Arad's Sword

Chapter 373 White Rock Cave

Chapter 373 White Rock Cave
Back at the Black Rock Cave, everyone—whether it was the dwarves with loud voices, the hobgoblins with low IQ, or the indifferent dark elf prisoners of war—all tacitly gave up the largest room at the end of the corridor to Midi.

Without any doubt, now, Midi is the boss here.

However, with Midi's character, of course he has no interest in exploiting these slave fighters' food.

To maintain the basic order, everyone is not allowed to exploit each other. This is the first and only rule that Midi made after becoming the boss.

Other than that, everyone went their own way, and there was nothing to do with it.

As for Midi himself, he spends most of his time refining dark magic power, absorbing the "Essence of Darkness" in it to refine himself.

However, after reaching level 60, it becomes more and more difficult to level up.

Midi can clearly feel that he has absorbed more "Essence of Darkness", but the speed of improvement is far less obvious than the improvement brought about by absorbing a little "Essence of Light" in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky before.

It took a few days for Midi to reach level 60 from a primary level of 60 to a small achievement.

The dark lines added to the Linglong Sword are also very small.

A head-on head-to-head battle can surely make the aura of the Spirit Dragon Sword more pure, but obviously, it is a way of tempering that emphasizes quality over weight, and it doesn't help much in upgrading itself.

And soon, three days after Midi became the boss, people from the Tarantula tribe came.

This time, they didn't let the slave fighters compete, but came here to take Midi away.

"Human, your performance in the selection is enough to prove yourself, and the Tarantula tribe is willing to recognize your strength." The leader of the dark elves said this to Midi, and the initial contempt was no longer in his eyes.

This is the dark area, a place that pays more attention to strength than the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

"Slave" is not so much a symbol of status as it is the "result" of victory or defeat.

If you lose or are captured, you will become a slave, but if you win and defeat others, you will no longer be a slave.

Everything is as simple as that.

"So I can be free?" Midi smiled slightly.

"Idiot, what's going on in your mind? We just recognize your strength, but it's not enough to give you the status of a fighter!" A cold female voice sounded.

Midi looked around and immediately saw an acquaintance.

The black dragon priestess, Galantis, was actually among the escorting team.

She folded her arms across her chest and had a poker face, clearly in a bad mood.

In fact, every time she sees this human being, she feels that she has an extremely irritable but hard-to-distinguish emotion.

Obviously, this human being was brought back by her. Whether it is her slave or a tribal warrior in the future, they are all her people. The stronger the strength, the greater the help.

Not only that, in yesterday's battle, Midi's stunned performance made people speechless, and even slapped his old enemy for Glentis - Zalid, who is also the black dragon priestess - — a loud slap.

But I don't know why, even though there are so many benefits, Galantis just can't be happy.

As a sensitive woman, she has an intuition.She could feel that the handsome human with black hair and black eyes in front of her, no matter how abject his status was, never seemed to have any wavering, restlessness or panic.

On the contrary, what revealed from his bright eyes was a kind of calmness that people couldn't see through.

It's as if everything is under control.

But this also means that Galantis, who is used to condescending and overlooking others, always feels that the situation is completely out of control unexpectedly.

But at least, Midi is still a few steps away from getting rid of the identity of a slave fighter, which at least allows Glentis to still consider himself a master.

"Do you think that you can be considered powerful if you defeat a lizard man with a brain full of muscles?" Galantis snorted coldly, as if he had forgotten his dumbfounded gaffe yesterday, "It's impossible to beat that kind of opponent head-on. It can be regarded as having two hands, but I want to remind you, this method is too stupid!"

Of course Midi knows how stupid it is to face-on.

But from the very beginning, he didn't fight by all means, and he used the lizardman more as a hammer for tempering himself, a whetstone.

The starting point is different, and the results seen are naturally different.

However, Midi didn't refute anything because of this. On the contrary, he could feel that this arrogant and willful priestess came here in person, not so much as reprimanding himself, as if it was more of a reminder.

So, he just nodded silently.

After being high-profile for a while, it's time to keep a low profile. After all, I still depend on others, and it doesn't count if I depend on others.

Seeing that Midi was silent once in a while, the priestess really felt much better. She snorted again, and then said slowly: "Next, according to the rules of the tribe, you will be promoted to one level and go to the White Rock Cave. Go. Every slave fighter there has come out of the selection of this black rock, and everyone has unique skills. Although your brute force is good, when it comes to fighting, there are many ways to kill you Countless, be careful yourself, understand?"

Hearing the priestess nagging here like a nanny, Midi was a little speechless.

This guy really came here to remind himself.

In other words, it was the same in the arena before, and I specially brought my own "killing" and "lore" double swords, which saved Midi a lot of trouble.

Do you want to say thank you?
Such a thought popped into Midi's mind.

However, if you think about it carefully, the reason why so many troubles come to me is not because this woman insists on being a slave from the moment she comes up?
If you accept yourself as a traveler, how can Midi need to fight with these messy races in the Underdark?
Midi felt that her mood was very contradictory, and this priestess, who was arrogant and self-willed at one time, and careful and considerate at the other, was even more contradictory.

But in the end, he nodded and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

"Hmph!" After hearing Midi's thanks, the priestess' long ears moved, then she snorted coldly and turned her head away, "You are my property, of course I must protect you, don't just die like this Already!"

After saying this, she walked away without even saying hello.


Midi let out a long sigh in her heart.

"Why don't you try to read your mind? This priestess may fall in love with you." Luo Tesi's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of evil temptation.

Does even the supreme power who is an apostle like to gossip?
Midi suddenly felt speechless, he sighed again, and then replied: "I can tell clearly what is liking and what is not liking. It's just because I saw something that I had never seen before, which brought me something extraordinary. performance, that’s why I will be noticed and cared about, that’s all, what is there to think about?”

"Proud boy, but yes, those two are still waiting for you." Rotes commented with a chuckle.

Midi subconsciously felt the ray of destiny fettered in her body, that snow-white spot of light was still pure and warm, which made Midi feel very peaceful in her heart.

This shows that neither Fina nor Alice is in trouble now, otherwise, the fetters of fate will change.

But even so, Midi didn't have any time to dawdle.

To advance as quickly as possible, this is the only thing he has to consider now.

"Let's go, take me to Baiyan Cave." Among the crowd, it was Midi who was being escorted who spoke.

However, the dark elves obviously didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. The strong are always respected here.

After passing through several buildings, this team, which was not too alert, successfully arrived at Baiyan Cave, another part of the huge karst cave.

The overall structure of this cave is similar to that of Heiyan. It is also a central passage with rooms on both sides.

However, compared with the Black Rock Cave, both the order and the environment here are much better.

Every slave fighter who stands out from the Black Rock selection competition will have a designated room here, with all kinds of daily necessities in the room, and there will be living slaves coming to clean it regularly.

Not only that, due to the relatively small number of people, but the space is double-layered, so each room is very spacious, even surpassing the room that only the boss in the Black Rock Cave can occupy.

Most importantly, there is one thing Midi likes here——


Although it is usually dark in Baiyan Cave, as long as necessary, you can light a torch with smokeless resin, which is a specialty of the Underdark region, so as to obtain illumination.

Now, when Midi entered the white rock cave, there was such a torch emitting bright and warm light in front of her.

And the one holding the torch was a dark elf man with a thin and well-proportioned figure and an extremely handsome appearance.

"Hi, I'm Zaknafein, welcome to the White Rock Cave." Unlike his indifferent compatriots, the dark elf showed a confident smile, and then extended his hand to Midi.

Although a little surprised for a moment, Midi will not be taken away from the initiative because of this.

He shook each other's hand immediately, and also introduced himself: "Midi, Midi Asrex, if I remember correctly, you should be in the stands that day, and you were in the center, yes Bar?"

It is a matter of course for a commander like Midi to keep abreast of the surrounding situation at any time.

But saying this now, Zaknafein's eyes immediately brightened.

"Good eyesight!" Zaknafein praised, "Can you be distracted to pay attention to the stands during the battle? My friend, it seems that you are really capable."

"It's just a habit. Sometimes the real threat is not the one in front of you." Midi replied flatly.

Zaknafein nodded, made a gesture of approval, and then looked at the group of tarantula fighters behind Midi: "Everyone, why don't you leave the next thing to me? I will take care of it." Tell him about the rules of the White Rock Cave."

"No problem." The leading escort captain replied directly.

Although members of the Tarantula Tribe looked at the selected slave fighters differently, Midi noticed that this dark elf named Zaknafein was obviously more respected.

It seems that his identity is not simple.

And Zaknafein obviously expected that the other party would agree a long time ago, there was no surprise in his expression, but he nodded as a matter of course, and then made a gesture of invitation to Midi.

"Come on, let me introduce you to Baiyan Cave."

(End of this chapter)

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