Arad's Sword

Chapter 371 First Selection

Chapter 371 First Selection
When Midi appeared on the stage, it caused a small commotion in the stands.

Hunting, war, plunder, defense, trading, and cruel selection, the tarantula tribe has remained unchanged for many years, and the population has only increased slowly.

But now, the appearance of Midi, a human being, has given this tribe who hunted in silence a rare topic of gossip.

Originally, almost no one would come to watch the selection of the lowest level slave fighters, and only the middle-level slave fighters would come here to get acquainted with their companions and opponents who would join them in the future.

But now, not only were a considerable number of members of the tarantula tribe present, but they were even more excited about Midi's presence.

For a moment, faced with all kinds of cheers, boos and taunts, Midi even had the illusion that he was in the arena of the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

"Damn it, who is in the selection this time, so that Midi will face that lizardman?" Galantis' face was very ugly.

This is tantamount to making it clear that the chariots and horses are telling Galantis that the slave she values ​​is going to be slaughtered.

On the other side of the stand, another young and alluring priestess was looking at her with a smile, playing with a precious magic dagger in her hand.

Although both are black dragon priests, but because of the same identity, the two women have never confronted each other.

But this time, it is clear that Midi has become a victim in the struggle between the two sides.

At least in the eyes of the dark elves, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving a weak human who was arranged to fight against the strongest slave fighters—even though they were only the strongest at low levels.

"Zared, you bastard! I remember, just wait and see!" Realizing that her old enemy was making trouble, Glendis gritted her teeth and sat down fiercely. I sat on the seat, as if I was going to collapse the poor chair.

When the priestesses of the Tarantula Tribe were fighting each other, on the other side of the stand, under the surveillance of the guards, the mid-level slave fighters who had already stood out from the bloody selection were also staring at Midi intently. And let out a roar of laughter.

Being on the verge of death for a long time makes these slaves especially need to find all kinds of stimulation.

And what can compare to the wonderful scene of a weak human being being tortured and killed?

It's just that, among this group of mid-level slave fighters, a young and handsome dark elf slave sitting in the center didn't make any excited commotion like the others.

On the contrary, the moment the dark elf saw Midi's appearance, a hint of surprise even flashed in his eyes.

From the other party's steps, posture and eyes, he couldn't see even the slightest flaw in this so-called "weak human being"!

In his long fighting career, the dark elf slave had never seen such an impeccable warrior!
"It seems that the lizardman seems to be in trouble." The dark elf slave finally said, "This human kid seems to be very troublesome."

A human being is tricky.

This is an extremely ridiculous statement.

But when it was said from the mouth of the dark elf slave, no one laughed. Whether it was the rude fighters or the guards on the side, they all showed surprise, but they didn't laugh.

"I know you don't believe me." The dark elf slave smiled, "Would you like to place a bet? Twenty silver coins, I bet the human will win."

"You have no hope, Zach Nafein." It was a guard who spoke.

Even though the other party was a slave fighter and a prisoner of war, there was no disrespect in the guard's tone, but a sense of regret.

"Oh?" Zach Nafein looked at each other.

"I have to admit that the human is indeed a bit tricky, but he is very stupid." The guard said, "Last night he had a conflict with the lizard man, and the lizard man suffered a loss, so today, in the real life-and-death battle , Lizardmen will not underestimate the enemy. And how strong a serious lizardman is, Zaknafein, you should be very clear."

"That makes sense, warrior of the tarantula." Zach Nafein nodded, then smiled lightly, "But I insist on betting."

"Hmph, people in Stormwind City are stubborn." The guard snorted coldly, not to be outdone, "I'm following!"

"And I."

"And me!"

All of a sudden, several guards who were also tarantulas responded to their fellow tribesmen one after another, and launched a silver coin offensive against this prisoner-of-war slave fighter who came to Stormwind City.

If Midi died like this, the prisoner named Zaknafein would definitely lose everything. However, he didn't seem to have such worries at all, and just accepted the challenge of the game indifferently.

But in the real arena, the lizardman was already impatient.

Although he suffered a little loss during the fight yesterday, from the lizardman's point of view, it was mainly caused by these few minor problems.

First of all, he couldn't figure out the way of Midi, and this human being would turn into light, which caught people off guard.

Secondly, this human's dog luck is really good. He is obviously an outsider, but he has cut the weakest part of his scales with several swords, which made him see blood.

Last but not least, he underestimated the enemy.

But at this moment, the lizardman had concentrated all his energy, and he would never underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

After all, this was a real bloody battle, and it was not unheard of for veterans to die in the novice's chaotic sword. In addition to yesterday's problem, he was extra cautious at the moment.

Not only that, but the lizard man also put on a full body armor of insect shells.

Put on the Arad continent, this set of armor is enough to crush a knight's mount, but it seems to have no weight at all when worn on this lizardman.

And on his hands, he also put on the fighter's iconic weapon - a pair of black iron gloves that gleamed coldly.

Under full armor, coupled with the self-reflection last night, the lizard man's self-confidence has swelled to the extreme. He feels that he is invulnerable, and Midi will have no chance.

Next, it will only be a massacre.

On the opposite side of the lizard man, Midi weighed the scimitar in his hand and frowned slightly.

It's a good knife, but first, there's only one, and second, it's a bit too light for Midi.

Considering that today's battle also has some "show-watching" nature, Midi hopes that he can solve the battle more cleanly and neatly, so as to gain the recognition of the Tarantula Tribe, instead of probing and attacking a long list of boring things. In battle, slowly grind your opponent to death.

But with this knife alone, it is obviously difficult to meet so many requirements.

As for Midi's sword light, although it can replace a weapon and become a ghost swordsman's help when bare-handed, it is naturally even more uncomfortable to use the blade with its magic power condensed.

Of course, if you use psychic powers or the awakening secret technique "Flying Sword Dance", you may also be able to achieve your goal.

However, that is Midi's real trump card, and it cannot be used in this kind of place.

All of a sudden, Midi realized that she didn't have many choices.

As a human, after all, he has not fully adapted to the Underdark, and the various enemies here.

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking the wind suddenly sounded.

There are some extremely sharp projectiles that are shooting at Midi.

Midi glanced at it, then stretched out his hand to copy it, and held the thing in his hand.

He took a closer look, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

What flew over was the pair of swords "Punish" and "Lore".

The one who threw the sword was naturally Meddy's "hostess", the black dragon priest Glentis.

"Take it, your sword!" Galantis looked at Midi coldly from the stand, and said briefly, without waiting for the other party's answer, she sat down again, obviously not intending to continue the conversation at all.

What was the reason for the priestess to make such an act of anger and kindness? Midi had no time to think about it. He just nodded, waved his hands, and lightly held the two swords in his hands.

"Come on." Midi raised the edge of the sword to the lizardman, shaking the front end, as if teasing an angry bull.

This insulting behavior immediately made the lizardman furious.

In an instant, he completely forgot about being cautious, as if he really turned into an angry bull, he roared and rushed towards Midi.

A lizard man with a height of more than two meters, fully armed, and a level of 60 charged up, enough to describe it as shaking the earth.

On the continent of Arad, even an elite army composed of thousands of heavy cavalry would only be torn to pieces in front of this lizardman.

However, today's Midi is no longer the Midi who still needed to fight the nobles' war in the kingdom.

Facing this charge, he crossed his swords and went directly to meet it from the front.

"Looking for death!" The lizard man roared with anger mixed with excitement and bloodlust.

His fists slammed repeatedly, and immediately attracted a gust of wind. Under the force of this fist, the air flow even burst directly.

Fighter skill, Beng Fist!

At the same time, an extremely condensed and restrained golden-red sword glow circulated around Midi's body, and the two long swords slashed down with the force of splitting mountains and breaking rocks.

Ghost swordsman skills, collapsing mountains!
Although there was a huge gap in size between the two sides, they both chose the method of frontal attack.

The Lizardman does it because that's all he knows.

And Midi did this in response to Rotes' teachings - less dodging, more beatings, and physical training.

Therefore, he did not use high-speed movements such as ghost flashes, but changed his previous style and launched a fierce attack from the front.

All of a sudden, the fist wind and the sword wind collided violently, and the dark magic power in the arena surged wildly.

During the fierce battle, a figure suddenly flew upside down, drew a bloody arc in the air, and then hit the ground heavily, creating a big hole.

The one who was knocked into the air was the lizard man!
But Midi stood proudly on the spot. Although the armor on his body was twisted in many places, it was obvious that he had been punched a few times, but in the stormy attack, he only took a few steps back.

In an instant, there was an uproar in the entire stands.

(End of this chapter)

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