor was difficult to shoot through, it would always be worn if they shot too much.

In an instant, without Midi's order, the light cavalry shot countless arrows, and raindrops of attacks fell on the destroying iron cavalry. Even a troop with an average level of 26, in the case of only being beaten and unable to fight back , also began to fall down piece by piece.

In the middle of the road, there was a sharp knife-like heavy cavalry piling stabs, and the two wings were suppressed by the storm-like rain of arrows. At this moment, the ten thousand destroying cavalry seemed to be a mud-footed giant, dragging stumbling steps, Holding his torn stomach, he dragged a muddy road all the way on the plain, but he couldn't pick up his speed, let alone attack the camp of the Golden Branch Army.

It can be said that they have been thoroughly entangled.

"Damn it!" Looking at the stopped legion, Domingo's complexion became worse and worse.

After crossing the plain and the Golden Branch Camp, Domingo discovered that a large area of ​​vision appeared in the distant Hongguang City at this moment.

It was clearly a clear morning, but the sky above the battlefield was covered with overcast clouds, thunder and lightning.Not only that, but after a little feeling, it can be found that the flow of magic power in this magic vein under the Graca Plain is much faster than usual.

This shows that the battle between the Seth family and Hamilton has reached the most critical moment, and Fina is undoubtedly already attacking with all her strength, which will bring about such a terrible situation.

And if Domingo's Destroyer Cavalry is still entangled here, it will be too late to turn around after the winner is decided over there.

The best opportunity is always only a moment.

Thinking of this, Domingo immediately made a decision in his heart, and then he roared: "The whole army will attack with all its strength!"

Accompanied by the order transmitted by magic communication, the elites who destroyed the iron cavalry were shocked.A killing intent full of pungent and bloody smell spread wantonly, like a red whirlwind.

Berserker skills, awaken blood!
"No, the combat power of these enemies is constantly improving!" Midi was startled.

The Destroyer Cavalry activated its hidden skills, and Midi, who was at the forefront, immediately noticed the abnormality.

With several enemies in a row, it was much more difficult for him to kill than before. Not only that, but the surrounding atmosphere has also completely changed.If Midi felt that he was deep into the enemy's position before, then at this moment, he felt that he was deeply trapped in the devil's lair, and all around him were bloodthirsty monsters!

Although it is not clear what kind of secret method the other party used, but one thing is certain, if the entanglement continues, there may be no chance of breaking away.

Facing the sudden change of situation, Midi immediately made a decision to break out.

However, it is of course impossible for the heavy cavalry to turn their horses and retreat. If they do so, they will also lose speed and become the fish of the day.For the heavy cavalry whose only purpose is to charge, the so-called "detachment" is essentially "penetration".

Under the leadership of Midi, this thousand-man heavy cavalry team drew an arc, then accelerated again, and rushed towards the weakest part of the formation of the Destroyer Cavalry.

Midi will lead his troops to penetrate this place thoroughly, and then retreat calmly.

But the Destroyer Cavalry, who sensed this movement, also quickly started to move.These destructive iron cavalry, whose strength was greatly increased with the support of the berserker skills, quickly divided into several groups. Two of the light cavalry charged towards the wings under the rain of arrows, and the main force began to speed up and prepare to attack the camp of the Golden Branch Army. One, on the other hand, stood in front of Midi and his party, obviously intending to trap them in the formation and then strangle them completely.

Facing the powerful enemy soaked in the awakening of blood, the golden branch heavy cavalry was knocked out one by one, and some of the lances in their hands were even grabbed by the opponent empty-handed!

These empty-handed and white-bladed destroying cavalry made inhuman roars, grabbed the lance with one pull and one tug, and then slammed one by one, directly sending the golden branch cavalry flying one by one.

In an instant, in front of this suddenly mutated enemy, the heavy cavalry that the Golden Branch Legion was proud of could no longer maintain their speed.

And losing speed means being overtaken by death.

However, at this moment, a strong damp wind suddenly blew up.

Then, the air turned into a vast expanse of white.

It's getting foggy.

At some point, a pitch-black crow landed on Midi's shoulder, and then, the long-lost crisp and sweet voice of the Misty Witch spit out from the crow's mouth.

"I'm here, and the Falcon Group is also here, give an order."

 Keep asking for recommendations!

(End of this chapter)

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