Arad's Sword

Chapter 314 Mind Crystal Pool

Chapter 314 Mind Crystal Pool
After everyone dispersed with their own thoughts, Midi quickly entered the depths of the central temple, a huge circular hall.

And in the depths of this round hall, the darkness that is so thick that it can't be melted is dormant there. In it, two extremely tall figures can be vaguely seen, each holding a sharp weapon, waiting for the intruder 's arrival

It was the two Shadow Lords.

"Kill!" Midi shouted loudly, and a golden-red sword glow like a flame rose from his body. Not only that, a mighty dragon's might directly permeated it!
With one-to-two, the consumption method used before will not work, and it will only cause Midi to exhaust his energy first, so this time, Midi chose a very simple method, that is, to use full firepower and use it when he comes up. Unleash the strongest power in order to instantly kill the opponent.

The shadow king's psychic powers are extremely oppressive, but Longwei's lethality against shadow creatures is even stronger!
If neither side defends, who can win?
"Shadow Golem!" With a thought in Midi's mind, two clouds of smoke appeared in the darkness, attacking one of the shadow kings' vitals.

In the spiritual shock formed by the cooperation of the two shadow kings, a rift suddenly appeared.

And at this moment, Midi condensed the surging dragon power around him into a sword, tore through the air, penetrated the space, and directly slashed over with an incomparably domineering posture.

In the violent impact, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Midi's mouth, and his face was as pale as death, but this blow also killed a shadow king on the spot, and the aftermath of Longwei made the remaining The man's magic power was greatly reduced.

Without any hesitation, Midi cheered up, manipulated the shadow golem to restrain him from the side, swallowed the blood from his throat, and then slashed out with his sword again.

A shocking dragon's cry resounded in the hall, and a boiling storm swept across. The already injured shadow king couldn't resist this power at all, and was finally cut into two pieces by a sword, and gradually turned into a piece of dark powder and disappeared with the wind. .

In just a few breaths, Midi killed two shadow kings in succession.

If this scene falls into the eyes of other people, it will definitely cause shock like a stormy sea. However, for Midi, this is indeed the result of calculation.

After all, he had fought against the King of Shadows before, and he had a good understanding of the opponent's defense, physique, and attack strength.The next thing to do is to calculate how much you have to pay in order to kill the opponent.

In other words, this is not actually a battle, but an exchange-style counterattack.

Midi resisted the oppression of psychic powers by virtue of his extraordinary awakened physique, but the shadow kings could not withstand the beheading with dragon power, so Midi won.

Everything is that simple.

However, doing so would naturally entail paying a huge price. Since becoming an extraordinary awakener, this was the first time Midi had been hurt in a real sense.

"Psychic powers are indeed very important. Even if the attack is mental, it will eventually be fed back to the physical body." Midi thought with lingering fear while performing the treatment.

But this setback not only did not make Midi have any hesitation, but on the contrary strengthened his belief in becoming a top memory hunter.

Just half an hour later, relying on the superior alchemy potion and the strong resilience brought by the dragon's blood, Midi's internal injuries have healed.He carefully circulated the magic power in his body once, and after confirming that there were no hidden injuries, he stood up and walked towards the depths of the hall.

And the deeper you go, the more Midi realizes that something is wrong.

Originally, there were magic crystal lamps shining everywhere in the hall, and there were many skylights on the ceiling, which could introduce starlight from the outside world.

But now, as he continued to go deeper into the interior of the temple, the surrounding light became weaker and weaker, and the darkness became thicker and thicker, as if it was filled with impenetrable ink.

Even when Midi turned on the golden-red sword light, the power of the sword light remained undiminished, but the light on it was eroded and even swallowed by the darkness.

All the light cannot last here.

Only the darkness itself occupies the entire field of vision.

At the same time, Midi felt a vague spiritual energy in the darkness.

This spiritual power is like a rope, one end is tied to Midi's thinking, and the other end extends infinitely deep into the temple, with no end in sight.

It seems that after the initial force test, this trial is not to fight against psychic powers, but to experience psychic powers.

Realizing the meaning of the arrangement of the temple, Midi simply summoned two shadow golems to follow him as guards, and at the same time closed his eyes, focusing on feeling the location of the spiritual energy.

Gradually, with the accumulation of spiritual power, the traction of spiritual energy became more and more clear.

Following this rope that only existed in consciousness, Midi walked out step by step.

Of course, it's not that he didn't think about the possibility that this psychic traction is some kind of trap, so before each action, he first let the shadow golem directly test it by beating in the dark.

Along the way, Midi did explore a lot of traps, and there are several places that are directly bottomless potholes. If one falls accidentally, one may not be able to climb up at all.

It's just that the psychic traction does not lead Midi into the trap, but leads it away.

In other words, for those who don't have shadow golems to test them out, this psychic traction is the only way forward.

However, even so, Midi still maintains sufficient caution. It should be noted that in many cases, the truth and the false are mixed together, which makes it easier for people to lose vigilance.

Fortunately, the creator of this mind labyrinth didn't seem to have achieved this level, but simply wanted the tester to feel the psychic power.

And later on, the feeling of this psychic traction became weaker, requiring more mental strength to perceive it.

Even after rebirth, Midi, whose will is far stronger than ordinary people, has to stop frequently, hold his breath and concentrate on sensing, so as to grasp this long thread that has become as thin as a gossamer.

Finally, walking forward for an unknown distance, a bright silver light bloomed in Midi's consciousness.

He subconsciously opened his eyes, only to realize that the surrounding darkness was slowly receding like a tide, and he had already arrived in a large hall in the deepest part of the temple.

The four walls of this hall are inlaid with a large number of magic crystal lamps, which make the darkness fade away and the light come again.

And in the center of the hall, there is a huge pool made of unknown materials.In this pool, a pool of water presents a refreshing sky blue color, and at first glance, it seems to see the blue sky and white clouds that will never be seen in the star ocean!

"Mind crystal pool..." Midi gasped.

Others may not know it, but for Midi, who fought countless times with the mind flayer in his previous life and finally captured the headquarters of the Blue Truth Sect, he has not only seen this pool, but also knows its important role very well.

One of the main functions of the soul crystal pool is to liquefy invisible psionic energy and transform it into something similar to magic that the body can absorb.According to legend, those mind flayers were born from this kind of pool.

In other words, this mind crystal pool can be regarded as the most important core organization in a mind flayer community.

But why, at this moment, this mind crystal pool would appear in the mind labyrinth where the mind catcher is cultivated?

Midi suddenly had such doubts in his heart, but he couldn't find the answer.

The only thing that can be determined is that this soul crystal pool is by no means an illusion, but a real thing that exists in front of it.

Midi cautiously stretched out a finger and dipped it into the azure blue psychic solution of the soul crystal pool. In an instant, a feeling of paralyzing the soul was introduced into his body along the fingertips, like a rushing wave. Lightning roamed through the whole body, but his thinking became extremely clear and sharp at this moment.

At the same time, the ancient voice sounded again: "The mind crystal pool has been activated, do you want to take the mind control trial? This is the final trial of becoming a mind catcher, which is full of dangers, but opportunities also exist." in it."

"Proceed." Midi also replied consciously, without any hesitation.

"Then, enter the mind crystal pool, tester, next, please use all your strength to complete this trial." The ancient voice said lightly.

This sound has always been full of inhuman mechanical feeling, as if it was pre-recorded.

But this time, for some reason, Midi felt that there seemed to be a tinge of relief and expectation in this ancient voice.

Was the trial to become a top mind catcher actually carried out in the mind crystal pool where the mind flayer was born?
Midi felt puzzled in his heart, but the attempt with his fingers just now made him understand that even if the whole person is soaked in the soul crystal pool, it will not bring any danger. On the contrary, the feeling of clear and clear thinking, It can be said to be of great benefit to cultivation.

So, despite being confused, he stepped into the mind crystal pool, immersed himself in it, and then entered a state of meditation.

In the next moment, Midi felt that his surroundings seemed to be plunged into darkness, his five sense organs were completely shielded, and he couldn't even feel his heartbeat.

After a few seconds, the scene in front of him suddenly brightened.

A luxurious room appeared in front of Midi.

"The trial begins now, and the survival time is counted." The ancient voice sounded, waking him up, "Every day that passes in reality is equivalent to a month spent in the trial, please remember."

"One day equals one month? Is illusion?" Midi immediately entered the state.

The so-called illusion is a skill that is several levels higher than the mental illusion array. If it is used by a real psychic powerhouse, it is enough to form a city or even a country.And the time flow rate in it can naturally be adjusted arbitrarily. After all, it is not real time, but just a feeling.

When the human mind enters this illusion, it is like entering a dream, but this dream is constructed by psychic powers, and it looks so real that it may even get lost in it.

Midi's will is extremely firm, and he is also a reborn person. He has seen many techniques of psykers, so he can be sure that his body is still sitting in the crystal pool of the mind, and only his consciousness has entered the illusion.

But soon, Midi felt something was wrong.

Because he suddenly discovered that his "body" in the illusion seemed to be quite different from the original one.

His heart sank slightly, and he immediately ran, searching the building where he was awake, and soon, Midi found a huge crystal mirror.

He took a closer look, and then, on the smooth mirror, he saw his current appearance.

It was a true mind flayer.

(End of this chapter)

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