Arad's Sword

Chapter 312 Octagonal Island

Chapter 312 Octagonal Island

This sounds like a real floating island, not a man-made space like the shadow labyrinth.

That being the case, there are likely to be real treasures on it, not just enemies like shadow creatures, and the rewards won't just be psionic powers that are temporarily useless.

Thinking of this, everyone's spirits were lifted, and everyone began to meditate, trying to adjust themselves to the best state within these eight hours.

And Midi noticed a detail from the explanation of the ancient voice, the Bajiao Island trial did not seem to be conducted in the form of a team.

"You'd better be prepared to fight alone." Midi whispered to the other three.

Everyone understood, and all of them were stunned.Although the four-member team of Midi was invincible in the previous battles, if they were really separated, everyone would have more or less weaknesses in the face of psychic powers.

Midi mainly relied on her strong personal strength to fight hard, which is considered to be at the middle level.Avril Lavigne and Reinhardt appear to be relatively weak, and they are melee classes with low resistance to psychic powers.

Only Wiseman, relying on the undead's restraint of psychic powers, can be said to be like a fish in water, but unfortunately, he himself is only level 56, and he is not good at leapfrogging challenges.

Once separated, it can be said that everyone may be in trouble, but this is probably the difficulty of the final trial of the maze of the mind.

They each thought about countermeasures, healed their injuries, and recovered their magic power and energy. Soon, eight hours passed by.

Finally, another portal appeared in the hall.

But unlike the previous ones, this time the portal is extremely huge, and the magic runes circulating in it are much more complicated than before, obviously not the usual teleportation array.

"Let's go." Midi was already mentally prepared for this, and stepped into the teleportation array first, and then the other three entered in turn, causing countless white lights to move.

"Go." Shandur's face was cold, he gritted his teeth, and followed him in.

Soon, everyone entered the teleportation array.

The brilliance of magic faded, and what appeared in front of Midi was indeed a huge floating island.

Midi made a slight estimate. The area of ​​this floating island is probably at least as large as the floating island where the Sky Arena is located. It can be said to be a large floating island.The complex soil texture and rich vegetation under the feet also showed that this floating island is by no means an illusion or a product of man-made, but a real floating island in the star ocean.

However, the surrounding area of ​​the floating island is obviously isolated by magic, and when one looks up, one cannot see the iconic starry sky in the star ocean, which is equivalent to an independent space.

And in the center of the floating island, there is a very conspicuous tower, on the top of the tower, there is a huge eyeball with a diameter of more than ten meters!
This eyeball is not a dead object, but looks like a searchlight on a lighthouse, turning back and forth, and from the deep eyes, there is a light blue light that is enough to sweep the entire Bajiao Island.

From the pale blue light, Midi felt a familiar coercion—this is the power of psychic powers.

And just as he had speculated before, this time, the teleportation array teleported everyone to different locations.

"Is it possible that the so-called survival test means..." Connected with this series of wonderful situations, a speculation gradually formed in Midi's mind.

He immediately took action, but instead of carrying out the detailed exploration that adventurers usually do, he began to explore the situation of the entire island.On the way, Midi also found several inaccessible ruins. The magic fluctuations emanating from them made people feel danger and opportunity at the same time, but he did not enter. On the contrary, he kept heading towards the nearest commanding height.

Soon, a series of different situations fell into Midi's eyes——

A tester of the execution team was trudging through a swamp. Unexpectedly, the eyeballs of the central tower just swept the light over and firmly covered it in the center.

The 60-level tester immediately turned pale like a thief who was discovered, and under the attack of light filled with psychic powers, his expression became even more distorted. Bloodshot throughout.

"Ahhh!" With a heart-piercing howl, the tester disappeared into the air.

Did not die, but was teleported, this is the meaning of being out, right?

Midi secretly remembered this scene in her heart.

Not long after, another battle unfolded in front of Midi, this time, it was still a tester of the execution team.

This combative berserker is fighting with a level 63 protoss exile unique to Star Ocean. This kind of exile is much stronger than those under the command of the Lord of Light, and has certain psychic powers , coupled with a heavy armor and brute force all over the body, it is extremely difficult to deal with, the two sides are coming and going, fighting like a raging fire.

And at this moment, the eyeballs of the central tower seemed to have sensed the movement here, and once again crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers, a ray of light swept across the sky.

Enveloped by this light, the Berserker also fell into a stagnation immediately.

But different from before, this time, before the unlucky ghost was sent out by the light, the protoss exile on the opposite side had already slashed over with a sword, directly cutting the stiff berserker in half.Among the flying blood and pieces of meat, this berserker fell into a pool of blood with unwilling and angry eyes, and never opened his eyes again.

"Sure enough, if you lose in the battle, there is no protection, and it will directly lead to death." A trace of fear flashed in Midi's eyes.

After being shot by the eyeball light, after being tortured for five seconds, it will be teleported out.And if you lose in the battle, you are really dead.

The most depressing thing is that the light from this eyeball is everywhere, and it is very likely that it will be illuminated during the battle, and it would be quite unjust to die.

Not long after, Midi encountered a group of people again.

This time, the other party was not one person, but a total of three people, and all of them were members of the patrol team.

Obviously, they were very lucky. After being teleported, they were not far away from each other. In addition, most of the patrols have special contact methods, so they quickly gathered together, and their strength was greatly enhanced.

Not only that, out of habit and caution when patrolling, the three of them did not hold back, but carefully took advantage of the cover to operate, and cleverly avoided multiple eye scans along the way, which can be called a strong competitor .

If it wasn't for Midi being an extraordinary awakened person with a high degree of sensitivity beyond that of ordinary professionals, coupled with his own experience as a top adventurer, I am afraid that the three of them would not have been discovered.

But soon, Midi discovered that above the heads of these three people, a group of colorful clouds was strangely gathering.

And the aura revealed in the clouds, faintly, matches the light of the eyeballs very well.

After ten minutes or so, the colorful cloud was finally brewed, and it immediately directed downwards, where the three of them were, and shone a bright light. Soon, the previous scene was repeated—the expressions of all three of them were distorted. , was forcibly teleported out amidst howling.

It seems that in the exploration of the Bajiao Island, one must fight alone!
Midi's heart trembled.

This cloud is obviously a measure specially set up to prevent several trialists from gathering together, just like the King of Shadows being able to regenerate the shadow knight, it is a prevention mechanism for trials.

Of course, it is not impossible to really cooperate, but on this island where magic communication is blocked, it may be very difficult to carry out long-distance tacit cooperation.

So far, Midi has summed up several keys to survival on Bajiao Island:
First, it cannot be irradiated by the light of the eyeball.

Second, rely on the bunker as much as possible and operate indoors as much as possible.

Third, you can't fight in a team, you must rely on your own strength to conduct trials.

And this survival trial obviously depends on how long he can persist without being teleported under such rules.

That being the case, finding a cave or a safe small ruin to hide in may be the best choice.However, judging from the situation in the Shadow Labyrinth, this passive method may be able to persist for the longest time, but it is absolutely impossible to get the highest reward. If you want to get more power points in the trial, the only way , only take the initiative.

Avoiding the light of the eyeballs, avoiding fighting with the guards, and exploring the ruins as much as possible, this is the best choice.

After figuring out the rules of the trial, Midi has made up her mind.

However, he did not return to the few ruins he found on the way, but chose a relatively hidden commanding height, while avoiding the scanning of eyeball light, while overlooking the whole island.

On this small mountain with a height of hundreds of meters, the whole "Bajiao Island" scenery immediately came into Midi's eyes.

Just like the name "Bajiao Island", this huge floating island actually has eight protruding sharp corners. Looking down from the top, it looks like a huge octopus stretching out its eight tentacles.

And on each sharp corner, there is an ancient temple, as if waiting for the arrival of the testers.

The eight trainees correspond to the eight temples. This is probably the opportunity to become a senior and top mind catcher.

However, Midi did not devote all his attention to these eight temples, but continued to overlook the entire island in detail, and soon, he discovered that besides these eight temples, there was actually a ninth temple Temple!

Compared with those on the octagon, this temple is even bigger and more luxurious, and the cold outer wall reveals a simple and simple atmosphere. Even if you look at it from a very far distance, Midi still has a sense of awe.

But the location of this temple is quite special——

It is actually directly below the eyeball tower, it can be said that it is located in the center of this octagonal island.

The largest temple must have the greatest opportunity, but there is no doubt that walking from the edge of the island to the center, and avoiding all kinds of guards and eyeball scans along the way, the risk is naturally the greatest .

Should you choose a temple in the corner, or go straight to the center of Octagonal Island?
Midi also had a hard time making a choice.

(End of this chapter)

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