Arad's Sword

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Midi was in the initiative. Ba Qiulan thought she had mastered the rhythm, but in fact, she fell into the illusion created by Midi and was tricked out of the trump card.

After all, from a tactical point of view, no matter how experienced a gladiator is, how could he be an opponent of a talented commander like Midi?If you want to compete in tactical literacy, ten Baqiulan are not enough for Midi to see, and they can only be played with in the palm of your hand.

"Admit defeat, I can spare your life." Midi said lightly, and pointed the sharp blade of light in his hand at the berserker opposite.

This time, it was his turn to provoke.

No, this is not a provocation, but a kind of tolerance and tolerance from the superior when the overall situation is in hand.

However, if it is placed in the arena, is it not a form of persecution?

The corners of Ba Qiulan's mouth twitched, and a look of resentment appeared in her eyes.

If he really complied with Midi's words and chose to admit defeat, how would he stay in the Sky Arena in the future?No matter where he goes, he will be regarded as a coward, a coward who dare not attack, which is almost devastating to the image of a berserker.At that time, no one will watch his match, and no one will even place a bet on him. Without the support of the audience, a gladiator's life will come to an end.

It's not that Ba Qiulan has never lost before, but he has never lost under such circumstances.

Either being suppressed by the floor master, it is weak against strong, the difference in level and equipment is there, and it is normal to lose.

Or, he was defeated with blood all over his body. Although the defeat was glorious, although the defeat was fierce, at least he played bloody, and he also severely injured the opponent.

But now, Midi is unscathed, and what's worse, that person is only level 51!

In this case, how can you admit defeat?
Moreover, the reason why Ba Qiulan is unwilling to admit defeat is because she still has a hole card that has not yet been played, but if she does, she will be completely cornered and either win or die.

While hesitating, Ba Qiulan suddenly noticed that Midi's chest was rising and falling slightly, obviously panting secretly.

"Hmph, human brat, I was almost fooled by your bluff!" Ba Qiulan's eyes glowed red,
If the opponent has also reached the point of exhaustion, then what reason is there to admit defeat?
At that time, when Ba Qiulan made this choice, a smile appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth.

Be it celestial beings, dragon people, or demons, or even magical life forms, they are always greedy just like human beings.And if this greed cannot be controlled, the final result will only be death without a place to bury it.

As for Midi, it is one more object to become famous.

Unaware of Midi's deliberate showing of weakness, Ba Qiulan used all her strength to activate the essence of magic power in her body, and even chanted complicated mantras in cadence.

Strictly speaking, a ghost swordsman who uses magic power can also be regarded as a half-casting profession, but usually ghost swordsmen basically rely on the talents of ghosts and gods and use instant magic.But once a mantra is recited like this, it must be casting a skill that will cause great damage.

Midi didn't step forward to interrupt, on the contrary, she just quietly waited for the other party to complete the spell.

After all, this is a performance after all, and since it has been decided to give the best performance, it is natural to wait until the climax comes.

I saw Ba Qiulan's whole body surging with blood, and the magic power in the arena was pulled by his spells, wave after wave, like the sea surface blown by a storm, and ripples kept appearing.

The next moment, as the last syllable of this obscure incantation came to an end, a phantom actually separated from Ba Qiulan's body, and sucked the churning blood on Ba Qiulan's body, gradually turning into a phantom. Real, finally solidified.

It was the blood shadow snake before, but at this moment, it is no longer a shadow that will be killed by a sword, but a real living thing, the scales on the whole body reflect the light of metal, hissing Spitting out crimson letter, a pair of eyes full of killing intent, staring at Midi even more.

"I see, this is your awakening secret technique, right?" Midi said thoughtfully, showing a rare tone of surprise, "As a ghost swordsman, he can separate the ghosts and gods that he has contracted with, and give him Entity! And this giant snake is probably the projection of the legendary ghost and snake god Haka? I have to admit, it is amazing!"

Midi didn't want to paralyze the other party with praise, but really felt admiration.

You must know that even for a perfect awakener, it is a matter of luck to obtain their own awakening secret technique.Perhaps the extraordinary awakener will definitely be able to obtain unique secret skills, but how many people in this world can bear the terrifying pressure of the two holy objects of dragon blood and white crystal?

And this "Bloody Killing Sword" Ba Qiulan, he is not even a perfect awakening. In terms of potential, he is not qualified to enter the ranks of first-class professionals, but he has obtained his own awakening secret technique.

Not only that, but he even evolved his secret skills from "an exclusive skill" to "a set of exclusive skills" - using the Phantom Snake to sneak attack, and transforming the Jiang Phantom Snake into an entity, obviously Two very different skills.

Undoubtedly, even Midi, who is a reborn person, felt that his eyes were wide open, and he had to sigh that people's imagination is always infinite.

It can even be said that witnessing Ba Qiulan's skills and fighting with her own hands can be regarded as a great inspiration for Midi to continue to develop her own secret skill "Flying Sword Dance".

It's just that enlightenment belongs to enlightenment. If you want to talk about the power of Ba Qiulan's "Blood Shadow Snake", Midi can only shake his head.

"Ba Qiulan, your idea is indeed very good, but this level of attack power is useless to me. I pretended to be panting just now, but it was just to get you hooked. Anyway, just admit defeat like this Right?" Midi persuaded to surrender again, this time, it was not for provocation, nor did it set a trap, but it was genuinely and frankly persuaded to surrender.

But at this time, all the cards have been played, how could Ba Qiulan give in?

On the contrary, Midi's frankness made him feel even more that this human kid was bluffing.

"Are you afraid? Let me tear you apart!" Ba Qiulan showed a ferocious smile, and put Midi's words behind her, and suddenly raised the giant sword in her hand.

He stopped the two skills of blood energy awakening and blood rage. After all, these two skills are just a bluff, just to cover up the blood shadow snake.Now that the Blood Shadow Snake has materialized, there is no need to use this kind of desperate skill anymore.

On the contrary, in the situation of outflanking front and back with two-on-one, Ba Qiulan made up his mind to push Midi into a desperate situation steadily and steadily.


With a wave of the giant sword in his hand, the Blood Shadow Snake, who was connected with him, immediately got up, opened his bloody mouth, and spewed out a black mist.

Where the black mist passed, there was a stench, and even the yellow sand on the ground was corroded. However, the Blood Shadow Snake moved freely in the black mist, constantly driving the black mist around him, approaching Midi step by step.

At the same time, Ba Qiulan detoured to a farther place, pretending to be assisting.

This is not so much the fighting method of the ghost swordsman, but more like an ordinary summoner-the summoned beast is the main attack force, and the summoner himself is on the side to assist, and wait until the opponent has a flaw. Explosive power, one hit kills.

Even if it is a transcendent awakened person, it may be a little uncomfortable to encounter such a situation where the combat mode is completely changed.

But unfortunately, Midi is too familiar with the profession of summoner.

Who told one of his favorite women to be a summoner?
Alice, the Witch of the Mist, usually sparred with Midi a lot.

And compared to the power of the summoned beast, how can this blood shadow snake be compared with the group of ancient desolate beasts from the void owned by the Mist Witch?Moreover, if Alice doesn't attack, a group of them attack at the same time, and they can cooperate delicately with each other. Now that Ba Qiulan only has a snake, what kind of waves can they make?
"Since you want to die, then I will help you." Midi sneered.

The next moment, like an enraged bull, he charged directly at the Blood Shadow Snake from the front, into the extremely corrosive black mist!

There was an uncontrollable exclamation in the auditorium.

Even Ba Qiulan was stunned for a moment—the opponent clearly still had the advantage, so why did he rush in so self-destructively?

But immediately, no one thought Midi was suicidal any more.

I saw a burst of golden-red light glowing all over Midi's body. This light continued to soar, shooting up into the sky like a rainbow light, flickering back and forth around Midi's body.It is like a brush, brush left and right, and quickly brush the black mist around the Blood Shadow Snake to tatters, like a piece of rag that has been ripped apart by countless sharp knives. Without any attack and defense functions, it is like smoke and dust, blowing away with the wind!

This trick is Midi's secret awakening skill, Flying Sword Dance.

It's just that Midi didn't use his flying ability now, but only activated the golden and red sword light in the Dragon Sealing Sword.This sword light can allow Midi to move freely during high-speed flight, can make Midi's swords unite, split mountains and mountains, and support Midi to counterattack against the firepower of the Lord of Light, even if there is only a trace, The power is also extremely impressive, not to mention, it is diffuse at the moment?
In an instant, the Blood Shadow Snake couldn't hold on any longer. Not only did the black mist dissipate, but even its snake body with hard scales became fragmented under the indeterminate golden-red light, and was finally trapped After entering it, after grinding for a short while, it turned into a puddle of flesh and blood!
It was as if he had been swallowed alive by a real dragon.

And from the beginning to the end, Midi didn't even raise the double swords in his hands once.

(End of this chapter)

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