Arad's Sword

Chapter 332 The Silk of the Soul

Chapter 332 The Silk of the Soul
In the Battle of the Twilight Cemetery, Midi also chose to sneak into the battle.

At that time, although Reinhardt was there as a helper, Midi's attack power was obviously not enough when facing giants like the Vulture Battleship. Besides, he was also extremely afraid of psychic powers at the time, so it can only be said that Barely not at a disadvantage.

This time, even though he entered the enemy line alone, Midi's body had successfully fused the "Spirit Dragon Sword", and his own strength increased greatly.

Not only that, Midi actually found out after actually trying it out that the twin swords of "killing" and "lore" brought out from the maze of the mind seem to have a special bonus to ancient technology.

Usually, these two swords are only slightly sharper than the "Scorching Sun" and "Cold Moon" when used, but when they are used to cut the armor of the Dragon Battleship, they have played an unexpected role, and the destructive power of the slash is extremely large Incomparable.

This made Midi's intrusion easier than imagined. Several backup solutions—such as finding a ventilation shaft to drill in—were useless, and he directly entered the interior of the battleship.

Not only that, but with the Jujue Swords, once Midi is found, it will be easier to escape.

He no longer needs to walk through the labyrinthine ship. Once he is cornered, he can directly break through the ship and escape into the air.

More options mean more initiative and a higher success rate.

However, having a direct conflict is always the worst policy, so Midi didn't take action immediately after lurking, and now he doesn't need to confirm anything with the naked eye anymore, and can fully use the power of psychic energy.

Although the mind flayer's telepathy is powerful, it is only aimed at the situation outside the battleship. At this moment, what Midi has to do is to explore the secrets inside the ship.

He quietly launched telepathy, and did not expand directly like a circle, but shaped the spiritual energy into a filament, stretched out, and probed.

This is a high-level application method of the central inspiration of "Neptune Inheritance", which is called "Thread of the Soul".

At present, Midi can only create a few of these soul threads, not even a double-digit number, but it is enough to explore the interior of the battleship.

After all, no matter how big a battleship is, it is not a city, and the thread of mind will not be affected by any physical obstacles. In other words, it can extend in any direction.

Even if it is a closed space without gaps, it is meaningless in the face of the non-physical characteristics of the soul thread.

Soon, with the extension of the spiritual thread, Midi, who was hiding in a cabin, gradually had a clearer understanding of the surrounding battleship structure, staffing, etc., and formed a map in his heart .

The location of the battleship engine, the location of the built-in turret, the ammunition depot, the magic crystal storage room, etc., all became very clear.

The branch of the members and the route of the patrol team gradually became clear.

Where Midi can travel from, where she can hide, and various routes are gradually becoming clear.

Not only that, he can even detect the level and physical condition of the members of the ship through the silk of the mind.

It can be said that what can threaten Midi and what will be killed by him in one blow, it is all clear.

In the area not leading to the bridge, Midi didn't dare to move rashly. The sense of psychic oppression from there was so strong that Midi would feel a burning sensation just by observing with the vision of psychic power. pain.

He couldn't judge how strong the mind flayer on the bridge was, so he could only be more cautious.

As time passed, Midi gradually discovered that there was an extremely huge space behind the battleship.

This space is a burden for the battleship itself, and there is not much fluctuation of magic power in it, and the use is unclear, which is quite strange.

The most important thing is that as soon as the soul thread is close to that place, Midi will feel the extremely uncomfortable feeling when she was spied on before.

Is the trump card of the Blue Truth sect hidden there?

The target was finally found, but Midi did not insert the thread of the soul. On the contrary, he carefully retracted the thread of the soul in a more cautious way, and returned to the most normal state.

The most important position must also be the most heavily defended position, as well as the most dangerous position.

In other words, even the invisible thread of the soul may lead to him being discovered. In this case, Midi's only choice is to run away immediately.

And if he could reach that area quietly, even if he was discovered, Midi would be confident that he would be able to destroy the trump card of the sect headquarters first, and then escape.

It's all about distance.

After confirming the target and recalling all the possible dangerous positions on the map in his mind, Midi opened the hatch and quietly started to sneak.

Midi is not an assassin, but the psychic thread surrounding his body and the tightly guarded psychic shield make him more comfortable on this battleship than a real assassin.

Soon, Midi bypassed the narrow passages and corridors, avoided groups of sect guards rushing past, and came to the door of the main hall of the battleship.

Here, there are four 62-level, fully armed guards stationed here.

Their four occupations are different, and their positions are not fixed, but according to their own judgment, they stand in the most suitable position they think.

Not just a guard, but a truly experienced hunter.

This is Midi's intuitive feeling after seeing it for the first time.

However, for Midi who has condensed into the "Spirit Dragon Sword", this obstacle is not enough to stop him.

The Spirit Dragon Sword in his body whined softly, and cut out two swords in a row. In an instant, two invisible psychic abilities shot at the four guards silently.

A guard's head exploded on the spot, spattering with blood.

But the other three, when they saw this bloody scene, were suddenly stunned and did not make any preparations for the battle.

Psychic powers, psychic sniper, and psychic blast.

Midi didn't use these two skills at the same time, but made a very slight time difference.

First kill a guard with a psychic sniper, and at the same time, take advantage of the moment of surprise in the hearts of the other three to trigger a psychic explosion.

Due to the death of their companions, the firm will of the three guards was shaken, which made the effect of the mind blast extremely strong, and the deterrent time far exceeded the normal situation.

This is Midi's combo.

The next moment, when the three of them were shocked, Midi moved.

He activated the ghost flash, turned into a light smoke, directly crossed the distance between the two passages, and came in front of the three of them in an instant.

And at the last moment, when he broke away from the teleportation effect brought by the ghostly flashes, he even performed the "Flying Sword Dance", and carried out a second acceleration in the narrow space inside the ship.

The two swords were cut out, and an extremely slender rainbow light appeared directly at the vital points of the three of them!

These three level 62 guards were decapitated before they could even make a sound. Three-foot-high hot blood surged from their necks, almost dyeing the entire passageway bright red.

Before she could do anything to cover it up, Midi bent down to find the key from the guard.

But soon, he gave up this approach.

Although these guards are strong, they have not reached the level of masters, and I am afraid that they are not qualified to enter the core, so how can they carry the key of the inner space?

Midi's only choice is to break through.

Fortunately, the Jujue Shuangjian has a special effect on the armor of ancient warships. In just one minute, the half-meter-thick gate was cut off by Midi.

A few hidden ghost formations were casually placed at the door, and Midi quickly dodged into that space.

The scene reflected in front of him made him gasp in shock.

"Hundred-eyed Demon Lord!" Midi couldn't believe her eyes.

Beholders, this is a race that lives in the Demon Realm and the "underdark regions" outside the Demon Realm. They are rare in number and have distorted personalities, but they are extremely powerful and have multiple subspecies, each of which has extremely deadly abilities. Innate strength.

For example, the charming eye has a powerful mind control ability. As long as it takes a look at it, it will instantly become its most loyal servant. Even after the charming eye dies, this kind of mind control will not disappear.

Another example is the eye of death, which can directly absorb the vitality of the target through gazing. No matter how vast your magic power is and how rich your experience is, it is difficult to resist this direct extraction of physique. If you cannot escape its vision, you will soon be absorbed into a body. man!
There are countless such terrifying talents among beholders, and therefore, like mind flayers, they are the most terrifying race in the demon world.

As for the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, his ability is to see through all kinds of obstacles, ignore all kinds of phantom formations, uncover all kinds of hidden skills, and even directly lock on the targets thousands of kilometers away.

It can be said that as long as it is there, everything is invisible.

Seeing this huge monster with a diameter of eight meters and hundreds of tentacles wriggling around it, and small eyes flickering on the tentacles, Midi finally understood what was staring at him before.

However, in the previous life, it took the adventurers seven years to enter the big storm area, and they fought hard for a long time before they destroyed the Blue Truth Sect. In the whole process, no enemy like beholders appeared.

But in this life, why did he enter Xingyang, and there was such a terrifying opponent in the sect?

Midi couldn't figure it out.

Even if it is due to the butterfly effect, this span is too big, right?

However, this kind of thinking can only be left for the future, the most important thing right now is to find a way to get rid of this terrible opponent.

Although the talent of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord has no direct lethality, its insight makes it almost have the ability of foresight in face-to-face battles. Midi wants to kill this Hundred-eyed Demon Lord in a short time. Hardly any possibility.

Fortunately, this kind of beholder has poor resistance to psychic powers, so Midi still has a way to deal with it.

However, before Midi had time to make a move, a silent attack arrived.

At the last moment, Midi suddenly jumped ten meters away, and at the position where he was standing just now, a piece of lightning blade as thin as a cicada's wing directly sliced ​​into the floor. On the metal, a bottomless gap was cut.

"It's pretty hideable, yes, I haven't encountered such a prey for a long time." A deep voice, passing through the air and eardrums, rang directly in Midi's mind.

"It came quite quickly." Midi also replied telepathically, and then, with a pair of star-black eyes, looked at the enemy at the door.

It is the Lord of the third temple of the Blue Truth Sect, Luoz.

(End of this chapter)

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