Arad's Sword

Chapter 290 Lurking

Chapter 290 Lurking
The prey has completely lost the power to resist, how can the Vulture warship let it disappear so easily?
Suddenly, a ring of fire exploded on the tail thruster of the Vulture battleship, and then, this huge monster with a length of more than 80 meters galloped at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its size. In a short time, it has already flown directly above the Narwhal.

Immediately afterwards, from under its wings, two giant three-toed claws with a length of more than ten meters suddenly protruded.

These two claws snapped down, as if an osprey was catching a small fish, and directly grabbed the falling Narwhal in its claws!

Under the violent impact, the entire Narwhal was about to fall apart, and the keel was twisted and twisted, completely losing its original appearance.Its hull began to collapse continuously, and a large amount of debris leaked out from the gap between the Vulture's claws and fell into the sea of ​​clouds.

According to this trend, within a few minutes, the entire Narwhal will fall apart.However, since it took so much effort to fish it up from the edge of falling, how could the people of the Blue Truth Sect really let it scatter?

Soon, vanguard boats poured out one after another from the multiple exits of the Vulture battleship. They released their grapples and steel cables one after another to gradually gather the broken Narwhal so that it would no longer collapse. .

At the same time, many masters with hang glider boldly jumped directly onto the Narwhal, and thus started the search operation.

However, at this moment, from under the bullet-scarred deck of the Narwhal, a huge roar with a touch of dragon power suddenly came out!

The next moment, a pterosaur with two heads burst out of its shell, and crazily sprayed icy fog around it!
"It turned out to be... an undead?" The envoy snorted coldly, with unconcealable contempt in his tone, but there was a trace of fear hidden in the expression hidden by the hood.

For psychic powers, undead are undoubtedly the most difficult enemy.

They have already died once, and now they are active with the power of death, and all their thinking is carried out in the soul, not in the brain. These characteristics make the undead completely immune to psychic powers, but they are not immune to psychic powers. All magic has extremely high resistance. It can be said that this is the most hated and difficult opponent of the race of the holy envoy.

Just like now, the Holy Envoy clearly probed the Narwhal with telepathy just now, and confirmed that there were no signs of thinking on it, and then let the members of the Vulture Battleship go up to search.

But I didn't expect that there was an undead pterosaur hiding in this boat, and it was a mutant with two heads.

All of a sudden, the crew members who were accustomed to the orders of the holy envoy were caught off guard. On the spot, two awakened people were directly frozen into ice sculptures by the pterosaur, and then they were completely slapped apart with one claw!
The next moment, the double-headed pterosaur rose into the air and rushed towards a pioneer boat.This vanguard boat hurriedly evaded, but because of the narrow space, it collided with another vanguard boat, and the scene became chaotic for a while.There are flying vehicles crowded together that can't exert their strength, and only the pterosaur is left on a rampage.

"A bunch of trash!" The envoy commented again, and disappeared from the bridge in a flash.

Psychic powers move the stars!
There is no need to use any magic circle as an aid, nor does it need to chant incantations. With just a thought, the holy envoy has already moved from the bridge to the outside of the Vulture battleship.

He was just suspended in mid-air, looking coldly at the narwhal held in the giant steel claw tens of meters away, and the double-headed pterosaur that spewed frost wantonly in mid-air and launched a frenzied attack. Then, Only then did the mantra really begin to be chanted.

Elementalist skills, flame impact.

Accompanied by the incantation, a pillar of fire suddenly rose from the void, enveloping the double-headed pterosaur in it.

Then, another thick ice wall was erected, like a cage, trapping the double-headed pterosaur in the middle.

Ice cages, flames grilling, and soon, the two-headed pterosaur with extremely poor resistance to flames could not bear it.It howled and hit the ice wall again and again, but in the end, it was smashed to pieces, turned into pieces of bones and fell down, until it was completely burned to ashes by the flames.

Undead are indeed the greatest nemesis of psionic powers.

But it is a pity that it is definitely not the opponent of this incomparably powerful envoy.

With just a gesture, this level 60 double-headed pterosaur has already become history.

"Let's start searching."

The emissary did not speak to give orders, nor did he need to.

When he is in a bad mood, he will use his spiritual power to directly impress his thoughts into the minds of everyone around him with strong coercion, just like now, even if the crew members are hundreds of meters away Can hear this sentence clearly.

Everyone's brains are splitting by this not-so-loud voice, but no one dares to complain, including those captains who have reached level 60. The only thing they can do is to immediately follow the instructions of the envoy .

The search began again, and this time, nothing stood in the way.

Of course, nothing will be gained.

In the end, the Blue Truth Sect got, apart from a lot of useless wreckage, only two scorched black bodies that could not be identified by the explosion, and could not even be judged whether they were intelligent races or not.

These two bodies are naturally not Midi and Reinhardt.

Because at this moment, the two had already entered the Vulture battleship, and carefully found a place to lurk.

Lurking, from the very beginning, this has been Midi's goal.

Since long-range air combat has no chance of winning at all, the only way is to find a way to conduct close combat, in other words, destroy from the inside.This is a very simple, clear and direct tactical strategy, but if it is really to be realized, it is even more difficult, and even a great risk must be taken, just like gambling.

If there were only Midi and Reinhardt, this tactic would basically be impossible to implement. Fortunately, there was finally a two-headed pterosaur to drive, and it happened to be an undead pterosaur with psychic powers. Biggest nemesis.

Thus, an extremely complicated strategy took shape in Midi's mind.

In the beginning, when they were attacked by the Vulture battleship, this tactic had actually begun to unfold quietly.

The most basic point is to ensure the general integrity of the Narwhal.

Although there is no suspense that it will fall, when the fall occurs, the airship must be of sufficient value, at least to make people want to see what is inside.Otherwise, the people of the Blue Truth Sect would not even take a look at it, let alone come to salvage it.

That's why Midi didn't hesitate to expend his strength, and used his sword slash from the air to shoot down those powerful missiles. The purpose was to prevent the Narwhal from being directly destroyed.

The psychological contest between the two sides has actually begun at this stage.

And then, just as Midi wished, the Vulture battleship activated the strongest instant acceleration skill, came over and grabbed the still intact Narwhal, trying to dig out information from it.

Next, it will rely on the power of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman's undead alchemy.

Because even though he could hide in the wreckage of the Narwhal, for the telepathy of the Holy Angel, the whole situation of the battle was clear at a glance.If Midi and Reinhardt are still in a fighting state, he will be noticed immediately, and there is no possibility of sneaking in.

Of course, if you use magic power to fight, the result is the same. The holy envoy will feel that someone is resisting his induction, and he will also be full of vigilance.

Therefore, while the Narwhal was being salvaged, the only choice for Midi and Reinhardt was to maintain a state of meditation without self, so as to make the other party think that the people on the airship were dead.

All that remains is to pass the command to the undead pterosaur in advance through the token.

Reinhardt's instructions were, "As soon as you are disturbed, attack immediately and wipe out all moving objects."

Simple, but very effective.

As long as you explore the Narwhal, it will definitely trigger the attack of the undead pterosaur, and the attack of the undead pterosaur will cause the attack target to move more violently, thereby further strengthening the attack judgment and forming a virtuous circle.

In fact, the situation at that time was indeed extremely chaotic, from left to right, from top to bottom, almost everything was messed up.When the pterosaur came out from under the deck and was still crazily spewing ice mist from its mouth, it could be described as jumping like a chicken flying a dog.

And during this scuffle, Midi took Reinhardt and cast more than a dozen ghosts in succession in one breath!
Straight away, like light smoke, he rushed into the Vulture battleship's wide-open vanguard boat entrance and exit!
So far, this interlocking, gambling-like sneaking plan that cannot be remedied if any mistake in any detail is finally completed.

Although the emissary's telepathy is powerful, it can only be used to sense the location of intelligent races within a wide range, or the precise location within ten meters.The area within a few hundred meters of the Vulture battleship happens to be its blind spot. If one observes the entire battleship with a spiritual vision, one can only see a large area of ​​blurred fluorescence, but cannot distinguish the specific details.

It is precisely because he knows the performance of the Vulture battleship well and is extremely familiar with the characteristics of psychic powers that Midi, as a reborn person, made this whimsical and bold plan, and in the end, it succeeded.

However, this was only a temporary success.

No matter how much delay, how much risky tactics, in the end, there will be a moment of face-to-face showdown.

"How is the repair going?" Hidden in a warehouse of the Vulture Battleship, Midi connected the magic communication with the Wind King Battleship.

"It will take ten hours at the earliest." Emile sent the reply.

"I hope you can go faster." Looking at the setting sun sinking into the sea of ​​clouds and the rising icy moon outside the porthole, Midi said so.

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely unreasonable request, because Emile must have done her best at this moment, not only her, but everyone on the Fengwang battleship has done her best, so this rigorous Only the gentle and gentle alchemist dared to say the answer "ten hours at the fastest".

But in the face of such an answer, Midi actually said the request of "faster", what is it if it is not unreasonable?
However, on the other end of the communication, Emile did not refute or complain, but just gave a soft "hmm".

"Reinhardt and I will try our best to delay it as much as possible. As for your side, we must find ways to activate the weapon system, at least one." Midi continued.

"Which one? We don't know anything about the system of the Wind King cruiser." Emile asked.

Midi is naturally ignorant.

The reborn is not omnipotent and omniscient. In his previous life, he was on a heavy armored cruiser that was several grades worse, not this kind of genuine ancient battleship.

But facing the question from Emile, Midi's answer was decisive and confident: "Of course it's the biggest one!"

(End of this chapter)

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