Arad's Sword

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
When the Narwhal was heading towards its destination along the coordinates given by Emile, in another direction thousands of kilometers away from them, a huge airship was also heading towards the cemetery at dusk. The direction is advancing rapidly.

The shape of this airship is completely different from the airship in the sky like a sea of ​​clouds.

Ordinary airships—including those on the continent of Arad—are basically in the shape of a long shuttle, with a streamlined outline, short side wings and a huge tail rudder. From a distance, it looks like A fish in the sea is like a fish. Of course, if it is a large airship, it is no longer a fish, but a shark or a whale.

But generally speaking, these airships are all "fish-shaped airships".

But this one is different.

It is like a huge vulture, stretching its huge wings, gliding above the sea of ​​clouds in a posture that covers the sky and the sun.

If the wingtips are counted, the wingspan of these huge wings has reached an astonishing 100 meters. In other words, there is still nearly [-]% of the remaining narwhal airship on it!And between the two wings, there are several huge air intakes, which continuously suck in air, and then spray it out from the rear, forming a powerful driving force for advancement.

A "bird-shaped airship", a super-large airship manufactured with the alchemy technology that Yunhai is currently unable to match.

If Midi, who is a reborn person, is here at this moment, the word "devil world" will definitely appear in his mind the moment he sees this airship.

This is a demon cruiser.

Of course, it wasn't the real demon cruiser that Tyrannosaurus King Bakar used to attack the heavens tens of thousands of years ago. It was also just an imitation, but even so, its performance far exceeded the current general level.

Of course, at this moment, the members of this imitation demon cruiser obviously cannot be those powerful demons from the abyss, but the various races that are common in the sea of ​​clouds, including heavenly people, demonic people, and Dragon people, and they are all in peace with each other, and each of them has a badge of the Blue Truth Sect on their robes.

"My lord, in about ten days, we will be able to reach the cemetery at dusk." In the spacious and bright captain's room, a bald man in a blue luxurious robe said respectfully.

It was Bishop Malan who spoke out in a domineering manner at the Venus Auction.

But now, the immediate boss he reported the situation to was the mysterious person that even Midi was extremely afraid of.

At this moment, the mysterious man was casually leaning on the large pterosaur leather sofa, listening to Bishop Malan and the captain of the cruiser of the demon world report the situation, while playing with a star in his hand Orb of Chill.

The ice soul bead auctioned by Midi.

The Ice Soul Orb is a top-grade treasure, but at the same time, even without any processing, it is still a powerful weapon.Starburst has the characteristic of automatically absorbing magic power. Hundreds of years of infiltration of ice cloud make it extremely cold, and the consciousness contained in cloud beast makes it even more rebellious.

If an ordinary professional just holds the Ice Soul Orb empty-handed without any protection, even if it is an awakened person, within a few minutes, it will be frozen into an ice sculpture and then shatter.

Even Midi had to carefully seal it with a golden-red sword light before it could be used smoothly.

But now, this mysterious man actually held the Ice Soul Orb directly in his hand, and even easily suppressed the tyrannical force within it with his own magic power!

Not only that, the cloud beast consciousness that was originally full of anger in the ice soul orb curled up into a ball like a cute kitten in the hands of this mysterious man, completely losing the will to attack!

This is the terrifying aspect of psychic powers, and it is also the most mysterious trump card of the Blue Truth Sect.

Level is not the key, magic power is not a problem, and even a tragic war is not a problem.What Midi is really afraid of is this psychic power.

You know, the consciousness of cloud beasts is much stronger than that of ordinary intelligent races. This is the consciousness that can manipulate a huge body up to one kilometer long, and it is extremely pure, without any superfluous thoughts. He didn't have any thoughts, and he fought entirely by instinct, so it was especially difficult to suppress.

But now, the consciousness of this cloud beast is easily manipulated by this mysterious man called "Lord Holy Envoy" by Bishop Malan!

It can be seen that psychic powers are terrifying!
It can be seen how powerful this person's control over psychic powers is!

"Ten days? The time is too long, let's shorten the time." After playing with the Ice Soul Orb, the envoy said slowly, "Within a week, I want to see the Twilight Cemetery."

His voice was extremely hoarse, as if he was sawing wood with a blunt saw, and his words were not very elegant, and he could even be said to be picking up mistakes.It doesn't feel like the voice coming from the mouth of an intelligent race at all, but the kind of monster that is extremely unfamiliar with language communication.

But Bishop Malan and the captain of the cruiser did not dare to refute even a word of the order spoken from the hoarse voice.

"I know what you are thinking." A bright silver light flashed in the eyes of the holy envoy, and then he snorted contemptuously.

This cold snort made Bishop Malan and the captain of the cruiser immediately sweat profusely.

Because that is not a bluff, nor is it a matter of observing the thoughts of his subordinates, but it is like the literal meaning, knowing exactly what the other party is thinking.

"Do you think that with this Vulture cruiser and me sitting here, you will be able to dominate the sky and sea of ​​clouds sooner or later? It's really stupid." The envoy raised the ice soul bead, "take this ice soul bead Let me tell you, Ma Lan, you spent a total of 80 crystal coins to photograph this thing, but do you know where it came from?"

"The villain doesn't know." Ma Lan answered directly with her head down.

In front of the envoy, all words are cumbersome, so he can only answer as concisely as possible, lest the other party get impatient and directly probe his mind.

"This is the core of the cloud beast in the ice cloud circle." The envoy said softly.

This time, Bishop Malan and the captain of the cruiser were really shocked.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not even know what a cloud beast is, but these two are different.Although Bishop Malan has never been to the Frozen Cloud Circle, as a senior member of the Blue Truth Sect, he naturally knows what the cloud beast is, and has seen many scrolls inside the sect.And that captain, who has sailed in the ice cloud circle many times, and even fought with Yun **, is well aware of the horror of this kind of monster.

You know, even if it is against the Vulture cruiser, this captain has never killed a cloud beast!
But now, the core of a cloud beast is in front of their eyes, how could they not set off a storm in their hearts?
"Hmph, the sky city is opened, do you really think that the people who come up are just a group of ants-like humans from the lower realm? Now, masters who can kill cloud beasts have appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, and in the future, strong people will emerge in endlessly!" St. Shi looked thoughtfully at the cat-like cloud beast consciousness dormant in the Ice Soul Orb, and said lightly, "If you haven't noticed the crisis until now, then there is only a dead end in the end."

"Yes, my lord." Bishop Malan and the captain said in unison, and then bowed their heads respectfully.

"One of the main purposes of my coming here through the big storm area this time is to collect the war weapons in those ancient battlefields! Although the resources of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky are not as good as those of Xingyang in the big storm area, in terms of ruins, But there are still many valuable things. Salvaging all these things and keeping them for ourselves will make our Blue Truth Sect even stronger! Strong enough to bring the entire sky and sea of ​​clouds into the palm of your hand, even You can even get your hands on the continent of Arad!"

This time, the saw-like sound finally did not sound.

But instead, it was a huge voice full of fanaticism.Carrying endless coercion, this voice sounded directly in the minds of the two of them without warning, and then reverberated, no resistance, no rejection!
This directly piercing conversation made Bishop Malan's face extremely pale in an instant, and the cruiser captain with a lower rank beside him almost fainted.

But in front of the envoy, they didn't dare to make any mistakes, they could only grit their teeth, and then lowered their heads deeply.

"Go, for the Blue Truth Sect!" The envoy nodded, "Take everything in your hands, and wipe out all those who resist!"

That voice echoed in their hearts for a long time, like thunder.

After finally walking out of the captain's room where the envoy was, the cruiser captain and Bishop Malan looked at each other, and both could see the indelible horror in each other's eyes.

And the backs of these two usually invincible figures were already covered in cold sweat.

In front of this unfathomable envoy, they felt that they were like insignificant ants.

"It is said that the race of the holy envoy is directly related to the legendary apostle. It seems true." After leaving the captain's cabin and arriving on the deck with the cold wind, Bishop Malan finally said He let out a breath and sighed softly.

"Blood, talent, strength, this kind of gap cannot be made up by level alone." The cruiser captain also shook his head. He is a dragonman, and he has awakened many years ago, and now he has crossed the gap. He passed the threshold of level 60, but at this moment, he couldn't think of any resistance at all.

The only thing they think about now is how to complete the task entrusted by the envoy, no matter how unreasonable the task is.

In just one minute, the huge engines on the Vulture Cruiser's wings roared one after another, and glaring brilliance spewed out from the jets.

Accompanied by the scorching magic flames erupting one after another, the huge monster with a wingspan of more than 80 meters and a length of more than [-] meters was slightly shocked, and it actually increased its speed again. The direction of the field, rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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