Arad's Sword

Chapter 308 Shadow Labyrinth

Chapter 308 Shadow Labyrinth
Facing the complex sights from all sides, Midi just glanced back with extremely sharp eyes, and the long sword in his hand was not in its sheath, obviously full of provocation.

The scene where Fina was turned into an illusion really touched Midi's reverse scale. Even if she smashed the illusion with a single sword and received six times the reward of others, the anger in Midi's heart still did not calm down.If someone with short-sightedness jumped out to fight against him now, Midi would not mind sending him on the road with the two swords in his hand.

However, it is obvious that none of these testers is a fool, and Midi has just broken through the level of Gangfeng, which makes them quite jealous. Coupled with the fact that several different factions are restraining each other, no one is willing to be a fool. Take advantage of her to vent her anger on Midi.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, everyone dispersed tacitly.

At some point, the wave of azure blue flames that had been advancing relentlessly on the spiritual path had been extinguished, and on the seemingly endless spiritual path, cold light sprinkled from the sky, forming a new gate of light.

Midi had also calmed down at this moment, he nodded to the other three, and stepped into the light door first.

After another teleportation, the testers came to a hall.

This is obviously a place for the testers to rest, and the remaining 16 people sat in a circle without offending each other, and began to take a short rest, and those who had privileges—such as Sandur and others, even more so. It is to start sleeping directly, get enough energy, and let others watch.

However, Midi's side is obviously the most comfortable.

Wiseman moved his fingers, and a large group of skeleton guards above level 50 drilled out from the ground, surrounded the four of them, and took a rest. There was no need to worry at all.

Just like that, several hours later, a new door of light opened in the center of the hall, and the light continued to radiate outward.

Obviously, even if they hid in the corner of the hall, they would still be sent out by the light door in the end, so everyone walked in very actively.

The light dissipated, and a dark underground labyrinth appeared in front of Midi and the others.

This time, the teleportation array sent everyone to the same starting point, but this underground labyrinth has a total of nine entrances. Obviously, people from different factions will probably part ways.

"The trial of the Shadow Labyrinth begins now, and the first trialer who passes this labyrinth will receive a certain degree of reward." The ancient and distant voice sounded again.

Midi walked out first without hesitation, randomly chose an entrance on the far left, and led Avril and others into the maze.

It wasn't until after entering that Midi realized that this maze was extremely huge, almost comparable to those independent spaces with the inheritance of the ancient heaven and demon worlds that he had explored in his previous life.

Not only are there many forked roads in the maze, but it is also divided into upper and lower floors, with a large number of connecting passages between them, thus forming a three-dimensional space, making it more difficult for people to distinguish directions and choose the way forward.

At this level, it has completely surpassed the level of two new adventure rookies, Wiseman and Reinhardt. Fortunately, Midi and Avril are very experienced adventurers, and each has a set of ways to traverse the maze. It can be verified each other, and Wiseman's necromancy can also play a certain auxiliary role. The speed of advancement has not been reduced by this complicated maze.

However, along the way, Midi also discovered that an extremely important link was missing in the adventure of the shadow labyrinth.

"There isn't a single treasure, not even the remains of the ruins, it's too clean." Midi glanced at another hall she had just entered, and frowned.

If it is a real labyrinth, no matter what, even after hundreds of years of searching, there will always be something left in the corner for new adventurers.

But this shadow labyrinth is really too clean, there is not a single treasure, there is no wreckage at all. Simply put, it is like a new house that has just been built, and nothing can be found in it.

Reminiscent of the rule that this mind labyrinth trial can only be performed every three years, Midi can't help but wonder if this place was directly built by some kind of great power.

If this is the case, it can only be said that the person who created the mind labyrinth has definitely reached the pinnacle of this world, and I am afraid that he is not much inferior to the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

If you can get the inheritance left by this person and become a top mind catcher, it should not be difficult.

Thinking of this, Midi couldn't help being slightly moved.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the corridor in front of the hall.

Pieces of black shadows suddenly began to distort and deform, forming translucent figures one by one, holding weapons with gleaming cold lights in their hands, rushing towards Midi and the others without saying a word.

Shadow creatures!

Midi immediately recalled the information he had inquired from the previous trials.

Without words and without need, the four seasoned fighters were immediately ready to fight.

These shadow creatures, from themselves to the weapons in their hands, are all constructed by the shadow itself. They are almost immune to general physical attacks. At the same time, they are not undead creatures and will not be controlled by Wiseman, even Midi The golden-red sword glow that can bring harm to this kind of creature is not obvious.

Every time Midi's sword light swept across, waves of water ripples would appear on the surface of these shadow creatures, dissolving most of the power in them, and the attacks of the other three, even if they were deliberate magic attacks, Also less effective.

The attacks of these shadow creatures not only have powerful magical power, but also have special effects of psychic powers.

Every time they dodge the opponent's attack, Avril Lavigne and the others will feel dizzy, as if they were rubbed by the Mind Flayer's Mind Blast, and if they block it head-on, this mental shock will still More powerful.

Because of this, just a dozen or so shadow creatures have already plunged the tried and tested team of Midi into a fight, and the battle will not end for a while.

Perhaps, Longwei should be added to try?

After struggling to resist, such a thought flashed in Midi's heart.

Before becoming a mind catcher, there were very few ways for all professions to resist psychic powers. Ghost swordsmen could only rely on the power of ghosts and gods to resist, and the effect was still very poor.As Midi, who was awakened by the Dragon Blood White Crystal Pond, she has one more means in terms of mind, and that is Longwei.

However, in the previous life, Midi had never possessed such powerful power as Longwei, and in this life, Midi had only fought a mind flayer once.

Therefore, what kind of results Longwei can bring, can only be known after a trial.

Thinking of this, Midi immediately activated the Dragon Sealing Sword in his body, but this time, what he activated was not the sword light produced by the magic power of the white crystal, but the dragon blood in his body was mobilized through the Dragon Sealing Sword.

This bloodline is usually hidden in Midi's blood, which plays the role of washing the body, strengthening muscles and bones, but at this moment, Midi wants to bring out the breath in the bloodline.

With the low sound of Fenglongjian, Midi could clearly feel that the blood in his body was heating up, even boiling, and at the same time, an incomparably domineering aura gradually rose from his body, like The king of this world is like a king, condescendingly overlooking the ants-like beings.

This is Longwei.

Although it has been controlled, the appearance of Longwei still affects the three people around Midi, whether it is the sensitive Avril Lavigne, the calm and calm Reinhardt, or even the fearless and cynical "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman's movements became a little stiff in an instant, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"This is...Longwei..." Wiseman and Reinhardt looked at each other and smiled wryly at the same time.

When hearing this sentence, Avril Lavigne showed a shocked expression.

"Be careful, I'm going to make a move." Midi reminded loudly.

Then, he gathered the dragon's power around him, wrapped in the golden red sword light, and slashed out with one sword!
In the air, there was a tyrannical and unparalleled aura, and even if they were mentally prepared, the three of them were shocked for a moment.And those shadow creatures, under the sword with Longwei, didn't have any power to resist at all, and half of them were wiped out by a single blow on the spot, just like a piece of extremely fragile smoke.

The dragon's power has worked, and it is obvious that it is extremely restrained by these shadow creatures.

However, these shadow creatures are worthy of being the opponents for the trial. At the moment of death, the spiritual energy sealed in their bodies exploded at the same time, and they all attacked Midi. In an instant, Midi also became His face was extremely pale, his consciousness was spinning, and even his thinking was blank, and his thinking was completely frozen.

Obviously, Longwei has a huge lethality to the shadow creature itself, but its effect is not very good in pure mind attack and defense.

If it was really good, Midi wouldn't have had so much trouble fighting the mind flayer back then.

Not worth the loss.

Midi finally regained her breath and came to such a depressing conclusion.

But at this moment, the ancient voice sounded in the hearts of the four of them again: "Kill five shadow soldiers and get 25 points of spiritual power. Fifty o'clock."

Accompanied by this sound, Midi suddenly discovered that the azure blue liquid in the soul crystal in her body had actually risen a little.

Although I don't know what the psionic energy stored in the crystal can be exchanged for, but there is no doubt that as a test result, the more the better.

Shadow creatures are not killed in vain!
In an instant, such a thought popped up in the minds of the four people at the same time.

In this man-made labyrinth, although there are no treasures to find, killing the enemy itself is a kind of harvest.

After being swept away by Midi's Longwei, not only did the five shadow creatures disappear on the spot, but the remaining ones also lost their momentum, which was a good time to wipe them out in one go.

"Go!" The four shouted loudly and rushed forward at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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