Arad's Sword

Chapter 330 Blood Prison Island Air Battle

Chapter 330 Blood Prison Island Air Battle
In the palm, the essence of light was slowly refined, and the white heat flow continuously penetrated into Midi's body along the palm, and then drew more complicated and thicker patterns on the Dragon Sealing Sword.

At the same time, the dark blue spiritual energy contained in Midi's body also began to move rhythmically, sweeping up like waves, scouring the surface of Fenglongjian.

Pure white light pattern, dark blue spirit pattern, two different patterns, like vines, began to cover the surface of the sword body more and more, approaching nearly [-]% of the position.

It's now!

At the moment when the two were about to reach 59%, that is, when Midi was about to break through level [-], he started to use his spiritual power in the way taught in "Sea Emperor's Inheritance" with incomparable precision.

Under the control of Midi's consciousness, the dark blue spiritual energy no longer simply covered the blade, but began to change patterns, overlapping with the white light patterns.

Gradually, blue and white are no longer intertwined, but overlapping, covering and merging into one.

Level 59!
All of a sudden, Midi felt a sudden shock all over his body, and a force went up and down his whole body, dredging his limbs and bones.This is what happens when you upgrade.

But different from ordinary upgrades, this time the power of the whole body is penetrated, and the time is particularly long-lasting.

And in Midi's body, on the Dragon Sealing Sword, there is no longer a scene of intertwined spiritual energy and magic power, but a unified pattern - a crystal pattern shining brightly like a crystal!

At this moment, the embodiment of the gathering of all the forces in Midi's body can no longer be called "Dragon Sealing Sword", but "Spirit Dragon Sword"!
This is the unity of "Psychic Power", "White Crystal Magic Power", "Dragon Power" and the most fundamental "Ghost Power" for Midi, the core of all powers.

And after integrating everything into a whole, the advantage for Midi is that for different forces, he no longer needs to use different operation methods in different categories.

Originally, to use psychic power, you need to use psionic talent, to use ghost power, you need to use ghost swordsman skills, and at the same time to call magic power, to use dragon power, you need to use blood talent and so on.

But now, after being integrated into a "Spirit Dragon Sword", Midi can mobilize all the power at the same time with just a thought!
It can be said that if the current Midi faces the Holy Envoy in the Twilight Cemetery again, he will be able to defeat him in just one face-to-face.Even "Judger" Marcel, the top mind catcher, couldn't resist the combined attack of Midi's psychic power, ghost sword and dragon power.

"Let me see, what kind of enemies are there on the Kuanglong battleship!" Feeling the endless movement of the whole body, Midi was full of confidence, and in the dark star-like eyes, there was even more brilliance. A deep blue light that captivates the soul.

And on the day when Midi was promoted to level 59 and condensed the Spirit Dragon Sword, the joint fleet composed of two forces, the Falcon Group and the Bloody Purification, finally arrived at Blood Prison Island.

However, soon, after just half a day, the scouting troops in front sent a signal——the fleet of the sect headquarters is about to arrive here.

There was no time to park and make final corrections, and the formation of the coalition fleet slowly unfolded.

Midi contributed six Stinger warships this time - the remaining two were left at the forward base for defense.

On the Bloody Purification side, apart from the returned six Windfang battleships, the main force was naturally released. In addition to the addition of eight Windfang battleships, all five Hurricane-class cruisers were deployed as trump cards.

If it is necessary to divide the combat power in detail, Stinger and Fengfang are low-level warships, Hurricane and Magic Eagle are middle-level warships, and Wind King and Crazy Dragon are high-level warships.

In this way, the forces on the side of the coalition forces are twenty low-level warships and five middle-level warships.

On the side of the sect headquarters, there are sixteen low-level warships, four middle-level warships, and one high-level warship.

The two sides can be described as evenly matched.

However, on Midi's side, there is still the Blood Prison Island that is waiting for it. The countless air defense facilities on it will also play a certain role in the upcoming battle. Once the battleship is damaged, it can also be forced to land for repairs. , relatively speaking, occupy the home court advantage.

However, Midi's intuition told him that the card hidden by the mind flayers was the key to the outcome of this battle.

"Reinhardt, I will leave it to you to take command this time." Midi made a decision.

"Me?" Reinhardt was slightly taken aback.

Although the fourth prince thinks he can be regarded as a commander of the first level of a famous general, he is also very clear that he has never commanded an air battle in the true sense.

Now that Midi said this directly, Reinhardt suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"After all, we only have six low-level battleships here. They can't decide the battle situation. You just need to cooperate well and avoid being used as cannon fodder. Avril will assist you." Midi patted the other party's shoulder and showed A generous expression.

This expression is enough to make most generals full of confidence, but for a commander of Reinhardt's level, how can he be dismissed with a few simple words and a smile.

"To be honest, our strength is not as good as the sect headquarters. Wouldn't it be even worse if you let me take command?" Reinhardt retorted.

"I have a hunch that even if I'm in command this time, or even if the entire coalition forces are entrusted to me, it may not be effective." Midi shook her head, her expression becoming serious, "Those mind flayers seem to have An unprecedentedly powerful insight, if this insight can be applied to the battlefield, it will be difficult for any tactics to be effective."

Air battles were originally carried out in the sky lacking shelter, and sneak attacks and the like were difficult to do, and the number of warships was far less than that of tens of thousands of people on the ground.

In this case, the power of insight is magnified to a dire degree.

No matter how good a commander is, if there is no curtain that can be used to conceal his intentions, it will be difficult to realize his own tactics in the end.

Therefore, when Midi felt that the command became a bottleneck, he simply gave up the command.

Even, he is one of the best commanders.

When the advantage is gone, holding on to the glory of the past will not bring any victory. As a reborn Midi, she knows this best.

"Okay, I'll take the lead." Reinhardt finally gave up and spread his hands, "What about you?"

"Me? I will go to the front line to see if there is a chance to break through." Midi smiled, and a layer of golden-red sword glow shot up all over her body, and flew out like a shooting star.

Just after Midi, the meteor, found a dense island rock to hide, the fleet of the sect headquarters had already arrived at Blood Prison Island.

Without any trumpets declaring war, the battle had already begun.

In the center of the formation of the sect fleet, the behemoth "Crazy Dragon Heavy Cruiser" with hideous edges and corners fired a main gun directly from the bow!
I saw an incomparably bright and strong light lasing out, tearing open the air, and directly penetrating into the most densely populated position of the coalition fleet!
The attack came so fast that there wasn't even time to react.

And when the glare finally disappeared, a Hurricane-class cruiser that was hit head-on exploded in mid-air on the spot, before it even had time to fall, it turned into a huge ball of fire.

Just a face-to-face meeting, one-fifth of the backbone of the coalition forces was directly destroyed!
Decisive and precise, this is the true strength of the sect headquarters.

Fortunately, the coalition forces are not vegetarians. Even if a main force was killed when they came up, the bloody and purified fleet remained calm and did not fall into panic.

Under the personal command of "Judger" Marcel, the warships quickly adjusted their positions, and then launched a counterattack.

All of a sudden, countless beautiful lines of fire stretched between the battleships of both sides, tearing and piercing each other continuously, like the scythe of death.

In such a fierce fire attack, such as pioneer boats, engineering boats and the like, there is no room for survival.

Even the airships with the largest tonnage in the sea of ​​clouds, such as tiger sharks and narwhals, will only be torn to pieces in an instant in this scorching sky.

The only ones that can survive and launch a counterattack are these antique warships with heavy armor.

However, even so, the armor of these warships was gradually cracking, falling off, and melting in the face of concentrated firepower attacks.

With the passage of time, both sides suffered losses, one after another, dragging billowing thick smoke, they fell towards the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, and the few bloody and purified ones were forced to land on the Blood Prison Island.

However, although the personnel survived, it was impossible for those battleships to continue fighting, even if it was too late to repair.

The battle situation can be said to be in a delicate balance.

If there is no "crazy dragon" battleship.

This high-level battleship, like the Wind King battleship, has a long-range main gun, which makes its firepower far exceed that of ordinary battleships.

Every time the main gun is fired, it is accompanied by the explosion of a coalition warship. If it continues, the power balance between the two sides will soon become extremely different, and the current situation of evenly matched forces will completely collapse.

Marcel should do something, right?

Midi deduced this in her heart.

The current predicament is obvious, and Midi, an outsider, can see it clearly, and Marcel, who is the commander-in-chief, can naturally see it too.

The problem is, all the combat power has been invested in the frontal battlefield, how to solve this situation?
Just when Midi had such a question, the sound of artillery fire from directly above the battlefield brought him an answer.

Two Hurricane battleships and four Fengfang battleships suddenly appeared from the void!
They occupy the commanding heights of the entire battlefield, condescending, spewing firepower crazily downwards.

This is the ambush that Marcel had ambushed a long time ago!
When the two sides were fighting, these ambush soldiers were hidden in the large magic circle and remained motionless until the fleet of the sect headquarters came directly below, and they finally tore off their camouflage, exposed their fangs, and launched a fatal blow.

The target of the six warships that swooped down from the highest point was the mad dragon heavy cruiser that was protected in the center.

However, at this moment, an incredible scene happened.

These six battleships hadn't reached the distance enough to destroy the Kuanglong battleship, each of them exploded, as if being hit by invisible iron fists one by one, and the continuous flames rose continuously in the air, killing them all. They were all swallowed up.

"Konglei!" There was an unbelievable shock in Midi's eyes.

Above this battlefield, the headquarters of the sect has already deployed a large number of aerial mines, waiting for Marcel's ambush to hit them!

how can that be!

(End of this chapter)

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