Arad's Sword

Chapter 328 Strikes Again

Chapter 328 Strikes Again
If the forward base was discovered by coincidence, it would not be a problem.

There are many ways to deal with such coincidences.

Now, under the full drag of eight Stinger destroyers and six Fengya destroyers, the floating island where the advance base is located has completely deviated from its original position, and it was brought to a completely different airspace like a carriage. In a few days, people will not even be able to find traces of tracking.

However, if it is not a coincidence, if the Blue Truth Sect has the ability to scan the entire Star Ocean, then everything will lose its effect.

Midi judged from the worst aspect of "not a coincidence but the enemy's ability", so he chose to attack, because attack is the best defense and the best way to test out information.

After figuring this out, Reinhardt also nodded: "Let me help too. At least, if I negotiate with the bloody purification side, it should at least have some effect."

The reason why the fourth prince said this was not only because he had confidence in his diplomatic skills, but also because he was the only choice.

Leaving aside the sisters Avril and Emile, Wiseman has almost no interest in this kind of negotiation, nor does he have the ability to do so.

Midi is very good at this kind of negotiation, and his personal force is extremely powerful, which can also play a certain deterrent effect.

But it is a pity that Midi's image in the bloody purification is really bad now-if you search and rob other people's houses on the first day, and kick the owner out of the house, your image will definitely not be good either.

So, only Reinhardt was left.

Take the "Judger" Marcel as a breakthrough point to gain the favor of the Grand Judge as much as possible. On this basis, try to persuade Sandur and his junior sister Shelly.

Perhaps, it would be good to take Avril Lavigne to carry out "girl diplomacy". That Shelly might have something to chat with Avril Lavigne, the "Holy Maiden" recognized by the blood purification.

Reinhardt began to make plans on the spot. As a royal member of the historic Delos Empire, he was naturally handy for such things.

Before Reinhardt had time to unleash his charisma, though, things took a turn for the worse.

An urgent call for help came from the bloody and purified headquarters of Blood Prison Island—the six outposts around the headquarters were all destroyed in an instant, and the air fleet of the sect headquarters was advancing towards Blood Prison Island.

This air battleship is composed of four Vulture-class cruisers, sixteen Stinger-class destroyers, and one Kuanglong-class heavy cruiser!
Among them, although the Kuanglong-class heavy cruiser is not a real ancient battleship, it is loaded with a lot of the latest weapons and equipment. It can be said that the Wind King battleship like Midi is the strongest battleship of the same level!
In addition, in addition to these warships, there are also a large number of support speedboats, each of which has a tonnage no less than the Rothschild family's Tiger Shark-class airship.

Even for Midi, who is a reborn person and has seen real big scenes, this can be regarded as an extremely large and terrifying armed force.

If it rushed out of the big storm area, it would be enough to wipe out the entire sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

And even Blood Prison Island, in the face of this powerful fleet, would not have much chance of winning - just thinking about the mind flayers sitting on the bridge is enough to make people feel intimidated.

There is no doubt that this is the biggest crisis since the bloody purification was established, and it is a crisis that cannot be avoided and can only be met from the front.

"Damn it, it must be those outsiders! They secretly colluded with those octopus heads, stole the inheritance in the maze of the mind, and then crossed the river and demolished the bridge!" Sandur slammed his fist on the table, smashing the entire heavy wooden table into pieces. "We should activate the battleship immediately and completely destroy this damn forward base. If we capture the eight Stinger battleships, we may still be able to fight!"

Shandur's provocative words immediately made many bloody young elites in the bloody purification ready to move.

"Don't be impatient, how could these outsiders collude with the mind flayer at the sect's headquarters? Calm down." Marcel glanced at his disciples with a rare reprimand, and then scanned the audience, immediately making everyone quiet down.

"Collusion should be impossible. The interests of the two are essentially in conflict. However, could it be that the information was leaked on purpose?" On the side, the Grand Inquisitor couldn't help asking, "Let us have a fierce battle with the sect headquarters, and they act as It is not impossible for a third force to profit from it."

The relationship between the two sides is now tense, and there is not much trust in the first place. Once something happens, it is natural to have doubts.

However, for this judgment, Marcel shook his head.

As the supreme ruler of the bloody purification, "Judger" Marcel still has vision. Although he doesn't like Midi and even regards Midi as some kind of threat, he is very clear that the other party is unlikely to make such a move. kind of thing.

Because once the bloody and purified headquarters is exposed, it is definitely not to the extent of mutual consumption with the sect headquarters, it will only be a catastrophe.

Cranes and clams fight each other, and the fisherman wins, that must be when the cranes and clams are equal in strength.

Although Bloody Purification has dealt with the sect headquarters for 50 years, they are basically fighting guerrilla warfare. If there is a head-on conflict, it will be like an egg hitting a stone, and it will be destroyed directly.

As for Midi's advance base, it is impossible to get any benefits from it, because he is not a fisherman, but a small fish that is not even as good as a crane or a clam.

Rather than venting anger on new allies, what really matters is how to deal with the crisis.

Marcel thought so in his heart.

"Compared to slander and anger, the really important thing is how to deal with this crisis!" A cold and majestic voice came from outside the gate.

It was not Marcel who spoke, but Midi who came uninvited.

"You guy!" Sandur jumped up from his seat, with undisguised hostility in his eyes.

Even the upper management of the bloody purification couldn't help showing a trace of fear on their expressions when they saw this legendary memory catcher.

Only "Judger" Marcel, with his eyes still calm, nodded to Midi: "Mr. Midi, as you can see, the bloody purification is now facing a crisis of life and death, so there is no need to say polite words. , Don’t be tempted or anything, if you have any demands, just ask them.”

"Request?" Midillo pondered for a while, and immediately understood what Marcel meant.

Before, when Midi's advanced base was in crisis, Marcel did not support, but chose to threaten.

So now, when Blood Prison Island is in crisis, Marcel believes that Midi will do the same.

Unlike Midi, he has the power to turn things around. After all, he still needs the help of Midi, who is a legendary memory catcher.Since you can't refuse this kind of threat, it's better to talk about it more generously from the beginning.

This is Marcel's idea, direct, frank, straight to the point, a true leader should be like this.

However, he miscalculated one thing, that is, Midi had no intention of threatening from the beginning.

"Your Excellency Marcel is really quick to talk, my request is very simple, let my Falcon Group also participate in this battle, and fight to defeat the sect headquarters." Midi said, glanced coldly at the hall, "Of course, I know that many people have doubts about me. In this case, as proof of my innocence, I should take the lead in this battle."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the hall.Even Marcel was a little surprised.

Obviously it was Midi who took the initiative, and it was obvious that Midi was not some kind of saint, but a guy who would do whatever it takes to grab benefits.

But why, at this moment, he would offer such a condition so generously?
As if aware of the doubts in everyone's hearts, Midi smiled slightly: "My ambition is very big. Compared with extortion from the bloody purification, I hope that I can get rid of the past, become a true ally, and then defeat the enemy together. Blue Truth Sect Headquarters!"

"Then what happens after the defeat?" The Grand Inquisitor asked in a slightly suspicious tone.

"After defeat? Of course, the passage between the sea of ​​clouds in the sky and the big storm area will be opened. By then, the bloody purification will also be integrated into the big environment, right?" Midi replied calmly without any hesitation.

Compared with the ambitious sect headquarters, Blood Purification is a much smaller organization with a small population. After defeating the sect headquarters, they will not be able to become the second Xingyang overlord, and they can only be overwhelmed by more and more people. Assimilated by outsiders, it became one of the "big forces".

This is Midi's plan, and it is also in the hands of the high-level bloody pollution.

"Humph, that's pretty sweet." Sandur couldn't help but sneered, "Can you really do this? Or do you want to use those unscrupulous methods in the trial?"

"Whether it can be done is another matter. For the goodwill I released, the bloody purification should have no choice now?" Midi just glanced at Sandur, and then turned his eyes back to Marcel. .

Here, the only one who can talk to him on an equal footing is the "judge".

Marcel looked at Midi carefully, as if he wanted to see through his thinking. After a long time, he finally sighed deeply, and then stretched out his right hand: "Indeed, at this time, there is no There is now a choice. Mr. Midi, as the supreme consul of the bloody purification, I welcome you to join the battle line, and open the command authority second only to myself to you!"

Midi also reached out, held the other's hand, and then shook it vigorously: "Let's give those octopus heads a big surprise."

(End of this chapter)

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