Arad's Sword

Chapter 338 Sky Veil Giant Beast

Chapter 338 Sky Veil Giant Beast
The sudden zoom in and out of vision, even Midi couldn't bear it for a while.

After spending some time getting used to it, Midi can finally use this "insight" skill to detect targets a thousand kilometers away.

He still remembers clearly which direction the sect headquarters' fleet retreated three days ago, so he naturally looked there first, but he found nothing in the airspace within [-] kilometers.

Then, Midi began to further expand the scope of investigation and conduct an all-round scan. However, in this huge ocean of stars, it still feels like finding a needle in a haystack.

Finally, Midi finally found a way, that is to search for such things as "resources".

Even if I can't find your location, at least I know that you need various resources.

By looking for floating islands and floating island rocks rich in mineral veins, it may be easier to hit the enemies of the sect headquarters.

From a certain point of view, this has gone beyond the scope of simple military search, and uses more tracking skills of adventurers or hunters.

Just as prey can always be found near the water source in the forest, resource gatherers must also be found in the densely populated areas of the Star Ocean.

This time, after spending two full days searching a large number of ore veins, Midi finally found some clues.

He discovered a vein of minerals that had been mined.

That floating island is rich in red flame crystals, which are necessary for manufacturing demon warships, and most of the imitations of bloody purification are celestial battleships.

Not only that, the distance between this area and Blood Prison Island is very far, and it is impossible for Marcel to send people to such a long distance to mine veins.

There, it could only be the mine vein of the sect headquarters.

However, that floating island seemed to have been abandoned for many years. After careful inspection, Midi found that the place was deserted, and the original barracks had already collapsed.

But this is not a problem. Now that we have found the footprints of the beast drinking water, we can naturally find more clues as long as we follow the clues.

Sure enough, just over two hours later, Midi's gaze spanned nearly [-] kilometers again, and he directly saw a vein of mine that was being mined.

And judging from the clothes of those mining personnel and the style of the airship they used, they are undoubtedly members of the sect headquarters.

Without doing any new searches, Midi kept the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch's sight firmly on this floating island, and began to wait patiently.

Since it is mining resources, there is always a moment to send it back to the base camp. At that time, you can follow it all the way back.

As Midi expected, the ore mined on this day was quickly transferred to a refining plant after simple preliminary refining.

Midi's gaze naturally followed her.

On the second day, the refined ore from the refining plant was sent to another larger floating island.

Judging from the docks located around the floating island, it is obvious that this is an alchemy factory for manufacturing warships, and the surrounding layers of protection prove this point.

However, although the matter here is important, it is not Midi's destination.

So what if the alchemy factory is destroyed with all the effort?
The existing fleets at the sect headquarters will not disappear just because of this.

On the contrary, the already small fleet on Midi's side may have suffered heavy losses because of forcibly attacking vital areas.

With both sides possessing the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, it can be said that there is no hiding place in this star ocean, and there is no place to maneuver around. Every dispatch of troops and every vital facility will be exposed to the opponent's eyes. In sight.

In addition, air combat itself has no defensive line and no depth. As long as the fleet is dispatched, it can reach the destination immediately in a very short time.

Therefore, the only way now is to attack each other and make a quick decision.

The key to winning or losing lies in who can discover the opponent's most vital point first and take it down in the shortest time.

Obviously, Midi is at a great disadvantage here.

Because there are only two important places on our side, Blood Prison Island and the frontline base where Emile is.

Both of these important places have already been discovered.

Not only was it discovered, but it was also attacked, and a lot of infrastructure was compromised.

No matter how much they moved the floating islands and facilities, with the strength of the sect headquarters, Midi didn't think that the other party would be easily stumped by such a simple and clumsy cover-up.

As for Midi, even if they found a few key points of the sect headquarters—such as the alchemy factory and the shipyard—it would be difficult to turn the tide of the battle.

Not to mention whether it can be defeated, even if it can be defeated at a relatively low cost, so what?
The background of the sect headquarters is too rich and huge.Accumulating thousands of years of capital in a place like Xingyang, how can one or two failures be enough to hurt one's muscles and bones?

Therefore, Midi's only choice is to find the most vital part.

Let the failure of the sect headquarters be magnified ten times, or even a hundred times.

Let your side, with just one victory, be able to establish an advantageous situation.

There is only one vital point like this.

That is the Sky Veil Behemoth.

The huge flying whale, which is hundreds of kilometers long, is the headquarters of the sect and the hiding place of the supreme powerhouse.

Only after finding the giant beast of the sky curtain and killing the supreme powerhouse, can it be said that it has caused fatal damage to the Blue Truth Sect.

Therefore, even though various vital points such as the alchemy factory, the pharmacy factory, and the dock were discovered, Midi remained calm.

The only thing he cares about is the location and whereabouts of those in charge among the important places of these sects.

The hunter continues to monitor, search, and track, waiting for the biggest and most desirable prey to appear.

Finally, after Midi searched for a whole week with the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, an opportunity finally appeared before his eyes.

A mind flayer envoy entered Midi's field of vision.

He is not a combatant, but a role similar to that of an inspector. He rides on a luxuriously decorated battleship and shuttles back and forth between several different vital points.

And in the end, after he visited all the important places, the mind flayer's ship flew towards a direction that Midi had never explored before.

The warship flew higher and higher, rising continuously, almost climbing to the dome of the star ocean, and the bright stars seemed within reach at this moment.

And amidst the cold brilliance cast by the stars, a shadow covering the sky and the sun is moving at a slow but steady speed.

As the distance between the battleship and the shadow got closer, Midi's sight also climbed all the way up.

It wasn't until she got close to the shadow that Midi realized that the so-called "slow speed" was just an illusion. When she really came near the shadow, she realized that it was an extremely astonishing forward speed, but it was caused by the shadow. If it is too large, it will feel slow.

Finally, the sky brightened.

The darkness fades, and the light returns.

The impenetrable haze above the behemoth finally dissipated.

This is a huge whale.

On its back, there are mountains, water, farmland and streams, as well as relics and dense forests. Everything that should exist on a continent is here.

Just seeing this colossal monster, even at a distance of more than [-] kilometers, Midi felt that he could feel that distant and awe-inspiring ancient atmosphere.

This is the giant beast of the sky, the largest creature in the star ocean.

And with the focus of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's incomparably powerful eyesight, Midi easily locked on the back of the Sky Veil giant beast, those scattered temples built on the mountain.

These temples are like vines wrapped around the trunk, winding upwards, like road signs one by one.

As these temples extended their gaze, Midi's field of vision quickly plunged into the deepest part of the mountains, about where the second spine of the Skyveil Behemoth was located.

There, under the natural barrier of the mountains, stood a temple of incomparable size.

There is the main temple of the Blue Truth Sect, which once enshrined a large number of relics written by the explorer Leslie.

But now, there is the place where the mysterious and powerful supreme man lives in seclusion.

Midi settled down, and was about to activate the insight power of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch to directly penetrate into the temple to see what happened, but at this moment, an overwhelming darkness hit, completely covering Midi's sight.

Not only can you detect the prying of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, but also have the ability to block it?
Although Midi had been extremely afraid of this supreme powerhouse since the previous life, she was still taken aback at this moment.

You must know that this is an investigation that is more than seven thousand kilometers away. It is already extremely difficult to spy with super vision, but it is even more difficult to completely block this kind of spying.

Unexpectedly, this supreme powerhouse was able to do this, and it didn't seem to be difficult, just doing it casually.

Could it be that the opponent's strength has recovered?
Midi's heart suddenly sank, and her face became ugly.

After the beholders, a race from the Underdark, appeared, everything seemed to be incomprehensible.

In fact, it may be because of some difference between the supreme powerhouse and the previous life that it may bring about a series of chain reactions.

And if a supreme powerhouse recovers, there is no doubt that Midi will have no chance of winning.

After all, the so-called "supreme powerhouse" is a second-awakened person who has surpassed the 85-level cap, an existence of the same level as the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, a legend among legends, and a legend among legends.

For a strong man like this, even if he just recovered a little bit of strength, it would be enough to sweep the entire Xingyang.

Midi deliberately spied on the temple where the supreme powerhouse was, but in fact there were elements of temptation in it.

It's just that he didn't expect such a result to come out.

Just when Midi was feeling uneasy, a distant and ancient voice sounded.

"Heirs of the Neptune's inheritance, I never expected that we would meet in this way." The voice sighed deeply, and there was a lot of self-deprecating in it, "But it's okay, the distance is so far, I don't need to spend extra effort to curb the mutation of the body in order to ensure your safety."

 On Monday, please recommend, subscribe and collect all kinds of balls!
(End of this chapter)

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