Arad's Sword

Chapter 230 Grand Forest Covenant

Chapter 230 Grand Forest Covenant
The winter of 986 in the Arad calendar.

Grand Forest.

The originally verdant forest was reduced to a piece of scorched earth in the devastating fire, and was riddled with holes under the ravages of the war and the ravages of iron hooves. , everything here turned into a pure white color covered in silver.

At a glance, the heavy snow like goose feathers flutters and dances, gently covering the earth with white gauze.Even though it is mid-winter, it gives people a sense of vitality, as if it won't be long before the tender green shoots will grow stubbornly from under the heavy snow again.

A year ago, in the winter of 985, the Delos Empire attempted to invade Bel Mare on a large scale. The newly formed Falcon Regiment and the Imperial Expeditionary Force fought back and forth on this land. During the fierce battle, countless soldiers shed blood.

Half a year ago, following the signs of the opening of Sky City, the strategic focus of both sides gradually shifted to the west coast, and the fighting here became fragmented.

One month ago, when the battle broke out in Faroe Bay and the sky city finally appeared on the sea, it became a place of complete silence. The two sides guarded the fortress and confronted each other without taking a single step.

until today.

The silence of Grand Forest was broken once again.

A mighty convoy was moving rapidly along the widest military road in the forest.

The guards of this convoy were all knights in heavy silver armor, and the carriages among them were all drawn by eight thoroughbred horses, exquisitely decorated and elegant.At the front of the team, a large golden flag stretched out against the cold winter wind. It was embroidered with not only the coat of arms of the Delos Empire, but also the unique symbol of the royal family.

This is the envoy convoy of the Delos Empire.

And the two leading ones are of extremely high standard, they are the two princes of the empire.

The second prince, Philip Sgart Heinrich.

And the fourth prince, Reinhard Sgaard Heinrich, who had had several contacts with Midi.

They came here not to start another war, on the contrary, but to put an end to the flames of war with Bel Mare in the past few years.

They come for the covenant.

"I didn't expect that our Delos Empire would conclude an alliance agreement with Belle Mare on this day." A voice of emotion hidden with complex emotions sounded in the spacious and luxurious carriage.

The owner of the voice is a young man who is nearly 30 years old. With a square and dignified face, gentle but determined eyes, combined with a tall figure and a straight posture, it makes people feel heroic.

It was the second prince of the empire, Philip Sgart Heinrich, the second brother of Reinhardt.Now that the talented Sword Master Soderos is imprisoned for disobedience to his father, this second prince is the most promising heir to the throne, revealing a neutral and peaceful attitude in every word and deed , expensive, and flawless.

Just like now, she clearly disdains Belle Mare, but she will definitely not say this attitude, lest she be taken as an excuse for not being cautious and mature in the future.

On the side, Reinhardt moved his lips, but said nothing.

Among the high-level empire, he is the only one who has truly witnessed the power of the awakened Midi Asrex.Only he could understand that the other party was already so strong that no one could even think of resisting.

In fact, on that day, when Midi descended from the sky in a victorious posture, Reinhardt had indeed given up resistance-his hole card, to put it bluntly, was left by "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman It's just two earthshaw bombs.And Midi is not even afraid of the self-destruction of the city lord of light, so what kind of threat is that thing?
But just when Reinhardt thought that Midi was going to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and monopolize the sky city, Midi unexpectedly proposed a covenant between the two parties again.

"If you want to talk about why, because there are more strong people like the City Lord of Light, human beings should and must unite." At that time, Midi explained this while pointing to the area above the Hanging City. Sky.

Obviously, this "Sword of Victory and Protection" no longer regards the disputes in the Arad continent as the focus, but has set his sights on a higher place and a more distant future.

What a boldness this is.

From this point, Reinhardt can assert that with his second brother's self-righteous imperial power, he might not be able to make any waves in front of that Midi Asrex.

However, why should I remind myself?
After all, the second brother is the main person in charge of the conclusion of the covenant this time, and he is just a cooperator. It's better to see a joke, maybe, by the way, he can loosen the foundation of the second brother, and maybe find a few more handles.

Thinking of this, Reinhardt chose to remain silent.

But it was obvious that Philip was not satisfied with this attitude at all. Seeing that his fourth brother didn't intend to answer, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

You know, in this Sky City battle, even though the two sides joined hands to defeat the City Lord of Light, everyone knows that the biggest winner in the end is Belle Mare and the Falcon Group.They won the first place, while the Imperial Army suffered heavy losses, and the right to speak became very small.

Another fight is naturally impossible.But at least, when the covenant is concluded, it is necessary to strive for the interests of the empire as much as possible, gain greater influence, and try to hold the resources of the awakened land in its hands.

As the person in charge of concluding the covenant, Philip will naturally try his best to create an advantage.

Among the second prince's strategies, one of them is to ask his fourth brother to contain Midi, at least to collect some information about the other party.But obviously, Reinhardt didn't cooperate with this at all, and he always had such a non-proactive attitude, which made him quite annoyed.

How did he know that Reinhardt didn't dare to provoke Midi at all, for fear that if he was not careful, he would be wiped out by the killing god, and even the body would not be found.

However, even if Reinhardt is working abroad, Philip has other cards.

For example, a truly perfect awakener.

That's right, now the empire also has perfect awakeners, because after the dust of the Battle of Hanging City settled, Midi immediately opened Sky City and allowed everyone to enter the Mountain of Stars to awaken.Whether it is an adventurer from Belmar, a soldier from the empire, a qigong master from Xu Zu, or others, as long as they are qualified to come in and abide by the rules and order he made, they will have the opportunity to come into contact with those precious awakened crystals.

It is naturally impossible for the Delos Empire to miss such a great opportunity.

In this short period of one month, they had awakened nearly a hundred strong people, and among them was a perfect awakened person.

In this way, in Philip's view, the advantage of Midi's first awakening has disappeared. In the next covenant negotiation, relying on these awakened people, the empire will have the confidence to gain more benefits!
This is his biggest hole card. In the final analysis, only strength is king. This is the consensus of the people of the empire. Today, he will use this powerful force to completely gain the upper hand.

"That Midi Asrex, although he is a victorious general on the battlefield, is still too young in politics after all. If it were me, I would not open the Hanging City immediately, let alone allow my negotiating opponents to use it Shi Jing is awakening, at least until the covenant is signed." Philip took a sip of red wine and finally made such an evaluation.

However, when he finally stood in front of Midi face to face, the second prince found that his judgment was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

In order to prevent the empire from having any thoughts when concluding the covenant, Midi did three things.

The first thing, in the previous month, he had Fina and Alice quietly go to the Seventeen Rocks of the Sky Blue Palace once, and use the dragon blood white crystal pool to awaken them.And the Queen of Bullets and the Witch of the Mist, just as Midi thought, successfully achieved the extraordinary awakening.

The second thing, he took Alice to the scene of the contract between the two parties.

The third thing, together with Alice, he released the dragon power obtained after the extraordinary awakening.

When Longwei was released, everyone felt an irresistible shock, and fear emerged from their hearts uncontrollably. Even the perfect awakened person from the empire, who used to increase his confidence, faced Midi's pair of eyes. When the eyes were as black as stars, when he felt the frosty aura of the Witch of the Mist, he was covered in cold sweat, and could only stand with his head down like a puppet.

Only the dragon people can not be affected by Longwei.

Therefore, during this contract, Midi deliberately did not dispatch the fighters of the Falcon Regiment, but completely maintained order with the Dragon Clan.

And the final result was that all the imperial side bowed their heads and sweated profusely, not daring to raise their heads, and even their legs trembled. Several low-ranking bureaucrats even fainted.On the Belmar side, everyone held their heads high, watching the good show.

At this point, the second prince who always thought he knew everything about emperors, finally understood.

Midi Asrex is not a perfect awakener.

His strength has already surpassed the category of perfect awakening.

Not only that, but the same powerful aura emanating from Alice, the Witch of the Mist, made the people of the empire understand one thing—there are not only one but three strong men like Midi in Belle Mare. !
After all, since the "Sword of Victory and Protection" and "Witch of the Mist" have reached such an admirable state, how could the "Queen of Magic Bullets" be pulled down?

In fact, originally in Midi's ideal, the iron triangle of the Falcon Group gathered together, and the three extraordinary awakeners jointly released the dragon's power, which would undoubtedly appear more shocking.

Unfortunately, now that Fina is the queen, she can go out privately as she pleases, but she needs to be cautious in public.Unless the "Sword Emperor" Yoren of the empire was present in person, it was impossible for Fina of the same level to appear at the contract site.Receiving the prince as the queen is tantamount to surrendering his status.

However, it is enough to have Alice's help.

Two powerhouses beyond perfect awakening are sitting in the town, and one is echoing each other on the throne. This extremely luxurious lineup is enough to seal anyone's mind.

This is true even if the opponent is the prince of the Delos Empire.

As Philip imprinted the royal coat of arms of the Delos Empire on the covenant unwillingly, the alliance between Belle Mare and Delos was formally established.

And in the future, Xu Zu in the east, Bantu in the north, and so on, all large and small countries, under Midi's plan, will also join this alliance one after another.

One day, this alliance of interests established to carve up the land of awakening will transform into a common alliance for the entire continent of Arad, a common barrier for mankind.

"What are you going to do next?" A voice as crisp as a silver bell rang in Midi's ear.

The black-haired woman was quietly looking at the most important man in her heart and asked this question.

Not just because she wanted to ask, but because of their mutual decision.

"Next?" Midi raised her head, looked at the blue sky, and pointed.

"Let's go to a higher place and see a more beautiful scenery."

As he said so, he showed a confident smile.

[The Sword of Allard Volume [-] Sky City]

【to be continued】

 The second update at 19:30, the third update at 23:30, let’s break out for a few days——+
(End of this chapter)

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