Arad's Sword

Chapter 259 The Light of the Star Ocean

Chapter 259 The Light of the Star Ocean
He didn't care about other people's thoughts. At this moment, Midi's mind had all converged and concentrated on the cloud beast.

This cloud beast obviously also found Midi. As the master of the ice cloud circle, it has never been challenged, or more precisely, it has never experienced any battles at all.Seeing Midi's golden red sword light flying towards him, it didn't pay much attention to it, and just breathed out a mouthful of freezing air casually.

After all, compared to the size of the cloud beast, Midi's sword light is much smaller. To such a huge monster, it is like a mosquito.Since human beings don't get entangled with mosquitoes, how can cloud beasts get entangled with Midi?

Just blowing it casually is enough.

The temperature of this freezing air is extremely low, enough to crack the steel. If the Narwhal is blown like this, the entire keel will probably be distorted and deformed. If it is hit again, it will immediately fall apart.And ordinary Yunhai residents, if they don't have a way to resist the low temperature, they will be frozen into ice sculptures and shattered immediately if they suffer such a frontal blow, and they cannot be rescued at all.

However, as a reborn Midi, of course, he is very aware of the weight of the frozen breath. He has already made an estimate, and the sword light of his own Dragon Sealing Sword is enough to completely dissolve it.

I saw Midi's golden-red light rush forward, and immediately broke the frozen air like the bow of an icebreaker. Then, the golden-red light rushed directly into the cloud beast without stopping. inside!

However, the body of the cloud beast pierced by Midi's sword glow is only one in a thousand. When the magic power network in its body works a little, the wound will immediately condense, as if nothing happened.

But at this moment, riding on this golden-red sword light, Midi has already entered the body of the cloud beast.

The cloud beast is formed by the condensation of ice clouds, and the temperature inside its body is much lower than its surface. Even Midi, who is an extraordinary awakened body, will be suffocated as soon as he enters it. I felt a bone-piercing cold, like a sharp knife, piercing through the golden-red light surrounding my body, piercing into my body, freezing the magic power.

Level 52, as expected, is still a little bit reluctant...

Thinking of this, Midi frowned slightly, but she didn't have the slightest intention of shrinking back.

He took a deep breath, and then began to speed up the magic power in his body. The Dragon Sealing Sword with light patterns on its surface made a crisp sound, and immediately dispelled all the cold air that had invaded his body, and the speed of "Flying Sword Dance" also Suddenly increased a lot.

After all, low temperature is just an environmental factor. Unlike fighting, as long as you are prepared, you will naturally have a way to resist.

It's just that it is a bit difficult for Midi, who is only level 52, to run the awakening secret skill with all his strength, and the duration is even more limited.

Therefore, he must now find the core of the cloud beast as soon as possible, in order to win before his white crystal magic power is exhausted.

Fortunately, Midi is very familiar with magical life forms like cloud beasts. In her previous life, she stayed in the Frozen Cloud Circle for a long time with Fina and Alice, and captured a large number of cloud beasts to use as military resources.

Don't look at the vast whiteness, wind and rain, and extremely poor vision in the cloud beast's body, as long as you feel it with your heart, you can quickly detect the existence of the magic network in the cloud beast's body, and as long as you find the magic network, then the cloud beast's biggest weakness, as consciousness The "starburst" of the storage body can be traced.

As long as you sense the flow of magic power in the magic power network, and then follow closely, you will be able to find the core of the entire network, where the consciousness of the cloud beast is located - the starlight.

Midi held her breath and concentrated, and soon sensed the magic power network condensed like invisible rivers in the icy snowstorm.He continued to move forward along the network, splitting countless icebergs and snow peaks along the way, and finally came to a huge hole.

There is no wind or snow here, and even the ice clouds themselves are repelled. Countless magical networks are entangled with each other here, and finally this huge space is formed, and in the center of this space, a star as bright as a cold moon The light is hanging high above it.

When reaching the edge of this space, Midi immediately slowed down and stopped, and didn't step in even half a step.

You know, this space seems to be extremely calm, without wind and snow, but in fact it is a place where magic power is raging.

After all, all the magic power in this gigantic cloud beast, which is one kilometer long, gathers and circulates here. This space is equivalent to the heart of the cloud beast.No need for any other external force, just this cycle of magic power itself is already infinitely powerful.

In the previous life, a high-level adventurer stepped in rashly after arriving here, and immediately on the spot, including the person and the flying vehicle, were stirred into a mass of metal and flesh mixed residue.

Even a heavy armored cruiser would not easily force their way into this area, because the powerful magic resonance might cause some subtle damage to the cruiser that is difficult to detect, resulting in failure in fierce battles.

Now, Midi is only level 52, even if it is a super awakened, how can it be tougher than a cruiser?

What's more, the bit of consciousness that the cloud beast has brewed for hundreds of years is also stored in the starlight. Once it senses an intruder, it will immediately launch a counterattack instinctively to eliminate it.

It can be said that at this point, the real difficulty has just begun.

Even though it is close at hand, it is even more difficult to obtain that star.

However, Midi has his own method. This is a trick he, Fina, and Alice came up with in the previous life. It is simple and easy to do, and the most important thing is that the cost is very low.

He first observed the flow of the magic power with his eyes, and then directly stabbed out a sword. Above the edge of the "scorching sun", a golden-red sword aura whizzed out, and slashed straight at the thinnest point in the magic power space. Root mobile mesh.

In an instant, the cloud beast's consciousness reacted immediately, and a strong storm surged in the calm water-like space, crushing Midi's sword light into powder, not even a little magic residue left !
However, at the same time, the thinnest thread of the network that Midi was aiming at was also affected by it. Although it would not break, the magic power in it was affected, and it flowed turbulently, forming pieces of it immediately. clogged.

Before the storm subsided, Midi slashed out with another sword, which was another web thread.

As a result, the second storm occurred, and then hit Chiyu again.

Then came the third sword, the fourth sword...

The fifth sword, the sixth sword...

There was another crisp sound of the long sword being unsheathed, and "Cold Moon" had already reached Midi's hands.

At this moment, Mi Di came out with two swords, slashing continuously, and one sword cut faster than the other.In an instant, streaks of golden-red light shuttled back and forth in the magic power space like piercing flowers.At the same time, the cloud beast's consciousness was also stimulated, becoming more and more angry, and began to stir up the storm crazily.As for the originally orderly magic power network, it has naturally become messy and fragmented at this moment.

Using the power of the cloud beast to attack the cloud beast itself, this is Midi's way of dealing with the cloud beast.

If the cloud beast is not conscious and relies entirely on the flow of magic power itself to repel foreign objects, at Midi's current level, there is nothing he can do. I am afraid that he can only grit his teeth and save up a blow with all his strength to try to break through the starlight. The defense, even so, may not be able to succeed.

But now, since the consciousness of the cloud beast is in it, as long as the cloud beast is provoked, with its little IQ and instinct, it will soon fall into the rhythm guided by Midi, disrupt its own position, and tear down the beast by itself. own defense.

As the magic storm raged, gradually, the originally filled space began to form cracks one after another, and the outer layer of ice clouds began to gradually seep into the interior.

And Midi, also silently, followed the penetrating ice clouds, and began to step into the magic space step by step.

He slowly retracted the protection around his body, allowing the golden-red light to compress and turn into an extremely thin layer to circulate around his body, so as not to attract the attention of the cloud beast's consciousness. Mang attacked into the magic power space, but first went around in a circle, avoiding his current position by far, then turned around and turned around to launch a fierce attack.

In this way, the cloud beast's consciousness was still attracted and irritated by the sword light, but it did not realize that the human being, who seemed insignificant but contained enormous power in his body, was already close to his core.

Another surge of magical power storm gushed out like a tide, crushing the several sword qi thrown out by Midi directly.

But at the same time, the door around the star was wide open, and the magic power was almost gone for a while, leaving only a thick magic wall to maintain the last line of defense.

It's now!

Midi showed a cold death-like smile, and handed out a sword seemingly lightly.

It can be described as an incomparably perfect sword with the sword's hand, eyes and heart.There was only a "huh", and an incomparably sharp Qi surged and accumulated along the blade of "Scorching Sun", and finally converged into a point on the tip of the sword, gushing out!This sword light is extremely slender, like a strand of hair that would break if blown, however, it contains incredible power, and the edge is even more incomparably sharp.

This sword easily cut through the magic shield around the star, and then suddenly turned rigid into soft, just like a real spider silk, wrapping the star with incomparable accuracy. Get up, and then pull and pull again, and directly pull it down from the high air, fly past like a meteor, and fall directly into Midi's hands.

This method of fetching beads is extremely sophisticated, naturally because Midi has plundered many stars in the bodies of cloud beasts in the previous life.

However, at that time it was due to the pressure of funds, but at this moment, Midi can be regarded as the No. 1 slaying cloud beast on the continent of Arad.

Losing the starlight, the entire space immediately began to tremble, and the magic power network gathered in this space showed signs of complete collapse because of losing the control of the cloud beast's consciousness.

However, before this collapse occurred, Midi had already restarted Feitian Sword Dance.

He quickly turned into a stream of light, and then chose a direction and rushed out without hesitation, without even turning his head.

 Come on, more monthly passes!
(End of this chapter)

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