Arad's Sword

Chapter 356 The Pressure of Level 70

Chapter 356 The Pressure of Level 70
If it's just Midi alone, it's fine, run the "Flying Sword Dance" at full capacity, maybe you can try it out.

But at this moment, Fina and Alice are here, how can he escape?

In other words, even if he escapes, Fina and Alice may not follow up, maybe instead they will stay and entangle the devil viscount in order to allow him to escape smoothly!
Isn't that the case in the previous life?

They said it well, and they will definitely meet up later and meet again, but in the end, they coaxed Midi to leave alone, but left to face endless enemies.

This is true of Alice, and so is Fina.

Midi is no longer willing to believe women's lies, especially those of Fina and Alice.

He knew very well that for his own life, these two women would do anything without any hesitation.

For men, this is undoubtedly a dream of happiness, but it is also the biggest shackle.

Midi is willing to bear the shackles, so he wants to stay.

Not only to stay, but to win.

For this, he is willing to do whatever it takes.

"Human boy, it seems that it is not a coincidence that you can obtain my inheritance of the Sea Emperor." Rotes said with emotion, and in the tired tone, there was a glimmer of hope again, "If this is the case, then I will go all out , anyway, it can't get any worse than this."

"Okay." With Luo Tesi's assurance, there was a glimmer of hope in Midi's heart.

However, the Devil Viscount already felt a little impatient at the moment.

For demons, molesting their prey is a pleasure.

But the current atmosphere is completely different from what the Devil Viscount expected.

Obviously, there is an insurmountable gap between the two sides. They are just like ants in front of him, and they can be crushed with a move of a finger.

But at this moment, when the three human men and women faced him with overwhelming strength, they didn't show any panic, and even their heartbeats didn't speed up.

On the contrary, the eyes of the two women with holy blood still kept the light of hope.

What made the Devil Viscount even more unhappy was the black-haired human man.

He was not flustered, nor nervous, nor was he irritated by his own words. What came out of his pitch-black eyes was a completely unshakable extreme calmness.

It was almost as if he was born without feelings.

This kind of expression made the devil viscount, who was expecting his prey to beg for mercy and struggling, feel as if he had been poured cold water on his head.

Since there is no fun, let's kill you!
The devil viscount thought so in his heart.

If this human man died, maybe the two heirs of the holy blood would also show a sad expression, and let the viscount fiddle with it, right?
Thinking of this, the Devil Viscount's mood became elevated again, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

The next moment, he disappeared from where he was standing.

"Be careful!" Rotes' voice transmission came immediately.

But before the eighth apostle reminded, Midi had already moved.

His attention was always focused on the demon viscount, and the moment the opponent launched an attack, his body moved naturally.

Ghost swordsman skills, ghost shadow flashes!

In an instant, Midi turned into light smoke and disappeared from where she was, and then appeared ten meters away. Then, the golden red sword light rolled around her body, and she had already flown into the air.

And at the position where he was standing just now, a large pit with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in an instant, as if some invisible force had completely suppressed that extremely hard rock!
That was the result of a punch thrown by the Demon Viscount.

And after this huge pit appeared, the burly figure of the Devil Viscount appeared beside the pit, followed by the loud sound of rock breaking and the sound of the air being torn apart.

This means that his movement speed has easily broken through the speed of sound barrier, and for people below level 70, his figure is even more impossible to capture.

But even so, Midi still avoided the opponent's attack by relying on her prediction.

"Little bug, you have two hands!" A raging flame burned in the eyes of the devil viscount.

He thought that his blow could directly crush Midi into meat paste, but he missed it.This made the Devil Viscount couldn't help but feel a trace of real anger.

How dare a human being from the lower realms resist him?

We must let him die in unbearable pain, and then take out his soul and torture him!
As for Midi's flying skill "Flying Sword Dance", the devil viscount didn't take it seriously at all.In his opinion, that kind of flying skill is really too slow, and the defensive power of the golden red sword light is just a punch to his attack.

After a slight pause, the Demon Viscount disappeared from the air again.

This is not true invisibility or some kind of blindfolding method, but because the speed of movement is too fast for the eyes to catch, and even the breath is too late to catch.

This time, the Devil Viscount increased his speed even further.

It was so high that even if Midi could see him disappear, it was too late to issue a dodge command to his body.

But this time, Midi didn't dodge at all.

As a reborn person, he was a second-awakened person who had reached level 85. He was naturally very clear about the limit speed that a level 70 demon viscount could have.

If the opponent is serious, it's not like he at level 59 can dodge after accelerating from a standstill.

This blow can only be taken hard.

So at the moment when he saw the opponent disappear, instead of dodging, Midi used all his strength to defend.

There was a flash of light in the air, followed by the dull sound of a blow like a heavy hammer hitting multiple layers of leather.

Midi's golden-red sword light, which was enough to break through the armor of a battleship, was hit with sparks flying, and Midi himself flew upside down like a stone being hit, and directly hit the ground heavily. .

Fortunately, he was prepared, so while flying out, he skillfully removed the impact from the devil viscount,

But even so, the power of being hit alone is enough to make Midi feel the magic power in his body overwhelmed.

This is a blow from a level 70 powerhouse.

The opponent obviously hasn't really exerted its full strength.

At the same time that Midi was hit, Fina and Alice also acted tacitly at the same time.

A magic bullet that was not powerful but extremely fast passed through the air, like a bolt of lightning, and shot straight at the location of the devil viscount.

Countless demonic black vines shot out from the ground, and they did not directly catch the incredibly fast target, but connected with each other to form a wall, separating Midi and the devil viscount.

After these years, the running-in between the two women has reached a level of proficiency. Even if there is no need for words, an eye contact is enough to immediately form a cooperation.

However, in the face of absolute power, such an attack is useless.

The Devil Viscount snorted coldly, and with a sway of his figure, he easily dodged Fina's magic bullet.

He moved his fingertips slightly again, and a large piece of the incomparably hard demonic black vine was cut off like a straw.

Then the devil viscount smiled at the two girls jokingly, and punched out again!
It was still Midi.

After recovering from the blow just now, he took another blow. Even his body tempered by dragon blood was too much for him. Midi took the punch again, but felt his muscles and bones all over his body groaning. with.

Fortunately, when the Devil Viscount was about to launch the third attack reluctantly, Rotes moved.

Although the eighth apostle has been weakened to the limit and abandoned his body, the will alone is enough to make the opponent feel afraid.

He launched a psychic sniper, which looked ordinary, but Midi could easily feel the extraordinary sharpness in it.

Even the Devil Viscount has to pay attention to this psychic sniper, and he is also very afraid of whether Rotes is hiding something behind him.

Therefore, the Demon Viscount immediately gave up his attack.

He didn't dare to take the psychic sniper head-on, but sacrificed the magic rune bestowed by his master, and instantly shattered the psychic sniper into countless psionic crumbs.

However, this is only to suspend the offensive. After all, Rotes' will is relatively weak after all. If he launches continuous attacks, once he is carried by the devil viscount, he will be unable to attack for a long time in a vacuum. .

During that time, it was enough for the Demon Viscount to crush Midi to death.

Therefore, Rotes can't put too much pressure on the Viscount Demon, and can only keep himself in a state of being seduced all the time, so as to play a restraining role.

So, very quickly, the situation turned into this——

Midi became a human shield and was constantly attacked by the demon viscount.

The Devil Viscount was attacked by Fina and Alice, but he didn't care at all, and didn't even bother to interfere.

Rotes is holding back, but the frequency is not high.

At first glance, this appears to be a balanced battle situation.

But in fact, Midi knew very well how dangerous this battle was.

You must know that the devil is extremely chaotic by nature, and it is very easy to like the new and dislike the old. If it must be described, it is a moody version of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman.

Meddy could see that,

Although the devil viscount found himself chasing the viscount with all his heart, it was not because he had to beat himself, but because of interest.

Once he loses interest in Midi, or if he is finally irritated by Fina and Alice, then it is very possible to change the target immediately.

In other words, he can hit whoever he wants, and he has the real initiative.But Rotes can only play the role of containment and suspension.

Once the Devil Viscount really changed his target, who of the two legal professions, Fina and Alice, could withstand his blow that surpassed the speed of sound?
Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the devil viscount has a single mind and must kill Midi, then he is actually about to achieve this goal.

Because Rotes' protection was not complete after all, Midi still had to get hit from time to time.

And every time, even if you try your best to dismantle it, some power will still enter Midi's body, causing huge damage to him.

It didn't take long for him to be exhausted, his defenses collapsed, and he died directly under the fist of the demon viscount.

At that time, the entire battle situation will collapse directly.

(End of this chapter)

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