Arad's Sword

Chapter 144 3 to 3

Chapter 144 Three on Three

Wolf King and Vampire Duke, when these two level 50 capped professionals entered the battlefield, they immediately had an immediate effect.

Although it is a battle, after all, it is only at the level of a thousand people. If it is less than 10 people, the role of personal combat power is still obvious.In particular, most of the pretenders are transformed by relying on the blood essence of the leader. Therefore, when the leader enters the battlefield, it will naturally have a morale-boosting effect.

The wild wave that the Falcon Group had been accumulating for a long time suddenly seemed to hit two rocks, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

The two pretender leaders gave their best as soon as they came up. They suppressed the raging vaccine in their bodies regardless of the cost, and at the same time launched an attack mercilessly.The wolf king was like a black lightning bolt, running back and forth among the adventurers, taking at least one life each time.

The Vampire Duke, on the other hand, cunningly hides behind the front line, constantly casting various large-scale spells.

Now that the battle lines are intertwined, and the forces of both sides are mixed together, the mages of the Falcon Regiment dare not provide any fire support at all.However, the vampire's spells have a certain kind of special toxicity, and they are mainly interference. These spells will not have any effect on the pretender, but will greatly affect the judgment of human beings. In an instant, many adventurers who were fighting Falling into stagnation, and then beheaded by the opponent who was fighting fiercely.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" The wolf king's eyes were red, and he was already in a frenzy.

If it weren't for the fact that the adventurer had a vaccine in his body, which made him afraid, he would not only kill his opponents, but also eat them all in his stomach, thereby increasing his physical strength.However, Rao is unable to devour flesh and blood, and his combat power is also terrifyingly strong.

Those huge claws were sharper than the sharpest magic sword. No matter what kind of armor and shield, they were like thin paper in front of the wolf king.And that black fur is even more invulnerable, and has a strong resistance to magic.

From a distance, the Wolf King looked like a heavy steel chariot, rampaging through the ranks of adventurers. No matter what formation, it couldn't stop him, or even slow him down.

However, just when the wolf king entered the land of no one, an incomparably bright and strong light pierced through the air, hitting him with incomparable accuracy!

There was only an extremely heavy and muffled sound like rolling thunder, and the next moment, the originally mighty wolf king flew out like a stone that was hit, and hit the ground heavily.

And when the flying dust dissipated, a large pit appeared on the ground like a falling star.At the bottom of the pit, the wolf king's mouth and nose were bleeding, and he struggled for a long time before finally getting up.

"Who?" The wolf king roared, his tone full of murderous intent.

"It's just a puppy, how dare it be so unscrupulous in my motherland?" A crisp and clear voice rang out, which lifted the spirits of the soldiers of the Falcon Regiment.

Fina Hamilton was wearing a simple battle robe, holding a Titan Longan Staff from the Elven King's Court, and her red hair fluttered in the wind like the autumn maple of Bel Mare.From a distance, it looks like a Valkyrie descending from the sky, so heroic that it is impossible to look away.

What makes the Wolf King even more unbelievable is that the little girl in front of him, who is not even 20 years old and has not reached the threshold of level 40, has such surging and pure magic power in her body that it even vaguely overwhelms her. Do it yourself!
How can this be?

The wolf king couldn't believe it.

"I am Fina, Fina? Hamilton, remember this name." The Queen of Magic Bullets said proudly, "Because I will be the one who kills you."

The next moment, flames of destruction rose from her body.

When the Queen of Magic Bullets finally made her move, on the other side of the battlefield, the battle situation was also changing silently.

The Vampire Duke is casting all kinds of large-scale magic one after another.

From a professional point of view, he is equivalent to a compound profession of a capped ice master and an elementalist. Not only that, but also has blood magic exclusive to vampires, which is equivalent to the combination of three systems.

How strong is the combination of the three lines?Just look at the lethality that Midi can cause in thousands of troops after mastering the four ghost swordsmen.Moreover, the three professions of vampires are all good at killing large areas, and they themselves have a lifespan of hundreds of years, and they have mastered various unorthodox skills. Once they are used, their power will be even more terrifying.

Soon, the entire street was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and then it was frozen by hail from the sky. Even if the magicians of the Falcon Group tried to resist, they would be restrained by those weird blood magic and could not fight back at all.

For a moment, the Vampire Duke suppressed the entire battle line like a king.

The only thing he regrets is that the vaccines in these enemies make it impossible for him to taste the blood that should be delicious.

However, just when the Vampire Duke thought that the situation was settled, there was suddenly a restless feeling in the surrounding air.

The next moment, a faint red mist diffused quietly.

And in this red mist, all the pawns laid by the Vampire Duke—whether it was a vampire bat, a cursed shadow, or various traps that triggered blood magic, etc., all lost their effect.

The originally pale face of the Vampire Duke became like a slate at this moment.

A vampire is a master of blood, and he is a master of masters.

But now, the blood magic he was most proud of was broken in such a silent and silent way?
What is the origin of this red mist?
And at the end of the fog, on the opposite side of the street, a beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes was wearing a pure black robe, standing proudly on top of the ruins, like a blooming icy black water lily.

And beside her, there was a phantom of a tall and mighty beast.

The face of this ferocious beast is unclear, and its outline is sometimes clear and sometimes blurred. Its body is completely composed of blood-red mist. Its height alone exceeds two meters, and its length is more than five meters. It is larger than an elephant.The beast and the Witch of the Mist stood together, looking like a mountain and a small tree.

The main body of the fog demon "Feast of the Night" is a white cat.

The body of Night Demon "Shadow Cloak" is a black cat.

Regardless of whether the cat is white or black, they are all small and exquisite. If they are held in the hands of a girl, they are no different from ordinary pets.

However, as the strongest summoned beast of Alice Otropos, the Red Devil "Rose Hound" is a completely different existence.

It is greedy, domineering, rebellious, and has incomparably powerful abilities.It has always been difficult to control, like a double-edged sword.

But now, with the increase in level and the strengthening of magic power, the Misty Witch finally has the confidence to master this summoned beast.

But now, Alice is going to use this bloodthirsty hound to tear apart the mighty vampire duke opposite.

"Go and eat your fill, but this time, obey my orders." The black-haired girl stretched out her arm, gently stroked the misty fur of the Rosehound, and then said in a cold and pleasant voice.

The next moment, the red mist became thicker, like blood itself.

With the successive battles of the Queen of Magic Bullets and the Witch of the Mist, the leaders of the Pretenders, who had blocked the offensive like two dams, fell into their own bitter battles, and had no spare power to turn the tide of the battle.

As a result, the offensive tide of the Falcon Group surged again, and this time, no one could hinder their charge.

Midi rode a bloodfang cheetah, rushed to the front, led the most powerful night saber cavalry team, broke through countless roadblocks and obstacles all the way, and rushed directly into the garden of dawn.

Before starting the fortified battle against Hutton Mar, Midi had already had a detailed understanding of the structure of the Garden of Dawn with the elf elders.

Roughly speaking, the so-called Garden of Dawn is composed of an area around the root system of the Tree of Life exposed to the surface.The root system of the tree of life will naturally form a large array for protecting the country, and grow four air holes for breathing.These four qi apertures are the magic circle that Midi, Fina and others used to perform a perfect job change last year.

But now Midi already knows that although for a level 20 professional, the magic power in the air aperture is infinite, but in fact, for the entire dragon vein and the dragon sealing formation, the magic power for perfect job transfer is just a drop in the bucket That's all.

The real magic is condensed in the trunk and absorbed by the tree of life itself.

If you want to use the magic power in the tree trunk to form a large array to protect the country, and even cover the whole country of Belmare, you need to open up an area on the tree trunk of the tree of life, establish a precision magic circle, and flow in the same direction as the magic power in the tree trunk. Only in this way can we truly control the tree of life.

That area is called "Tree Pavilion" by gardeners.

There is no doubt that the pretender who is behind the scenes must be hiding in this tree pavilion.And there is the destination that Midi wants to capture.

"Follow my sword!" Midi said loudly, thrusting the heavy sword stained with the blood of countless pretenders to the ground, pulled out the Heitian Sword from his waist, and rushed into the hall at the foot of the Tree of Life.

What followed would be a narrow indoor battle, whether it was an epee used for immediate combat, or a light whip that could cover a large area, they were not suitable for that environment.

Only the simplest one-hit-kill sword skills can cut a bloody path in such a narrow road in the first time.

A group of high-level adventurers followed Midi without hesitation, and rushed into the corridor.

The Pretenders are still making their last recalcitrance.

They destroyed all the passages that could be destroyed, but Midi chose to climb directly from the outside of the big tree.

They blocked all the narrow checkpoints, but Midi managed to break through a gap with her invincible will.

Those high-level adventurers also have rich experience in exploring dungeons, and they have a set of extremely efficient methods for how to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and how to avoid various traps.

What's more, the Pretenders are gone, their defense line has completely collapsed, and the Falcon Group has pushed into the Garden of Dawn.Under such an offensive, who can stop this final thunderous blow?
Soon, Midi finally came to the top floor, the center of the canopy, where the tree house is located.

The place is empty and huge, and in the center is a large magic circle that is churning with evil spirits. However, there is no one in the entire hall.

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(End of this chapter)

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