Arad's Sword

Chapter 299 Entering the Big Storm

Chapter 299 Entering the Big Storm

Fourteen high-level directors and a chairman of the chamber of commerce were captured without a fight, and Victoria became the new president as a matter of course.

Under the thunderous wrist of this talented businesswoman, after a short period of turmoil, the chamber of commerce soon returned to its normal track, but this time, Rothschild's resources were no longer purely used for commercial trade, on the contrary, A large part of it tends to be military.

Huge alchemy factories and laboratories were built, and large docks were built. At the same time, various professionals from the Kingdom of Belle Mare, the Delos Empire, and Feng Jianliu also reorganized their formations and Equipped with a large number of the latest weapons.

It can be said that the new force headed by Midi has been gradually established.

This brand new faction, still known as the "Falcon Regiment", is far more powerful than the one originally established in the Arad Empire.

It was sharper, more powerful, more technologically advanced, and more ambitious.

However, for Midi, this is just the beginning.

On the first day of the establishment of this new force, Midi immediately began to enter the real goal——

Into the big storm zone!

Originally, with Midi's prudence, this goal should not have been advanced so quickly.After all, professionals from different regions still need a lot of running-in, and there is only one Wind King battleship, and there is no possibility of duplication for the time being.And the other forces in the sky and sea of ​​clouds are also eyeing, and need to be further drawn or attacked.

Ideally, after Emile has researched the replica of the Wind King battleship, he will form a fleet of sufficient size to clear the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky first, and then explore the big storm area when the backyard is extremely stable.

But now, Midi has no such time and opportunity at all.

In the battle of the cemetery at dusk, the biggest trump card of the Wind King battleship has been completely exposed to the vision of the biggest enemy, the Blue Truth Sect.

In fact, in the recent period, the major temples of the Blue Truth Sect in the sea of ​​clouds have begun to attack the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.If it weren't for the Chamber of Commerce's transformation from a purely commercial force to a semi-commercial and semi-military force, it would not even be able to resist this kind of attack, all air routes would cease to operate, and the shops would be destroyed.

And Midi has no doubt that the sect headquarters located in the "Star Ocean" at the core of the big storm area must have started to operate at a high speed, constantly expanding the size of the army and fleet.

It can be said that the war between the two sides has already started ahead of schedule.

And time is extremely unfavorable for Midi.

After all, Midi is developing in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, while the Blue Truth Sect is in the "Star Ocean" with extremely rich resources, and there is no disturbance from other forces at all, so it can develop quietly.

How many fleets will the sect build when Midi finally builds a fleet that resembles an ancient battleship?
Ten or twenty?

Therefore, Midi's only choice is to immediately choose to enter the big storm area, and then establish a stronghold in the star ocean, and compete with the Blue Truth Sect for the most core resources!
After a simple reorganization on the Qingjing floating island, the Wind King battleship set off.

This time, it contained the most elite professionals in the Newborn Falcon Group.

And its goal is to cross the outer black cloud circle and the inner ice cloud circle, open up a new route, and finally, occupy a floating island in the "Star Ocean" at the core of the big storm area. stronghold!
Under the flying speed of this extremely advanced ancient battleship, even the vast sea of ​​clouds in the sky seems to have become much smaller.

In just a few days, the big storm area is already in sight.

There is no need to choose the road as carefully as last time, and there is no need to rely on the spice route. The Wind King battleship is like a heroic white swan, directly plunged into the dark and dark cloud circle.

The precise compass positioning possessed by ancient warships will not be disturbed by the magnetic field in the big storm area at all.

And the Kuroshio that appears every certain period of time in the black cloud circle may be able to blow ordinary airships off course, but when facing a warship with a huge tonnage and strong propulsion like the Wind King battleship, But like a gust of wind, it is difficult to cause any impact.

Soon, the Wind King battleship passed through the black cloud circle smoothly, which was many times faster than the original Narwhal.

As for the ice cloud circle, it also cannot cause obstacles.

The climate of the heaven and demon world is much more terrifying than the low temperature of the ice cloud. Ancient warships are very resistant to extreme cold and hot environments. Even if they sail for several days in the ice cloud circle, the temperature inside the battleship remains the same. It was as warm and pleasant as spring, and even the cold air introduced from the vents continued to heat up under the action of the magic circle, without causing any impact at all.

As for the cloud beast, the Fengwang battleship can also directly contend with powerful firepower.Of course, with Midi around, it is even easier to deal with such a big guy with low IQ and inflexible movements.

So, as the Wind King battleship went all the way deep into the ice cloud circle, a few more ice beads fell into Midi's hands.

This time, Midi didn't intend to auction it, but used it directly on the spot to let Emile make suitable equipment.

In this way, it went all the way through the piercing ice fog, hunting a large number of cloud beasts by the way, and the Fengwang battleship penetrated the ice cloud circle without any hindrance.

For humans from the Arad continent, this seems to be a matter of course. After all, whether it is Midi, Reinhardt or Wiseman, they are all eclectic adventurers.

After putting in a lot of hard work, even risking their lives, it is only natural for adventurers to finally be able to make progress.

However, in the eyes of the residents of the sea of ​​clouds, this is an almost impossible feat.

After all, over the years, under the challenge of countless heroes, no one—or at least no one on the surface—has been able to cross the Great Storm Zone.

At this moment, this feat was accomplished in their hands, how could they not be excited?

Finally, the white ice fog in the field of vision began to gradually thin out.

The readings on the thermometer outside the ship also began to rise gradually.

The whiteness faded, darkness fell, and the Wind King battleship passed through the ice cloud circle, and finally reached the innermost layer of the big storm area.


There is no blue sky, no white clouds, and no sun here, just like the void in the legend.

But this is not the darkness where you can't see your fingers, because the stars are blooming their own bright light on the dome like night.

Here is a grand and beautiful starry night, so vast that people have no other thoughts except admiration.

This is Xingyang.

When most of the people were lying on the portholes, or even went to the deck to sigh, Midi did not relax, but directly ordered the Wind King battleship to speed up, looking for a foothold.

In the star ocean, there are not many floating islands, but each floating island is quite large and very conspicuous.

Soon, the Fengwang battleship found a remote floating island in the corner of Xingyang that no one cares about.

"My God, there is actually a complete vein of cyanite here!"

"There is also a rare Featherstone!"

"Come and see, there is actually a magic vortex here, and there are rare medicinal materials everywhere!"

"The Essence of Light crystal is the size of a fist. This is the first time I have seen such a large Essence of Light!"

As soon as they anchored on the floating island and began to explore, people couldn't help but let out one after another exclamation.

Just find a floating island, walk a few steps casually, and those precious mineral veins, raw materials and medicinal materials that are extremely rare in the sea of ​​​​clouds in the sky can be seen everywhere.And if it is placed on the continent of Arad, these can be said to be the most precious resources that have long since disappeared.

Not only that, but the concentration of the pure magic power in the star ocean is much higher than that of the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and it is far behind the sky city.

It can even be said that this place is simply a cornucopia.

And this is only the most remote outlying area of ​​Xingyang. If it goes to the central location, on a larger floating island, how rich will the resources be?
Thinking of this, even Emile, who has never been interested in foreign objects, now has bright eyes.Not to mention politicians like Reinhardt who are already extremely sensitive to resources.

However, while their hearts were full of excitement and shock, they were also clearly aware of what kind of advantage their opponents had.

"The headquarters of the Blue Truth Sect is in the depths of this star ocean, right?" Looking at the starry night sky, Avril could not help asking.

Very rarely, this time, this charming dark elf woman did not seduce her, she didn't even make any verbal provocations, she just stared at the night sky quietly, as if she was looking for something, her eyes were full of A subtle emotion.

"That's right." Midi nodded and pointed casually, "Our goal is almost there. But right now, it's not something we have the strength to achieve."

Even if it is a warship of the Wind King, it is impossible to fight against the sect headquarters. Judging from Midi's experience, as long as there are more than four Vulture warships attacking at the same time, even the ancient warships will definitely not be able to support it. There is only one way to fall.

The most important thing right now is to establish its own frontier base without being discovered by the Blue Truth Sect.

Fortunately, the resources here are extremely rich, and there are all kinds of mineral deposits and rare materials. Besides, there is Emile, the master alchemist of the sea of ​​clouds, sitting in charge. Soon, a simple but not crude frontline base will be on this remote floating island. The foundation was laid.

Next, after the establishment of this base, it is natural to further search for resources and conduct research and development of ancient warships.

Naturally, the Wind King battleship will not be idle, it will act as a transport ship, constantly transporting manpower and material resources from the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

Victoria sits in the sea of ​​clouds, backed up by the power of the Rothschild Chamber of Commerce.

Ai Mier sits in Xingyang and develops a forward base.

The Wind King battleship supports at both ends.

Midi's idea has been initially completed. Although there are huge risks in it, for example, if it is discovered by the Blue Truth Sect, it may suffer heavy losses. However, in the absence of time, this is the only way to develop at the fastest speed. way out.

Seeing that the base was quickly on the right track, Midi withdrew quietly. After explaining the matter, she took an eight-meter-long engineering boat and quietly left the floating island.

The power of one's own side has reached the fastest speed of development.

But in practice, this speed is still not fast enough.

Therefore, Midi has to find another factor to speed up the speed that has reached the limit.

(End of this chapter)

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