Arad's Sword

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
Did you break the rules?

Midi repeated the evaluation of this ancient voice in her heart.

As stated in this evaluation, if it hadn't been for the discovery of the deep rules hidden in the trial, it would be absolutely impossible for Midi to make a final decision so easily. Brothers and sisters Shandur who possessed the "Dual Rings of the Soul" and the "Wand of Heaven's Punishment" Killed directly in one battle.

The key lies in the so-called "betrayal".

As we all know, what the mind flayers of each settlement say depends entirely on the ownership of their mind crystal pool.

Mind crystal pools belong to the same master, so mind flayers are partners. If they belong to different masters, they will automatically form a hostile relationship. If there is no master, they will exist as natural forces, and all forces that enter the settlement's control range will be regarded as enemies. , launching an indiscriminate attack.

Due to the existence of this mechanism, seizing the soul crystal pool has become the most critical step in the battle for the Nine Palaces.

As long as the soul crystal pool is seized, no matter where the tester hides, he will be automatically judged out by the system.

As long as the soul crystal pool is seized, the strength of the troops in hand will increase. Without any extra means, the troops trained by the competitors will all become new forces under their command.

Therefore, once Wiseman was out, the key to the ownership of his "mind flayer necromancer" army, the mind crystal pool of the Seventh Temple, became the most important thing for Sandur.

But in fact, those "mind flayer necromancers" under his command are not affiliated with the crystal pool of the Seventh Temple.

On the contrary, what they belong to is the soul crystal pool of the central temple!

After capturing Wiseman's crystal pool, Midi's first order was to let those mind flayer necromancers unreservedly teach all their inheritance, experience, and experience to him directly. troops.

Then, when a sufficient number of "mind flayer necromancers" were born in his army, Midi ordered those necromancers of Wiseman to commit suicide-in reality, such an order would undoubtedly cause mutiny, However, this is an illusion, the consul's order is absolute, and Midi has already experimented with this type of suicide order, knowing that it will not cause resistance, so there is no risk.

So, when Shandur beat Midi away and occupied the Seventh Temple, what he faced was a lonely soul crystal pool and a large group of "undercover agents" that Midi stayed here specially.

Of course, even if Shandur seized the mind crystal pool, these mind flayers still hated him extremely, which was determined by the trial rules.

But you must know that Midi issued a very clever order at this time.

The content of this order is "lurking among the enemy, ready to launch a fatal blow."

In this way, the mind flayer's hatred for the enemy will not conflict with being an undercover agent.On the contrary, just because they hate Shandur and his army, they will act as undercover agents better, concentrate on using the resources provided by Shandur to develop vigorously, and even use all kinds of military information in it. Passed to Midi!
There are a large number of undercover agents lurking in the enemy army. These undercover agents will not be shaken in any way, and all of them are valued and are constantly developing.

A large amount of information is constantly coming in, and the enemy's every move is well known.

With these two factors, is there any reason for Midi to be invincible?

Even if Sandur's trump card "The Wand of Punishment" frightened Meddy, but that's all. In fact, when this final battle started, Meddy had already determined won his own victory.

That's a 90.00% chance of winning over nines.

A must-win battle.

It can be said that this is a genius winning tactic beyond imagination that can only be formulated based on the understanding of the rules, the understanding of the race of mind flayers, and the understanding of psionic power.

It's no wonder that the ancient voice gave such comments as "breaking the rules".

There was a trance in front of his eyes, whether it was the battlefield of gunpowder smoke, the army of mind flayers, or the dark land of the Underdark that never saw the light of day, all disappeared.

Midi blinked and found that his consciousness had returned to the mind crystal pool where the central temple was located.

As for his whole body, the blood and energy flowed extremely smoothly, and layers of black mucus impurities were discharged from the surface of the skin.

Obviously, when he was undergoing the final trial in the illusion, his body was also washed and washed by the spiritual energy in this mind crystal pool, constantly tempering his physique.As an extraordinary awakened body, Midi's physique has almost reached its limit, but at this moment, so much dirt is still discharged, which shows that the psionic cleansing is indeed unique.

At this moment, Midi only felt that his mind was extremely clear and clear, and his thinking was extremely sharp and quick, as if his whole body was completely new.

The next moment, the soul crystal in Midi's body suddenly vibrated, and a layer of white light immediately wrapped Midi's figure.

Psychic powers move the stars!
Under the influence of this soul crystal's ability, Midi's eyes blurred, and then she was already in an extremely large space. This space was extremely bright, and the flow of spiritual energy was flying and flowing in the air everywhere, forming A vast network of minds like a galaxy.

And in the center of this spiritual net, stood a tall man with a hood.

More precisely, the shadowy silhouette of a hooded man.

"In the end, I got [-] psionic points, which exceeded the limit of the soul crystal. Not bad, very good." The hooded man commented, it was the ancient voice.

Six thousand four hundred?
Midi quickly closed her eyes and sensed it, only to find that the soul crystal in her body was already filled with azure blue liquid, and there was a tendency to overflow continuously, as if it was about to explode!
Then, a spiritual message was directly sent to Midi's mind.

The path of the soul, breaking through the barriers of the soul, rewards [-] points of spiritual energy.

Shadow Labyrinth, kill the King of Shadows and a large number of shadows, reward 1000 and [-] points of spiritual power.

Bajiao Island trial, beheading the protoss exile and two shadow kings, rewarding 850 points of spiritual power.

In the trial of the mind catcher, occupying the position of the central temple, he successfully upgraded his power to the city level, won the final victory, and rewarded [-] power points.

In total, [-] power points.

"It's been about 100 years since the establishment of this mind labyrinth, and it's the first time I've met someone who can break through the upper limit. It seems that you are the one I'm looking for." The shadow man sighed deeply There was even a trace of emotion and relaxation in the tone and tone of voice.

"Excuse me, are you the creator of this mind labyrinth?" Midi asked cautiously.

Judging from the scale and complexity of this mind maze and the strength of the obstacles in it, the creator of this mind maze is definitely at the level of the supreme powerhouse.

What is the supreme powerhouse?It is the superpower who will take a detour when the second awakener capped at level 85 meets you!
There is such a supreme powerhouse in the headquarters of the Blue Truth Sect, but Midi knows that his strength has been weakened to the extreme, leaving less than one percent of the normal period, so Midi dared to face it. .But even so, he must go all out to have a chance.

And the one in front of him, if he hadn't been weakened, then Midi could only look up, in the eyes of the other party, he might be worse than an ant.

However, after hearing Midi's question, the shadow man shook his head: "I am not the creator himself, but just a spiritual obsession left by him. The purpose of my existence is to pass the trial , create a top-notch mind catcher, and then fulfill the creator's own wish."

The wish of the supreme powerhouse?

Midi couldn't help feeling horrified. Even in the peak period of his previous life, when he reached level 85, he was no match for the supreme powerhouse. Now that he is only level 54, how can he fulfill the opponent's wish?
But the shadow man didn't seem to mean to explain it directly. Instead, he changed the topic and said: "But before explaining that wish, let me help you become the top mind catcher, in other words, obtain the highest inheritance of the mind labyrinth. Inheritance of the Sea Emperor."

With a wave of the man's hand, the mind crystal in Midi's body came out of his body and landed in his palm.

"Originally, the testers used this mind crystal to become a thought catcher. In other words, you can absorb as much psionic energy as you have obtained. However, since you are the person I am looking for, naturally you cannot use it. This level of psionics can perform rituals, let me provide you with better ones."

A dark blue cold light entered Midi's mind.

The light kept spinning, and when it finally stopped, Midi suddenly discovered that it was a dark blue gemstone with countless facets.

The next moment, a dark blue liquid gushed out from the gemstone like a fountain, and in an instant, filled Midi's heart, and even instilled it into all limbs and bones.

Pure psionic energy.

This concept instinctively emerged in Midi's mind.

This is much purer spiritual energy than the azure blue spiritual energy, just like the white crystal magic power is to the pure magic power, and the refined magic power is to the ordinary magic power.

And after this quintessence of spiritual energy entered Midi's body, Midi immediately felt that her heart seemed to be soaked in the sweet cold spring water, and her own consciousness wanted to get rid of the shackles of the physical body and integrate into a wider space. !
At the same time, blue patterns different from the light patterns appeared on the blade of the Dragon Sealing Sword in Midi's body, which complemented the existing light patterns, forming an incomparably complicated pattern.

And Midi's level began to increase at an incredible speed.

Originally, after level 50, it was extremely difficult to increase each level. Extraordinary awakeners like Midi had to rely on specific energy to accelerate.

But now, with the infusion of dark blue spiritual energy, Midi's level immediately loosened.

From level 54, reached the peak of level 54, and then crossed the threshold in the blink of an eye, reaching level 55.

Then level 56, level 57...

Up to level 58!
Level 4 in a row!
Even at level 20, Midi has only reached the level of 3 levels in a row.But now, he skipped level 4 directly.

Is this the power inherited by the Sea Emperor?Is this the inheritance from a true supreme powerhouse?

Midi's heart was churning like a stormy sea.

But this was just a momentary thought, and then, the dark blue psionic energy calmed his mind immediately, and made his consciousness merge into the nature of the world.

In this state where the strength of the body is rapidly increasing and the mind is completely purified, Midi can even feel that his breath has a certain echo with the stars in the star ocean, and his every move seems to be the spokesperson of the world. It is one with heaven and earth, regardless of each other.

An invisible spiritual idea was briefly connected to that piece of heaven and earth.

This is the power that only the top mind catcher can have.

This is also the power that only the top psykers can possess.

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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