Arad's Sword

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

After watching this video, Midi finally understood the cause and effect of everything.

It turned out that what the adventurers in the previous life sacrificed countless lives to kill was just a prisoner trapped in the sky and sea of ​​clouds and weakened to the limit.

And in this life, due to the advance strategy of Xingyang and various opportunities, Midi was lucky enough to get the help of Rotes.

Although the whole process can still be regarded as extremely dangerous, if there is no Rotes to face the situation of the big octopus and the devil viscount, Midi can be said to have no hope at all.

It can only be said that Midi in the previous life hadn't really become a high-level person at that time, he didn't see far enough, didn't see enough, and what he understood was only the appearance.

And in this life, Midi finally came into contact with the truth behind the scenes.

"Get rid of the shackles of the second apostle 'Tear Eyes' Herder, what are you going to do next?" Looking at Lottes who was condensed with psychic energy, Midi couldn't help asking.

On the side, Fina and Alice also looked over with two pairs of beautiful eyes.

For them, the "Apostle" is also a legendary existence. You must know that the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar also had the title of "Ninth Apostle".

And now, the living eighth apostle is right in front of him.

Although the body has just been killed, the will of Rotes can also be regarded as Rotes himself.

Regarding the existence of such a high-level power level, those who pursue powerful professionals will inevitably want to see more.

"My goal is very pure, but it is extremely difficult to implement it. To put it simply, it is reincarnation." Rotes had nothing to hide, and said bluntly, "I want to rebuild a body for myself, After returning to the level of the supreme powerhouse, go and have a good talk with the second apostle."


Although he had already guessed a thing or two, when he really heard this word, Midi's heart still moved.

Of course, there is still a big difference between "reincarnation" and "rebirth". After all, the former is just a change of body, while the latter involves time changes in the entire world, and they are definitely not on the same level.

But at this moment, when the word came out of Rotes' mouth, it still made Midi confirm one thing - at the level of the supreme powerhouse like "Apostle", death really couldn't easily restrain them.

To some extent, they can probably be said to have transcended life and death.

And is the factor that causes him to be reborn also related to the supreme powerhouse?

Midi couldn't help but speculate like this in her heart.

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Midi's mind, and it took several seconds before he turned his attention back to reality.

"The supreme powerhouse really has surpassed the existence of common sense, but I don't know if we can help?" Midi paused, and then said.

He didn't really think that he could help a supreme powerhouse, but he said it out of politeness. After all, without Rotes, his side would have no chance of winning.

On the other hand, Midi also had a fluke mentality and wanted to test whether he could learn some details of reincarnation from this supreme powerhouse.

Unexpectedly, the next answer of Rotes surprised him.

"Actually, I very much hope to get your help, especially you, Midi Asrex, the successor of the Neptune's inheritance." Rotes looked at Midi with a very serious and frank gaze. Di.

"Me?" Midi's eyes flashed with surprise, and for a moment, he thought he heard it wrong.

I am just a small professional who has just reached level 60, and I haven't even touched the door to the second awakening, so how can I help the supreme powerhouse?

"I have to admit that the seal that has lasted for nearly a century this time is a catastrophe for me." Rotes showed a wry smile, and the ten tentacles beside the mouthparts drooped down in frustration "When I fell into a deep sleep, although I made a lot of arrangements, they were all in the ocean of the demon world. I never expected that the second apostle Herder would have the ability to cross the space barrier and send me directly to Come to this sea of ​​clouds in the sky."

"In other words, you haven't arranged anything here?" Fina asked from the side.

"I spent so much time here, but I just set up a maze of the mind. Now, through this maze, Midi was selected and brought me freedom. It can be said to be a miracle. As for the subsequent reincarnation. I don’t know how long it will take me to complete the series of huge resources I need.” Rotes sighed, but then, there was a hint of slyness in his tone, “So I need your help , or rather, we should help each other."

Helping each other?

Midi frowned slightly, and the next moment, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be something extra in his body.

The Spirit Dragon Sword, which was supposed to be extremely pure, seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.

This haze is like a piece of vague and illusory dust, shrouded on the sword edge. At first glance, it seems to be an illusion or a mirage, but when you hold your breath and observe quietly, you will find that it is lingering on the sword edge above.

Not only that, Midi even felt that he could smell a pungent sulfur smell from the devil world.

At the same time that Midi noticed something different in her body, Fina and Alice also changed their expressions at the same time.

The three of them were originally the type who would not change their expressions before the landslide. Even in the face of death, they could still remain calm.

But now, when the devil viscount was dead, some foreign matter would actually enter the body, and it was so difficult to find. This unbelievable situation made them shake for a while.

"This is a death warrant." On the side, Rotes' voice rang out at the right time.

"Death Chasing Order!" Midi's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

In the previous life, after the second awakening, when the war between humans, heaven and demons reached a fever pitch, Midi had also heard this name.

Anyone who is entangled by the death hunting order, no matter how high the level is, how powerful the power is, how wise and experienced, the final result, without exception, will be killed by the killer sent by the demon world. The corpses were all dragged into the Demon Realm, and completely disappeared from this world ever since.

If he really reached level 85, Midi would not be afraid to fight the Demon Killer, but now, he is only level 60.

And Fina and Alice are only level 55.

It is already extremely difficult just to face a demon viscount. If the demon world sends out a high-level demon with the title of earl, marquis or even grand duke, how to deal with it?
After briefly telling Fina and Alice what they knew, the two women immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

"It can't be seen that a human from the continent of Arad is quite familiar with the death order." Rotes showed a surprised look, "But this is good, it can save me a lot of explanations."

"So, what do you mean by helping each other?" Midi asked.

"The so-called death hunting order is actually not a real skill, and of course it is not something like a mysterious curse. In essence, it is similar to a hunter's hunting bullet, and it is an indelible aura." Rott Si did not answer Midi's question directly, but explained it from the beginning.

After all, even though Midi knew something about the Death Hunting Order, it was only judging from the results, and there was a certain amount of inference involved.

In his previous life, he had never come into close contact with the prey of the Death Hunting Order.

And Rotes is the eighth apostle, the power of the demon world, so he is very clear about the nature of the death order.

"Before, didn't the devil viscount carry a magic rune from the second apostle? When he was finally killed by 'Golden Forgiveness', he had no time to use this rune to save himself, so he chose Explode it and turn it into the flames of hell to burn you."

Rotes continued, but at this level, there is no need to say more.

Obviously, the flames of hell itself are a kind of dyeing method. Although Midi and the others have successfully withstood the final blow, they have no ability to remove the traces that are left in the soul. .

After all, this is the power of an apostle. Even if there is only a tiny bit of it, to a mere 60th-level professional, it is like a mountain made of diamonds, which cannot be changed at all and can only be looked up to.

Judging from the current state of Rotes, he obviously has no ability to impose any restrictions on this opponent in the past.

"However, you are still safe for the time being. This breath is not strong enough to pass through multiple space barriers and reach the second apostle, but sooner or later, the second apostle Herder will find that the giant beast in the sky everything that happened, and clearly reproduce every detail." Roters sighed again.

"Will she come to take revenge on us? Because we occupied Xingyang, rescued you, and killed her subordinates..." Fei Na raised her eyebrows, obviously thinking of the long run.

If this place is really being targeted by an apostle, it is obviously not suitable to be used as the back garden of the Falcon Group.

"As an apostle, how can I care about such a small matter? Maybe it's my escape, which will make her feel a little troublesome?" Rotes glanced over the three of Midi, "It will really make you What is in danger is the holy blood in you!"

"You probably don't know yet, the value of this holy blood is enough to drive the entire devil world crazy, and even make the second apostle, no, let most of the ambitious apostles, all go to snatch it by themselves!"

Rotes' ruthless words hit Midi's heart like a thunderbolt.

(End of this chapter)

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