Arad's Sword

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Just as Midi was making various calculations in his mind, a voice rang in the ear of the young commander.

"Mr. Midi, long time no see!"

The owner of the voice, wearing a pair of small round glasses that looked ridiculous, with mustache drooping around his mouth, and hair as scruffy as a bird's nest, was none other than Norton, the master alchemist.

Although he is now the number two technical talent in the Falcon Group after Alice, the Witch of the Mist, Norton is still as unkempt as before, wearing an extremely delicate alchemy robe, which has already been taken away It was so smoky that even the color could not be seen, and it looked sloppy.

However, when Midi saw Norton, he was always as calm as him, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Master Norton, why did you come here so soon?"

You know, the battle of the Sea King Festival has only been a week so far. Although Midi sent back the situation on the west coast with high-energy magic communication in the first place, but it can be said that he can come from Belle Mare by sea within a week. On the west coast, this is clearly impossible.

The only explanation is that Norton was already on the road before the war started.

"It's Miss Fina and Miss Alice's decision. According to those two, the ideas you mentioned in your letters are very interesting, so they hope to realize them as soon as possible, so here I am!" Norton said here When he was doing it, there was a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, and he couldn't help rubbing his hands, "Mr. Midi, although I don't know what the interesting idea is, please let me participate!"

Thinking of the two long-lost lovers, the corners of Midi's mouth could not help but bend upwards in a happy arc.

If there is anyone who knows himself better than himself, it is probably the red-haired girl and the black-haired woman, right?
Thinking of this, Midi patted Norton on the shoulder lightly, and then laughed: "Actually, I must admit that the empire's attack is stronger than expected, Master Norton, you came at the right time, next , we will be very busy!"

Without too much pleasantries, Midi just asked Norton about the situation of Fina and Alice, and then immediately called an emergency meeting.

The attendees of this meeting, in addition to Norton, Dixon, and Kelvin, the senior cadres of the Falcon Group, were the newly recruited team after Midi came to the West Coast——

Wells of the Flying Sail family is responsible for the construction and command of the new navy.

Randall of the Lionheart Dojo, although he knows nothing about war, is the instructor of all the disciples of the Dojo.

Tanius and Xie Na, on the mainland of Arad, the only contact of these two dragon people is Midi, so they are naturally the most reliable allies.

Not only that, but because the Delos Empire was desperate, it not only launched a fierce attack on Faroe Bay, but also adopted various high-pressure policies. Many maritime families and dojo forces have also fallen to the relatively milder Belma Kingdom of Seoul.Therefore, in this meeting hall, the Patriarch of the Feifan Family, the host of the Red Lotus Dojo, and the leaders of many forces also came to the Dojo.

Even Liufeng, the young qigong master from Xuguo, sat in the lower seat with a gloomy face.

His teacher Min Tai died under the hands of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton. There was no room for maneuver between Xu Zu and the empire. Taking this opportunity, Midi brought him in by the way.Under the fierce attack of the empire, it is always good to have one more ally.

Glancing at the crowded hall, Midi cleared his throat and said, "Since the Battle of the King of the Sea, everyone is very clear about the current situation on the west coast. It is not wise to fight against it, especially in ground warfare, Bel Mare lacks enough troops. With these disciples and masters in the dojo alone, they cannot be compared with the regular army of the Empire. Therefore, I decided to enter the second stage of deployment ahead of schedule .”

second stage?

Many of the participants were not soldiers. Although they had defected to the Midi and Falcon regiment, they had no chance to get in touch with any military secrets at all. Therefore, such a "second stage" suddenly came, and those peripheral Patriarchs and dojos The hosts naturally looked at each other in blank dismay.

Midi paused, and then said again: "We will withdraw from Faroe Bay, shrink all our troops to the island, and fight a defensive battle."

Withdraw from the Faroe Bay.

As soon as these words came out, the entire meeting hall suddenly became silent. Then, many people finally couldn't hold back and began to express their opinions, and persuaded Midi not to make such a decision. In an instant, after the initial shock , is the noisy chatter.

After all, the properties and even relatives of most of the minds present are in Faroe Bay, so how can they give up easily because of Midi's words?
However, they forgot one thing, this is not the Faroe Bay Council, but the combat hall of the Falcon Regiment.

They have already lost their right to speak, and they are nothing more than ordinary civilians living under the protection of Bel Mare's force.

And the reason why Midi called everyone together for a meeting was just to show the friendly side of the Falcon Group, so how could it be possible for them to really fight the Empire for their benefit?
Facing the determined Midi, although many people were extremely dissatisfied with this order, in the end, they had no choice but to accept it.

After all, the commander-in-chief of the Empire in Faroe Bay was the notorious "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton.If he chooses to face that lunatic, he might send himself to the laboratory one day when he is in a bad mood. In contrast, although Midi is strict, she is at least a person who can communicate.

However, although the order has been implemented, there are not no people who can't figure it out.

"According to the original plan, shouldn't we persist for at least two more weeks?" Wells asked a little puzzled after the meeting.

As a recognized member of the Falcon Group, this incomparably handsome young man naturally knew the timetable of the original plan.

That timetable was specially made by Midi based on the experience of the previous life, combined with those precious memories from the appearance of the crack to the incarnation of Sky City itself.

If it can be strictly implemented, in theory, at the moment Sky City appears, the Falcon Group will have the opportunity to occupy all the entrances, and have the exclusive opportunity to go to higher levels for as long as a week.

But now, Midi, who has always been tough and good at winning more with less, chose to give in so easily, which not only puzzled Wells, but also puzzled Kelvin, Dixon and others.

"Although we lack enough elite troops on the ground battlefield, we have the advantage at sea, right? Why not try joint sea and land operations?" Kelvin also put forward his own opinions, and they are much more perfect than Wells's. , obviously, this sorcerer has also been paying attention to the battle situation, and has formed his own thinking.

Dixon also interjected: "The artillery range of the iron-clad warships is enough to cover most of the city of Faroe Bay. Those keel warships are not fired at all. We can completely support the battle on the ground while confronting the Imperial Navy."

Midi just shook her head.

From the perspective of the performance of a single battleship, ironclad battleships are indeed much stronger than keel battleships. However, when the number of keel battleships in the empire really increases, this advantage will be reversed in an instant.

In the previous life, there was such a sentence——

A keel warship is no match for a five-masted galleon, but a hundred keel warships can sweep across the entire ocean.

Although Midi can still rely on the range of iron-clad battleships and Mithril magic-breaking cannons to suppress it, when the empire's fleet reaches a certain number, those keel battleships will form a magic formation.At that time, its shooting range will be directly doubled. In Midi's memory, it will be at least two kilometers, even Fina's magic bullet can't compare!
Not only that, but at that time, the power of magic produced by a large group of keel warships is also terrifying.

In the previous life, before and after the opening of Sky City, relying on the power of keel battleships, the Delos Empire could be said to dominate the entire sea area, and even called itself the "Invincible Fleet".

But of course, this so-called Armada also has a nemesis, otherwise, the Delos Empire in the previous life would have unified the entire Arad continent long ago.

And that nemesis is currently in Midi's hands.

"Time is on the side of the empire. The more keel warships, the more passive we will be. Using iron armor warships to support the disadvantaged ground battlefield is just dragging ourselves into the quagmire, which is meaningless." Midi glanced at herself The subordinates explained in an orderly manner, "Since it is a war, it is natural to decisively abandon these unnecessary things, exchange space for time, and do what should be done most."

Abandoning the Faroe Bay, huddling on the islands in the South China Sea, and defending the fissures on the Deep Rock Island. In such a passive defensive battle, what is the most important thing to do?
Wells didn't know, Dixon didn't know, and even Kelvin didn't have an answer.

As for the two dragonmen, they didn't care about this at all. The residents of Sky City had a simple way of thinking, they would only form an alliance with the victor, that's all.

Only Norton seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes became more and more impatient.

"The kingly way of war is to win by force. If we come up with something that can directly suppress the superior forces of the empire and the keel warships, victory will belong to us." Midi said lightly, "To achieve this, the most important thing to do now , there is only one thing - research and development!"

As he spoke, he took out a gray stone that seemed to be free from gravity and could fly up at any time, and placed it in the hands of Master Norton.

"Kongmingshi!" The two dragonmen immediately recognized it.

Midi said calmly: "Using this, we can create a brand new armed vehicle called 'airship'."

(End of this chapter)

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