Arad's Sword

Chapter 218 The Legacy of the Tyrannosaurus King

Chapter 218 The Legacy of the Tyrannosaurus King
There are countless legends about the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

He is the king of the giant dragon, he has the honorific title of "King of Flame", and he once fought against the entire demon world and launched a war of dragons.

After failing, he fled to the heaven, drained the magic power of the heaven, and even cut off the passage between the heaven, the demon world, and the continent of Arad, turning it into his own forbidden zone, and ruled for a full 500 years.

In the end, although the mechanical revolution initiated by the Celestials overthrew it, the anger erupted by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar before his death caused the only continent in the Celestial Realm to be divided into several pieces. casualties.Many celestial fragments fell on the continent of Arad, causing disaster even more.

Although Bakar's every battle ended in failure, there is no doubt that he is the kind of real strongman and a god-level figure who will shake the whole continent if he stomps his foot.Regardless of whether his deeds are good or bad, his image, regardless of whether he is a decent villain or not, has already been circulated in the continent of Arad for hundreds of thousands of years.

For today's adventurers, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar is neither a hero nor a legendary figure, but...

historical figure.

For this kind of character whose name is imprinted in the myths and legends of the continent of Arad, Midi will naturally not lose his composure to this extent.

The reason why he was so shocked was that since the signature on the obelisk was written by Bakar himself, it meant that there must be something related to the supreme powerhouse hidden in the main hall.

Coupled with the previous life, the behavior of the Delos Empire to defend the main hall, Midi's heart is even more convinced and full of excitement.

What could it be?

Thinking of this, Midi collected himself, raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and carefully read the inscription on the obelisk from the beginning.

Soon, Midi understood the ins and outs.

It turns out that the Seventeenth Palace of Celestine Rock itself, and even the hanging city below it, were important facilities built by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar to block the connection between the heaven and the continent of Arad, which is equivalent to sealing the eyes of the magic circle. The same as magic weapon.However, as the Tyrannosaurus King was overthrown by the mechanical revolution, and finally blew himself up before his death, the Heavenly Continent fell apart. It sank all the way down, below the sea of ​​sky.

Therefore, after so many years, the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock is no longer the hub to block the heavens, but has gradually stabilized in its current position, becoming the hub to block the sea of ​​sky.

As for the incomparably powerful Lord of the City of Light, Segerhardt, who is one against a thousand, he is not a simple awakened professional, but a magical life form created by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar himself.

From this point of view, the aura of this Seghardt that makes everyone terrified is indeed the power of a real dragon—and it is probably even more terrifying than the dragon's power of a giant dragon, because it is undoubtedly bestowed by the Tyrannosaurus King breath.

However, the narration on the obelisk ends here, and the rest is about the complicated alchemy formulas on how to create magical life forms.Apparently, this well-known historical figure on the continent of Arad doesn't care much about explaining his own ideas, or doesn't expect anyone to understand him at all. On the contrary, he has a very high interest in alchemy.

Not only is he interested, but he seems to want to pass on his research results, which is why he makes such a detailed description.

If it is possible to create magical life forms of the level of the City Lord of Light, the unification of the Arad continent may be just around the corner, right?

Looking at the esoteric and obscure alchemy formulas on the obelisk, Midi couldn't help but flash this thought in his heart.

However, this is just a thought.

In the previous life, the empire had occupied the city lord's palace for so many years, and they had never seen them create magical life forms. It can be seen that these alchemy formulas are not as simple or beautiful as imagined.

And soon, Midi knew the reason—under the alchemy formula, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar also listed the list of materials needed for this alchemy. On this list, the demand for various rare materials is " A large number of ", and many ancient materials that have long been extinct in the Arad continent appeared.

Obviously, when Tyrannosaurus King Bakar wrote these alchemy formulas, he did not consider the changing times and the exhaustion of resources.

But here comes a new problem——

Since this alchemy formula is worthless and it is impossible to create magical life forms, why did the empire stick to it?
Garrisoning troops in such a palace hanging above the sky, or stationing a large number of elites, will cost a lot of money just to transport supplies and equipment, not to mention other equipment and the like.

Since the empire is willing to invest such a large military expenditure, it is obviously not to guard an obelisk with only historical value.

Thinking of this, Midi narrowed her eyes.

Then he raised his head, and carefully read every word on the huge obelisk again, and just read it word by word.This time, Midi no longer regards it as the posthumous writing of that famous historical figure, but a secret text that hides some kind of mystery.

Once, then again, ten times, then twenty times.

Although at Midi's level, he still can't analyze the principles of these complicated alchemy formulas, but after reading this, he has basically memorized every formula involuntarily. Every symbol and punctuation position, It also became more and more familiar and natural in Midi's heart.

But the more familiar it became, the more Midi felt that there was something unnatural hidden in this inscription.

After reading it again, Midi felt his mouth was dry.

But just when he wanted to find a hiding place and close his eyes to take a rest, the little golden sword in his body suddenly vibrated, and even the essence of magic power in his body surged like a tide Get moving!

And amidst this resonance, a certain symbol on the obelisk suddenly radiated bright golden brilliance, and then, like a starburst, rose from the obelisk, drawing a beautiful arc in midair , into Midi's palm!

Midi took a closer look and immediately understood everything.

This seems to be a simple symbol in the alchemy formula, but in fact, it is not a symbol, but a rune.

A magic rune infused with the breath of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

No words, no need, Midi just quietly felt the breath from the rune in his palm, and soon, he felt that the rune was guiding him.He carefully felt the breath flowing from the runes, and moved forward step by step, leaving the obelisk behind him, passing through labyrinth-like corridors one after another, passing one huge and luxurious hall after another. palace.

In the end, he finally came to the deepest part of the main hall of the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock, the Hall of the Throne.

Here, the throne belonging to Segerhardt, the lord of the City of Light, is standing there quietly, just like its owner, overlooking everything.

The golden rune made by the Tyrannosaurus King himself suddenly broke away from Midi's palm at this moment and soared into the air.It was slowly flying in mid-air, bringing out brilliant dots of starlight, and finally imprinted on the very center of this throne.

As if a key had finally been inserted into the rusty keyhole and turned, the entire main hall began to vibrate slightly.

One after another, the hidden magic defense formations are slowly opened, and one after another deadly mechanism is gradually closed. The friction of the gears and the flow of magic power are like a deep and heavy symphony, resounding in the hall of the throne, and when After the music composed of magic and alchemy finally stopped, Segerhardt's throne shook slightly, and the heavy base automatically rose from the floor and slowly receded backward.

And under this throne is a secret passage leading to the ground.

This secret passage seems ordinary, just like the escape secret passage in the general king's palace. Compared with the magnificent palace of the city lord, it seems too narrow and insignificant.

However, standing in front of the secret passage, Midi could clearly feel that an extremely powerful spiritual pressure was gushing out.

The originally invisible and intangible magic power here is like a never-ending violent hurricane, even blowing Midi's black hair!

A light flashed across Midi's star-black eyes.Although it is not clear where this secret path will take him, but with such a strong spiritual pressure, even if there is danger, it is definitely worth trying.

Without any hesitation, he took a deep breath and strode down the secret passage.

This secret path is extremely deep, and the further you go, the greater the spiritual pressure will be. Even Midi felt a little bit of difficulty, but his steps did not hesitate at all because of this, and he remained steadfast. walk forward.

Finally, suddenly, Midi's vision widened.

What unfolded in front of him was an underground space even bigger than the Throne Hall.This space is completely different from the style of the Seventeenth Palace of Azure Rock. It does not have the grandeur and luxury, nor does it have the grandeur and majesty of the heavens. On the contrary, in this space, there are green trees, dense vegetation, and blooming flowers everywhere. Flowers, a scene of paradise with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

But Midi didn't feel emotional, all his attention was attracted by the huge monster in the center of the space.

It was a complete dragon skeleton.

This giant dragon skeleton is like glass, showing a translucent color, but it is harder than refined steel.

Its length is more than 100 meters, half buried in the soil, connected end to end, forming a surrounding circle.And the pair of bone wings that can cover the sky and the sun are half-stretched, as if to cover the wind and rain.

And in the arms of the giant dragon skeleton, there is a pool of blood-red liquid. This liquid is like mercury, and it rolls so thick that it is impossible to see the bottom at a glance.And in this liquid, you can even faintly see platinum lightning flashing occasionally. Whenever this lightning appears, a tiny ripple will appear in this pool of liquid, which will be reflected in this space, and then It was a huge spiritual pressure storm!

"Dragon Blood White Crystal Pond?" Midi whispered the term in a trembling tone.

Now Midi knows what the Delos Empire was defending in the previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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