Arad's Sword

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
When the silver-white gorgeous fireworks rose, a miraculous scene happened.

The sharp laser beam of the Lord of Light, like a giant sword from the sky, actually deflected in the air, just like the moonlight refracted by a mirror, it left the original track, turned several corners, and shot to a completely deviated position .

And that huge giant net woven by azure blue fire snakes also gradually became thinner amidst the fireworks, and finally completely shattered, scattered into countless randomly flying flames, wandering wantonly in the sky.

"What?" The City Lord of Light looked at all this with incredulous eyes, not even noticing the slight wavering of the cold fire in his eyes.

Since being created by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, Segerhardt, the Lord of the City of Light, felt surprised for the first time in history.He couldn't imagine that his attack would be blocked by the tricks of the ants.

However, the facts in front of him told him that all of this was true.

Beam Disruption Curtain.

This is a trump card that Midi specially prepared for the lord of the City of Light, Segerhardt.

The main component of this disturbance curtain is a large number of high-concentration shadow dust crystals. By launching the shells containing a large number of shadow dust crystals into the sky and then exploding, the entire hanging city can be filled with high-concentration dust crystals. The dust crystals, in turn, completely blocked Seghard's methods, which relied heavily on light attribute attacks.

Of course, although the theory is simple, it is very difficult to implement in practice.During this week, although the members of the Falcon Group quietly sneaked into the Hanging City through various means, as long as the City Lord of Light is on the highest peak, they can't do anything at all, otherwise they will be discovered immediately.

Only after Midi and the Imperial Army officially launch the attack, the Falcon Group can go to various places, draw up the magic circle, and guide the wind direction at the same time, to ensure that the gorgeous fireworks can bloom at a high enough place to cover the sky. The entire hanging city.

And now, the Falcon Group has finally succeeded.

Without being discovered by the City Lord of Light, the opening of the light beam disruption curtain was completed, and the laser attack was completely blocked.

In fact, in the previous life, the empire also adopted a similar method to deal with the City Lord of Light.However, since the empire did not have extraordinary awakened powerhouses at that time, and even the air force was not complete, they had to try to drag the city lord of light to the ground after launching the light beam disruption curtain, and then use the magic vein to The force of the large formation suppressed.

This battle is one step after another, and all the details are intertwined. Any mistakes and omissions will lead to the collapse of the whole situation, which is extremely difficult.In addition, the empire's battles in those years were also very costly, and the various rare resources consumed were huge, which can only be described as laboring people and money, and hurting muscles and bones.

But for Midi, those steps after that are unnecessary.

As long as the long-range attack of the City Lord of Light can be blocked, there is only one thing left to do next.

Victory with the sword.

"It's time to fight back." Midi's voice reached everyone's ears through the magic communication.

It reached the ears of the soldiers of the Falcon Regiment who were working hard and finally completed the light beam disruption screen, and it reached the ears of the Imperial Army who fought hard and finally blocked the wave after wave of Ouster attacks, and it reached the future light. In the ears of the prince, Reinhardt.

But this is not an order given to them, but an order given by Midi to herself.

Accompanied by this confident order, one person and one sword turned into a golden-red streamer, tearing the sky and tearing the clouds down.

The light beam interference curtain rose, and the most important plan was completed. Midi was not in a hurry to seek a decisive battle with the City Lord of Light. On the contrary, he first locked the target on the Destroyers who were bombarding indiscriminately.

Although the target of the Ouster's attack was the army of the Delos Empire, Midi didn't mean to die.

At this critical juncture, in this kind of awakening-level battle, such small calculations and careful thinking are of no benefit except that it will bring distrust and rifts among friendly forces, which in turn will affect the battle situation.

To put it bluntly, if Midi really needs to get rid of this imperial army, he just needs to do it himself after the battle is over, and no one can stop it.For the transcendent awakened, crushing them head-on is the kingly way. There is no need to borrow a knife to kill people, but it seems too petty.

Besides, although the layout is complete, the Ousters are a big threat after all.

As the saying goes, pick the soft persimmons first, weaken the Destroyer, cut off the wings of the City Lord of Light, and wait until the battle line is stable and the backyard is consolidated before confronting the City Lord of Light. This is the strategic kingly way!
I saw that under the urging of Midi's consciousness, the golden-red light flashed up and down, and from time to time, bursts of cold light that scattered and gathered, turned into golden threads and flew back and forth, searching for it like fish. The Destroyer's loopholes are exploited, and then they are defeated one by one and killed in seconds!

Ghost Swordsman Awakening Secret Skill, Flying Sword Dance.

Sword Soul Awakening Technique, Storm Sword.

This is the result of using two different skills at the same time, and it is also the greatest value of personal "secret skills" obtained during awakening - secret skills can be seamlessly matched with any professional skills and any awakening skills without any lag.Not only that, the secret technique may even become a lubricant, allowing different awakening techniques to be combined!

At this moment, under the double attack of Storm Sword and Feitian Jianwu, this crimson light soars and shines, coming and going, every time it passes, there must be a fierce but extremely short-lived battle in that place, The remains of the Ousters rained down.

In just a moment, Midi killed those Destroyers to pieces, and at least ten of them were instantly killed. In an instant, one-twentieth of this seemingly powerful enemy was cut off.

The Ousters immediately reset their priorities, from suppressing the Imperial Army on the ground to defending the Midi in the air. They no longer scattered and fired, but gathered together to form a formation, trying to delay or at least delay Midi's movements , but every time he was pierced by the sword glow like a floating shadow, there was no resistance at all.

too strong!
Watching Midi criss-crossing in the air, killing people like entering no one's land, whether it's the Falcon Group who thinks they know their commander, or the imperial army who has been unwilling to face Midi, Or the foresighted fourth prince Reinhardt suddenly had the same thought in his mind.

It is indeed too powerful...

That was the only thing they thought of Midi, without any other fancy embellishments, only this one, and only this one.

You know, those who were beheaded by Midi's sword are the expulsors!Each of them is above level 51 and has passed the awakening, and they are all magical life forms, which have advantages over ordinary flesh and blood!
Just one of these Destroyers dropped from the sky can fight against an elite soldier of the Centurion, and it is still more than enough.

But now, even if they form a team of hundreds, it seems that they can only be beaten by Midi.

Compared with the adventurers in the Arad continent, this is no longer a high level, it is several levels higher, and it is impossible to estimate its strength.

If the battle with the Destroyer made the Falcon Group and the Imperial Army understand the gap between the awakened and the unawakened, then at this moment, seeing Midi fighting in the air, they suddenly understood the difference between the ordinary awakened and the awakened strong. the gap between them.

While the Ousters were busy resisting, and the humans and dragonmen were busy panting, resting, and sighing, at the highest point of the Hanging City, an unprecedented anger was constantly brewing like a storm.

"Very good, an ant can do this, not bad, not bad!"

Seeing Midi's unscrupulousness in his eyes, the cold fire in the eyes of the City Lord of Light was about to erupt like an active volcano.

Originally, if Midi dared to do this, dare to show his back to the City Lord of Light, and kill those Destroyers himself, it would be almost the same as suicide.

Segerhardt didn't even need to move, as long as he tapped his fingers a few times, used a laser attack, and then manipulated the blue fire snake to make Midi a bird in a cage, a person who was driven to a dead end. live target.

Taking a step back, even if Midi has eyes behind her back and can avoid Seghardt's ultra-long-range attack, Seghardt can also choose to directly attack the imperial army on the ground.Although it was a bit cumbersome, once he pointed it out, a group of imperial soldiers would definitely die immediately.

The time it took for Midi to kill ten Destroyers was enough time for the Lord of the City of Light to kill hundreds of imperial soldiers.

But now, the light beam interference curtain has risen, and the laser of the city lord of light has failed, unable to hit the target at all.

In this way, hanging in the sky, he became a spectator, a bystander who was isolated from the battlefield. He could only watch Midi shuttle back and forth among the Ousters, killing people, but he couldn't intervene. s method.

No, not without means of intervention.

However, this extremely proud City Lord of Light never thought that he would be forced to be serious when facing these humans in the lower realm.

"Hmph, as you wish." The City Lord of Light said coldly.

Before the words fell, a cold fire ignited on Segerhardt's cloak, and the next moment, he turned into a stream of light and went away.

The speed of this beam of light is so fast, even Midi's "Flying Sword Dance" is not as good. Suddenly, it has already swept across the sky, coming first and then catching up with the golden red one. The light then blocked Midi's face!

Midi stopped immediately, and a ball of golden-red light was flying beside him, making him also hover in the air.

The most outstanding ghost swordsman among human beings, and the magical life form created by the tyrannosaurus king Bacal, just like this, quietly confronted each other above the hanging city.

"Mortal, report your name."

Finally, these words came out from the golden mask of the City Lord of Light.

 The second update arrives, let me know, the third update at 23:30 will be a 6000-word chapter!There must be over ten thousand updates today!

(End of this chapter)

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