Arad's Sword

Chapter 317 Battle for the Nine Halls

Chapter 317 Battle for the Nine Palaces

Is it finally started?
Midi's heart trembled, and he immediately dispatched protoss exiles to investigate.

These level 72 magical life forms are completely immune to psychic powers and will not be scanned by telepathy. At the same time, they have powerful individual combat capabilities and do not need to eat or drink. They are excellent candidates for scouting.

Soon, Midi found out the surrounding geographical conditions after the transition of the illusion.

He suddenly found that the situation was very grim.

Because the geographical illusion of the second stage of the trial is actually very similar to the environment of Bajiao Island. In other words, the eight small temples are located in the eight corners, while the central temple is located in the center of the entire area, and it competes with the eight small temples. There are passages between the opponents. It can be said that they are completely surrounded by enemies as soon as they come up.

Although there is a special unit called "Protoss Exiles" to make up for it, it is obvious that thirty protoss exiles are not enough in this situation.

After finally fighting against the two shadow kings, he finally entered the central temple, but in the end he dug his own grave, Midi couldn't help but wryly smiled.

How to fight this battle?
Take out the strongest and most threatening ones first.

Soon, Midi came to a conclusion.

As for who the strongest enemy is, it is naturally the one from the Seventh Temple. Only half a month after I got No. Midi's development time.

Midi wants to attack at lightning speed first, and kill the Seventh Temple, so as to deter others with his prestige, and by the way, give himself an extra stronghold that can be detoured.

The scout team immediately began to concentrate on the investigation of the Seventh Temple, and Midi even gathered an army, and when the time was right, he immediately crossed the tunnel and launched an attack.

However, the result of the investigation surprised Midi——

In the army of mind flayers in the Seventh Temple, there are actually a large number of undead!

You can guess with your knees, who is the tester in the Seventh Temple-"Nightmare Hand" Wiseman.

The necromancer seemed to be having a good time.

And most importantly, there is no conflict between his profession and the possessed mind flayer.

Like Midi, it is completely impossible to display any ghost swordsman skills, because there are no ghosts and gods in the body of the mind flayer, and its physique, speed, and familiarity with melee white-bladed weapons cannot allow Midi to use anything at all. Sword weapon.

In other words, after Midi possessed her body, it can be said that she cut off and retrained, and had no choice but to adapt to the skills and strength of the mind flicker magician.

But for Wiseman, the necromancer itself is a legal profession, and does not require special conditions such as ghosts and gods, and can cast skills with magic power.So obviously, he turned the mind flayer he possessed into a mind flayer necromancer.

Not only that, judging from the size of the undead army, the profession of necromancer may have been promoted by Wiseman in the settlement.Looking around, there are mind flayer necromancers everywhere, but there are not many orthodox elemental mages.

Originally, Midi had been wondering in his mind what would happen to a country if a crazy researcher like Wiseman was allowed to rule it.Now, after seeing the skeletal armies of this mind flayer colony, he knew that Wiseman was going to make everyone else as crazy as he was.

Midi couldn't afford to mess with a lunatic like this, especially when there were seven temples staring at him behind his back.

"Let's form an alliance." Midi came to the border in person and sent a message with her powerful telepathic power.

However, this request for an alliance seemed to have disappeared without any response.

Could it be that Wiseman plans to have a good fight with me here?
Midi's mouth twitched.

This is not impossible. After all, Wiseman's biggest mentality is to explore the unknown. As for the overall situation, alliances, etc., he usually has scruples, but in this kind of trial space that will not cause death, I am afraid that he will not be able to restrain them. A cynical mad scholar.

Because Midi is the strongest, he has to challenge Midi and himself. If such an idea pops up in Wiseman's mind, Midi is not surprised at all.

And just as Midi sighed deeply, finally, a telepathic message came over.

But this message Midi cannot read, because it is composed entirely of noise of unknown meaning.

"What's going on here?" Midi frowned, with a faint speculation in his heart.

And soon, after several experiments, this speculation was confirmed.

There is no alliance between the nine temples.

To be more precise, there was no communication among the nine testers. The words spoken by one person or the spiritual information transmitted by them were all distorted into noise in the minds of others, making it impossible to have an effective dialogue at all.

Not only that, but Midi also found that there seemed to be a deep hatred between the mind flayers under him and the mind flayers under the opponent. When they met, their eyes turned red, and they looked like they were at odds with each other.

The attitude expressed by the supreme powerhouse who created the mind labyrinth is obvious—he doesn't want any relationship in reality to affect this trial, and he doesn't want the political alliance ability of the trialer to play a role here.

What he wants to choose is the person who is best at fighting, understands psionic energy best, and possesses the strongest ability.

That's it.

In this situation where the testers are directly restricted from communicating, the only thing they can do is probably to launch an attack with "heart-to-heart".

For example, when the Seventh Temple attacked a certain place, the Eighth Temple also participated and attacked the place from another direction.Only the simplest cooperation that can be understood at a glance can be realized.

And there is no doubt that the easiest goal to achieve this kind of cooperation is the central temple.

No matter who it is, as long as they attack the central temple, other surrounding temples can quickly detect the battle situation.

Moreover, there are eight tunnels around the central temple, and the other temples can attack from different directions without interfering with each other.

The geographical environment was originally vulnerable to siege, but the current trial rules have prompted other people to besiege the central temple, and Midi's situation has further deteriorated.

No matter how well it develops, if it is attacked by the eight temples at the same time, Midi will be out immediately.

Can't sit still!

Midi immediately made a decision.

Of course, he doesn't intend to gnaw on such a tough bone as Wiseman, but Midi has no scruples about other temple opponents.

Leaving two extremely deep sword marks in the tunnel leading to the Seventh Temple as a reminder, Midi withdrew, leaving a part of the troops to guard the city, gathering [-] mind-flayer mages and [-] high-level servants , Thirty protoss exiles wandered around hidden in the periphery, and then rushed straight to the first temple.

The opponent in this battle is not strong, and has no characteristics, and cannot be identified at all.

Moreover, judging from the degree of damage to the settlement, Midi doubts whether the opponent of the first temple is the last guy who passed the first stage of the trial.

Because of the many damages in the settlement, he didn't even have time to repair it, a scene that just went through a war.

However, even in the face of such an opponent, Midi did not relax at all, because what he faced was not just the threat of one or two temples, but the pressure of all the testers.

Under this kind of pressure, Midi used all her skills as soon as she came up, and launched a battle that was as swift and violent as a flood.

Under the order of this genius commander, the elite army defeated the opponent of the First Temple almost in a single encounter, and even destroyed the city gates and defense facilities in just half an hour, driving straight in all the way.

The testers of the First Temple had already fled in a panic, but there was no need for Midi to pursue them.After personally assimilating the mind crystal pool, the mind flayers of the First Temple immediately switched camps and joined Midi's command. At the same time, the ancient voice sounded again.

"The mind crystal pool of the first temple has been transformed, and the tester is out."

Accompanied by this sound, there was a scream from somewhere in the wilderness, and the tester who managed to escape from the battlefield immediately disappeared into a wisp of smoke, and the mind flayer he possessed also turned into a ghost on the spot. a corpse.

Midi's strength was immediately strengthened again. Although the power of the First Temple was already weak, and there were not many left after the First World War, at least it was a good thing to remove a threat.

However, Midi did not feel any joy because of the victory in the first battle. On the contrary, he knew that now is the real beginning.

Sure enough, after the notice of the destruction of the first temple was sent out, there was a certain reaction from the second temple to the eighth temple.

To be precise, the initial probing stage has passed, and someone has started to attack Midi.

The second temple, the fourth temple, and the fifth temple launched attacks at the same time, starting to attack the central temple from three different directions.

Facing the attack from the three major temples, Midi did not retreat to defend.In other words, at this time, it is meaningless to defend, but it is just to delay the time of demise.

He forced the defenders to guard the city at all costs, while he led the main force and rushed towards the second temple.

After this fight, Midi immediately deduced the opponent's identity.

The man with the scar in the execution team faction is the trainee of the Second Temple, because his offensive style is extremely distinctive, and his accomplishments in the offensive array are also quite remarkable.

It's a pity that, as the captain of the bloody purification execution team, he has never experienced a large-scale battle in the true sense. Moreover, facing a genius commander like Midi, he is not good at defense and is full of loopholes.

Midi first launched a feint attack on the empty Second Temple settlement.

After the news spread, the man with the scar immediately gave up his attack on the Central Temple, and anxiously led his troops back to his lair for support.

It's a pity that he was ambushed by Midi on the way, and most of his troops were wiped out, and then he was chased and killed by Midi all the way, and finally he was annihilated directly under his own city gate.

"The host of the second temple died, and the tester was out."

The ancient voice sounded again.

But this time, since the mind crystal pool of the Second Temple has not yet been transformed, the mind flayers in the settlement did not join Midi, but formed a "natural force" to resist all foreign invasions.

As the situation in the central temple was getting worse and worse, Midi had no time to continue the attack, so he could only abandon the second temple, which became the wild faction, and return to the central temple.

At this time, the benefits are reflected. Although the central temple is easily besieged, it is precisely because of its central location that its transportation is the most convenient.

Midi can quickly return to the center directly without taking any long detours.

As soon as he entered the battlefield, he didn't care about the damage to his own city. Instead, he outflanked the army of the Fourth Temple from the back with a murderous look, as if he wanted to eat the opponent in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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