Arad's Sword

Chapter 358 1 Hit Kill

Chapter 358 One Hit Kill
"What a pity, no matter how hard you struggle, you will never be able to defeat a demon viscount!" Grabbing Midi's head and shaking his limp body, the demon viscount finally laughed heartily, "Stupid Human, do you know the gap between the two sides now? In my eyes, you are nothing but an ant!"

At this moment, Midi was so weak that he even took out the most important weapon for a ghost swordsman.

The two swords of "Punishment" and "Lore" slipped from between his uncontrollable fingers, like two falling meteors, falling silently to the ground, sinking into the hard rock.

The sword is with the people, and the sword is dead and the people are dead.

A ghost swordsman who has lost even his sword, what else can he be afraid of?

Originally, with the devil's cunning, it shouldn't have allowed a terrifying ghost swordsman to enter such a close distance.

But now Midi's double swords have been lost, and her spine has been damaged. She has been completely paralyzed and turned into a cripple, so the Devil Viscount naturally has no scruples.

Demons are very cautious, but they are never timid. Not only that, in order to gain stronger power, they will sometimes take risks—if they are sure enough.

For example, now, when Midi is about to die, it is a good opportunity for her memory to be undamaged, but unable to guard against it.

The devil viscount intends to take this opportunity to directly absorb Midi's memory on the battlefield in order to try to obtain the most complete "Sea Emperor's Inheritance".

In the process of absorbing, there will be some risks to some extent. After all, Fina and Alice are on the side, and Rotes is also watching, but absorbing needs to consume most of the demon's power.

Fortunately, in the previous round of attacks, Rotes had exhausted most of his strength, and the attacks of the other two heirs of the Holy Blood could not pose a threat to the Demon Viscount at all.

Therefore, the demon still intends to give it a try.

He glanced coldly at Fina and Alice outside, and then spread out a defensive magic circle around him, with pieces of golden runes flowing in the circle.

At the same time, his wings spread out, and on each black feather, the dazzling flames of the demon world burned.

After doing all this, he moved closer to Midi, and then fixedly stared into Midi's eyes.

"Look into my eyes, let me absorb all the secrets in your mind!" The voice of the Demon Viscount seemed to be infused with magic power, full of low-pitched magnetic charm, which fascinated people.

As long as they are confused by this voice and attracted by this look, most people will become slaves of the devil, opening their hearts and all their secrets to each other.

But Midi is not among them.

Even if he is already dying.

When the devil viscount looked at Midi, Midi stared back suddenly as if returning to the light, and a deep blue light flowed in those star-black eyes.

Under the influence of this dark blue light, the Devil Viscount was shocked to find that his body had lost control, completely stiff as if petrified!

The next moment, before he could react, Midi, who was already "paralyzed", moved!
He stretched out his right hand with difficulty, and then drew out the mysterious dagger "Golden Forgiveness" at his waist, raised it high, and stabbed the devil viscount's head in one breath!
The glinting blade was so sharp that Midi didn't expend any effort at all, and the dagger sank into the handle.

Then, just like in the case of killing the big octopus before, the dagger acted on its own, no longer needing Midi's control, like a little golden snake, it got into the body of the devil viscount, and began to crazily and unscrupulously destroyed.

At this moment, the spiritual energy that bound the demon viscount finally faded away.

He suddenly showed a horrified expression and unbelievable eyes.

He let out a deafening roar, wanting to crush Midi, who was still weak in his hands, to death, but under the attack of the dagger, the once powerful demon viscount couldn't even do this at this moment.

He didn't even have the strength to throw Midi away, so he could only let Midi fall from his hand and fall beside him.

How can this be?

Looking at the still weak black-haired human being under his feet, the Devil Viscount couldn't figure out how the other party pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into his body.

Didn't he break his spine with his own hands, and completely fell into high paralysis?
Even if the person has dragon blood in his body, but that level of dragon blood is too thin, it is impossible to restore the body to this level in such a short period of time.

How on earth did he do this?

Moreover, what is the psychic power that can even imprison oneself for a few seconds?
The devil viscount couldn't get an answer, and he didn't have time to continue thinking. The vitality and magic power in his body were being drained rapidly, and the heart, which was the core of the devil, had already been pierced by a dagger.

"Even if it is death, I will drag you to be buried with me!" The eyes of the devil viscount burst into a light full of resentment and malice.

The next moment, sulfur-colored flames surged out of his body, overwhelming Midi who was lying aside.

This is the flames of hell from the devil world, which can devour the body and soul in an instant. At the same time, it also has the terrifying characteristics of polluting magic power and corroding the will.

If it is licked by this flame, Midi, who is now powerless to resist, will be instantly killed with just one click.

However, before the flames of hell had time to touch Midi, a white wall of ice rose from the ground and blocked the front.

Then, the warm green current full of vitality soaked through Midi's whole body.

It's Fina and Alice.

The moment Midi pulled out the dagger, they immediately took action.

If it wasn't for Midi's previous gesture of "fight calmly until the end", if it wasn't for knowing Midi very well, knowing that he must have a back move, with the characters of Fina and Alice, they would have already been desperate The ground came desperately.

Seeing the man they love being tortured in front of them, how can they bear it?
At this moment, the long-planned killing blow was finally completed. Naturally, the two women could not continue to wait, but rushed forward immediately.

The flames of hell crazily eroded the ice wall built by Fina, and the pungent sulfur breath filled the air, making one feel suffocated.

Amidst the maniacal laughter, the Devil Viscount had already turned into ashes tumbling in the hot wind.

However, his last will still turned into a curse, as the flames of hell continue to spread outward.

Seeing that they could not escape the attack of the flames of hell, Fina and Alice looked at each other and made the same decision at the same time.

They hugged Midi tightly, using their bodies as shields to protect him in the middle.

A man and two women embrace each other like this.

It's like little animals hugging each other to keep warm in the cold winter.

It is also like a reef standing in the midst of the monstrous waves.

It also seems to be a flame of hope that will never be extinguished in the wind that covers the sky and the sun.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the flames of hell were finally extinguished.

The entire mountain top, the highest point of the second spine of the Sky Curtain Beast, and the battlefield were completely silent.

There was an extremely thick layer of silver-white dust on the ground, which looked like snow.

However, the pungent sulfur smell in the air made people immediately understand that this was by no means a beautiful scene of heavy snowfall in winter, but a trace left behind after the destruction like a volcanic eruption.

Among the ashes, there is a protrusion that still carries human body heat.

"Are you... all right?" Midi's dry voice slowly rang out in the silence.

"You're the one. How's your health? Are you okay?" Alice's tone of voice, which was always cold, rarely showed a trace of anxiety and undisguised concern.

"Fortunately, I can move at last." Midi wiped the dust off Alice's head with her hands, and then showed a reassuring smile.

"It's too messy." On the side, Fina sighed deeply, her eye circles were slightly red.

As the saying goes, a man hates a woman's tears the most. Seeing the red-haired girl looking like she was about to cry, Midi could only smile wryly: "But there is no other way. The opponent is too strong. If you want to win, you have to do whatever you can." .”

Using himself as a bait to make the viscount vigilante lose his vigilance was what Midi did.

From the previous conversation, Midi has already judged one thing - the Devil Viscount will not kill himself, at least, he will not do so when he thinks he has the whole situation in his hands.

Not only that, he will not kill Fina and Alice easily.

Because I have the "Sea Emperor's Inheritance" in my mind, and the two daughters are the successors of the Holy Blood.

Therefore, when it is safe, the Devil Viscount will definitely find ways to squeeze out the full value of the prey, so that he can get the greatest benefit.

It is not in the character of a demon to simply kill its prey and get nothing.

This is the biggest key to the whole battle.

The existence of the insurance of "not being killed immediately" made it possible for Midi to approach the devil viscount alive.

The so-called "full attack" at the beginning was just a show, making the Viscount Viscount Midi think that Midi had struggled with all his might, thus reducing his vigilance.

Next, when Midi was seriously injured, it was the real beginning.

Although it is said that Midi will not be killed, but with the viscount's cautious and cunning personality, if he is not beaten to the point where he is completely powerless to resist, he will definitely not act rashly.

Therefore, Midi took the initiative to sell his spine and let the other party beat him into paralysis. In this way, he could enter the extremely close distance without the other party's defense.

At the same time, under the condition of paralysis, Midi did one thing——


From level 59, promoted to level 60!
(End of this chapter)

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