Arad's Sword

Chapter 215 2 options

Chapter 215 Two choices
Ghost shadows flashed in succession.

Three consecutive cuts.

Accelerate with thrusts.

Etc., etc……

Among the ghost swordsman's four departments, Midi used all the skills with acceleration, sprint, and teleportation effects.Whether these skills have attack power or not, and whether they consume less or more essence mana, he doesn't care, because at the moment of losing the vanguard ship, the only factor that determines life and death is distance.

Although in the previous life, Midi had never seen the God of War posture of the Lord of the City of Light who slaughtered three thousand imperial troops, but only because of the other party's ability to easily float in the sky, coupled with the fact that he was in the sea of ​​​​the sky in the previous life, and even It is the experience of fighting in the heavens, and he can roughly guess the ability of this city lord.

To put it simply, none of this kind of opponents who can suspend in the air is slow.

Not only is the speed not slow, they may even have various long-distance teleportation skills, or extreme speed flight skills that break through the speed of sound, etc., and they must be instantaneous, and there is absolutely no need to recite any spells.

The seemingly long distance is probably only a second or two to this kind of strong person, and he can reach it with just a lift of his feet.

With Midi's speed, even if he broke his own legs, he would never be able to escape from the palm of the City Lord of Light. Therefore, the only thing he can do now is to use all the skills that can distance him Come out to increase your chances of surviving a little.

Even breaking the army and raising the dragon whip was regarded as one of the ways of movement by Midi.

The star meteor whip was thrown out again and again, but it was not as fast as usual, so fast that it could tear the air, but much slower and softer.Under Midi's control, this high-level weapon is like a wicker passing by, wrapping around the treetops again and again, and then, with the help of the toughness and elasticity of the branches, Midi swings over a long distance.

The legendary ghost swordsman and genius commander of the continent of Arad kept fleeing forward in this primitive way similar to apes.

Of course, the road was not without twists and turns.

After all, this is the Hanging City, and it is also a deep sea of ​​trees between the peaks of the Central Star Mountains, where all kinds of monsters and celestial war machines soaked in the essence of magic power for decades or hundreds of years are entrenched.

From time to time, Midi will also encounter some powerful monsters capped at level 50.

He originally had some thoughts, trying to lure these monsters, or find a monster lair, set it as a trap, and wait for the City Lord of Light to step on it.

When the Warcraft and the Lord of the City of Light fight together, there will naturally be opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

But soon, Midi had to give up this seemingly good idea.

These demonic beasts that were domineering and would never put little human beings in their eyes, now they don't even look at Midi, but hurry on their way. Another time, Midi even saw a pure golden golden hair. The giant was actually digging a hole crazily, obviously trying to hide himself underground.

Obviously, although the Lord of the City of Light has not arrived, his aura of a dragon-like powerhouse has already spread.

Just this breath made all the monsters big and small in Star Mountain feel awed and trembling. They even gave up the seemingly delicious snack of Midi, turning them into ostriches with their heads buried in the sand.

Seeing this scene, Midi's mood suddenly became colder.

In this way, even if he lured the Lord of the City of Light to a certain monster lair, it would be meaningless at all. In the mountains of stars, nothing could stop him.

"Huh?" Suddenly, in the gap between the ghostly shadows, Midi saw a huge purple rock-like thing beside a stream in the distance.

An awakening crystal!
This awakening stone crystal is just beside the stream, like a huge reef, lying quietly.Its surroundings are empty, the ground is smooth, like marble paving, without any vegetation or trees, and of course, no monsters dare to approach.

This is the same as the sky city is full of pure magic power, which blocks some professionals with poor talents. There is also a powerful spiritual pressure near the awakened stone crystal. While this spiritual pressure transforms the environment, it also forms a natural force. The enchantment makes it difficult for those monsters who have reached the cap of level 50 but have no awakening talent to approach.

What's more, next to this awakened stone crystal, there is a black scaled pterosaur!
The black scale is a symbol of reaching level 51. This is an awakened pterosaur.

This guy might come in handy!
Midi's eyes lit up.Although the unawakened monsters are afraid of the City Lord of Light, can the awakened monsters delay for a while and let themselves sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?

However, this idea just popped up, and Midi hadn't figured out how to lure this awakened monster, and the black-scaled pterosaur suddenly raised its head, sniffed the air, and then a pair of dragon eyes burst out with fear and anger. With awe-inspiring eyes, he quickly flapped his wings and flew up, gliding away in a low-altitude flight against the treetops.

Obviously, it also felt the aura of the City Lord of Light, and like those unawakened similar ones, it had a strong awe, and even ran away without hesitation of abandoning its own territory and the awakened stone crystal.

"Damn it!" Midi couldn't help spitting.

Obviously, the Lord of the City of Light is by no means an ordinary awakened person, otherwise how could he have such power?

But thinking about it is exactly the case. After all, with the opening of Sky City, there are more and more awakened people among human beings. I have never seen a single awakened person appear. All of them escaped.It can only be said that the City Lord of Light himself is too powerful.

And now, after seeing these awakened or unawakened monsters fleeing and hiding in embarrassment, Midi finally confirmed one thing——

He had to face the City Lord of Light alone.

How to do?
Midi was thinking, and her gaze involuntarily fell on the huge awakening stone crystal.

Do you want to wake up now?

He asked himself, then sighed and shook his head.

Once in the awakened state, the professional has no spare power to resist the interference from the outside world, and it will take at least six hours to complete the awakening.For such a long time, the City Lord of Light has already caught up with him and killed him thousands of times.Moreover, this awakening stone crystal is not big enough, it is only a circle larger than the one used by Midi in the previous life. Obviously, it has been used many times by the monsters in the mountains of stars, and Midi still doesn't like it.

Even if he really wants to take a gamble and forcefully awaken, at least Midi needs to find a large enough stone crystal that can cause qualitative changes after awakening.

Otherwise, judging from the reaction of the black-scaled pterosaur just now, he may be awakened, and he may not be the opponent of the city lord of light.

Thinking of this, Midi turned into a puff of smoke and moved deeper into the mountains of stars.

As we go deeper, awakened crystals become more and more common.Qunxing Mountain deserves to be called the Holy Land of Awakening. There are large and small Awakening Stone Crystals everywhere, and its soil is also suitable for the formation of Awakening Stone Crystals. Produce new stone crystals for future generations to use.

Not only that, but the number of awakened monsters above level 50 has also gradually increased. There are level 51 black scale pterosaurs, level 52 cloud bone fish, and even level 53 plankton giants and so on.

It's just that these awakened monsters are obviously quite spineless. Those who move slowly are busy looking for places to hide, while those who move fast are all running away. No one has time to pay attention to Midi, a level 50 unawakened monster. Humanity.

Fortunately, there are more and more celestial relics here. There are damaged temples, collapsed towers, and dilapidated marble buildings everywhere. These ruins are mixed with the sea of ​​trees, making the originally poor The environment becomes more complex.

Even the City Lord of Light had to slow down in this environment, which allowed Midi, who used skills continuously, to at least take a break.

And the memory of the previous life also surfaced in Midi's heart at this time.

These celestial relics are not completely useless.

Among them, there are teleportation magic circles hidden in some of the ruins. Back then, the Delos Empire used these magic circles to teleport to the top center of Sky City—the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock, and awakened the city lord of light , followed by a war.

However, these teleportation circles are not so easy to open. Their operation requires a set of extremely complicated spells, and once activated, they will extract the essence of magic power from the underground magic veins. The movement is not small, and the whole process cannot be blocked interrupt.

Midi remembers this activation spell very clearly, because it was often used in the previous life.

But during the activation process, the city lord of light might have arrived before the teleportation was completed.

Besides, so what if the teleportation is gone?As the guardian of the Sky City, it is impossible for the Lord of the City of Light not to know the destination of the teleportation circle. Even if he hides in the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock, in the end, he may still be found out, and he is simply lingering.

Using the awakening stone crystal to awaken, the time is too long, and it may not be able to beat it after awakening.

Using the teleportation circle to escape may have a higher success rate, but as long as they are discovered by the city lord of light, they will still be caught up.

Both options are difficult and risky.

After all, how to do it?

Midi leaned against a cold rock, meditating quietly. His brain was rapidly performing various simulations, using the memory experience of the previous life, recalling the several confrontations with the City Lord of Light in this life, trying to think Find the right choice that will allow you to live.

One minute, and then another minute, several minutes passed silently, but it seemed as long as years.

Finally, Midi exhaled lightly, and the confusion and confusion in those star-black eyes were swept away, replaced by an unshakable determination.

"I really didn't expect that I would use this thing." Midi thought, and stretched her hand into her bosom to confirm the existence of something.

The next moment, his figure turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the depths of the mountains of stars.

(End of this chapter)

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