Arad's Sword

Chapter 379 The Ice Hand's Provocation

Chapter 379 The Ice Hand's Provocation

As soon as the referee's voice fell, there was a lot of discussion in the stands.

This was not only because of Midi's eye-catching human identity, but also because of the battle itself, which made them curious.

You must know that due to the balance of strength, unless a slave fighter suddenly explodes in strength, or develops some new skills, otherwise, basically there will be no suspense in the points match.

After all, this is not the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, and the purpose of competition is to confirm the strength, not for some wonderful performances such as "two strong encounters".

Therefore, under this mechanism, the probability of a dark horse appearing is not high.

For the defending champions, there is no suspense in the group stage. Their main consideration is how to use their younger brothers to save energy for the subsequent championship game.

In fact, among other teams, these defending champions are all invincible all the way.

For example, Mason, Zaknafein, and Mason's partner, the strength of these three people is superior to the entire team, and most of the opponents along the way are abstentions.

Especially Mason, his current strength has far surpassed his level at level 45 at that time. If his two guns burst out casually, blood will splatter, and he will be so crushed that he can't even move a step.

His opponents basically abstained.

In this way, Mason hardly consumes any physical and magic power, so he will have a greater advantage in the subsequent championship match.

The weak get weaker, and the strong get stronger. This is the cruel rule of the Underdark.

It is also the norm for the selection of slave fighters seen by the dark elves of the Tarantula Tribe.

However, in the red group, this time there was a real dark horse.

Not only is it a dark horse, but it also has the strength to fight against the defending champion!

Coupled with Midi's rare human identity, many dark elves are looking forward to the encounter between the ice hand of the red group and Midi.

And now, the two sides finally stepped into the same arena.

The remaining six members of the red team—excluding the half-giant who had fallen like a meteor—all heaved a long sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at the two on the field with complicated eyes.

Even the slave fighters in other groups, as long as they were not fighting or preparing for the next battle, all cast their gazes over.

As for the focus of the stands, it goes without saying.

It's really interesting.

The referee of the red group arena was also slightly excited at the moment.

The slave fighters have become very cunning now, and there are very few life-and-death battles.

And in the next match, he can be sure that neither Midi nor Bingshou will leave any room.

"Human beings, I finally met you. I have to admit that your brute force is really amazing." Bingshou's face was gloomy, but there was no fear in his eyes, instead there was a calm mockery, "But you think that will work for me?"

Ice Hand is a dark elf mage, and from his nickname, it can be seen that he is extremely biased towards ice.

This kind of mage who specializes in using ice magic to control is generally called "Ice Master".

Ice Hand is exactly such an ice master.

Although the half-giant looked as strong as a hill, a punch would be earth-shattering. If it encountered an ice hand, it would be useless at all.

All kinds of ice magic can easily completely block his movements, not to mention jumping up and pressing down, even if he wants to step out, it is very difficult.

Otherwise, a large piece of ice surface with close to zero friction appeared directly under the feet, making the clumsy half-giant unable to stand at all, and could only lie on its stomach.

In short, an Ice Master has enough methods to turn the opponent into an immovable target, and then penetrate it with extremely sharp ice, or even infiltrate it directly with magic power, freezing it into a monster with a painful expression. ice sculptures.

If Midi is really a brute force like the half giant, then he will not be the opponent of the ice hand at all.

The occupations of both sides have restraint, and the ice-type control is restrained against the brute-force faction. Under the double restraint, the ice hand will undoubtedly win.

No matter how powerful Midi's sword is, he will never have a chance to make a move.

Therefore, although Bingshou was shocked by Midi's strength, he was only afraid, not to the extent of fear and uneasiness.

He is confident that he can control this wild bull from the surface.

That's why he made a provocative voice on purpose.

As for the provocation from the opponent, Midi sneered: "To deal with you, brute force is enough!"

What!Still use brute force?

There was an uproar on the field, accompanied by more shock and gasps.

Some people feel that Midi is too easily provoked.

Some people think that Midi has a problem with her thinking.

On the other hand, some people felt that Midi must have only one way to fight head-on, so they agreed to the other party smoothly.

But in any case, no one is optimistic about Midi.

Even Galantis frowned, she instinctively opened her mouth to scold Midi on the field as the master, but when she saw the black-haired human youth who was extremely calm When she saw her expression, she was speechless again.

Perhaps, this kid really has some way to overcome the restraint of his profession and fighting style?

Unknowingly, the priestess had such an expectation in her heart.

After hearing Midi's answer, Bingshou was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "Okay, I want to see if you can rush to me!"

Accompanied by these gnashing of teeth words, a dazzling white frost has flooded towards Midi.

Ice Master skill, Frozen!

This wave of white frost directly covered the entire arena. If it was swept by it, the target would be infiltrated with the power of the ice element and directly become an ice sculpture.

Although Midi's golden-red sword light has a certain restraint effect on this kind of attack, but it is obvious that Bingshou still has a backhand, and this level is just a greeting.

"Come on, let me see how you break through my attack!" The ice hand challenged again.

But halfway through the provocation, he couldn't continue.

A hot explosive pearl burned through the ice mist as easily as breaking a piece of thin paper, and smashed directly towards Bingshou's face.

Shocked, Bingshou hastily and instinctively released a crystal-clear ice gun, and shot at the Explosive Bead.

The high-temperature flame collided with the extremely cold ice gun in mid-air, the ice gun was melted on the spot, and the explosive flame beads also exploded directly.

In an instant, the whirlwind of flames spread out in the air, blooming into a gorgeous and dazzling flower in the dark arena, and then swept away all the ice and fog around it!

Asura skill, Explosive Flame Wave Sword.

This is how Midi deals with the Freezing Master.

Although it has been explained that brute force is needed, and it is indeed prepared to use brute force, Midi has never said that brute force means running over with two legs and then chopping with a sword.

The training of implementing frontal combat methods is far from being the only way to melee attacks.

Using long-range skills to fight unscrupulously, isn't it a way of "frontal combat"?

If it is said that melee combat is to temper the body and blood, then this indiscriminate bombardment with magic at this moment is to squeeze one's own magic power to the limit!

"You, you actually mastered Asura skills..." Bingshou was shocked.

Although Midi's explosive flame beads were broken, the hot wind from the explosion just now was still directed at him. Under the scorching air, the dark elf's silver hair and eyebrows were curled up by the high temperature, and the robe was covered with The sputtered sparks burned a dozen small holes, which looked tattered.

But Bingshou no longer cared about these image problems. He couldn't believe how a human who came up from the bottom with pure brute force could master a skill like the Explosive Flame Wave Sword, which required superb magic control.

In the battle with the half-giant just now, what Midi showed was clearly a pure sword soul!

How is it possible to have both Soul Sword and Asura skills at the same time?

And when Ice Hands couldn't believe it, the warriors of the Tarantula Tribe were actually even more commotion.

They have many more sources of information than ice players.

Looking back carefully now, we can find that Midi used the Berserker skill "Awakening Blood" when dealing with the Lizardman.

After entering Baiyan Cave, he used the Devil May Cry skill "Sound Devouring Array".

Usually use the various moves of Sword Soul.

Now, coupled with Asura's signature skill "Burst Flame Wave Sword"...

This human being has mastered the skills of the four ghost swordsmen at the same time?
No, judging from the techniques he used, this is no longer mastery, but proficiency!

Because the Explosive Flame Wave Sword that Midi cast just now is more powerful than the ones cast by ordinary Asuras!

"Did you make a mistake?" Midi looked at the other party with a slight sarcasm, "The so-called use of brute force means that you don't need any tricks to break through from the front. It has nothing to do with short-range and long-distance. That's it. Next, accept my magic bombing!"

Accompanied by his words, the blades of the "killing" and "lore" swords started to sound at the same time.

Accompanied by the clear sound of the sword's cry, the magic power flowing in the air suddenly stagnated, as if being dragged by some huge force, it swirled towards Midi's body , At the same time, two huge magic vortexes were formed.

The aura of the Spirit Dragon Sword in Midi's body entered the palms along the arms, poured into the hilt along the palms, and then entered the body of the sword along the hilt, and finally condensed into a point on the edge of the sword.

The next moment, the twin swords of "Punishment" and "Lore" made a slight buzzing sound, and the blades suddenly brightened.

Double Explosive Flame Wave Sword!

Since it is necessary to use "brute force" to fight, it is natural to use it thoroughly. Only one Explosive Flame Wave Sword will be released by the opponent.

That being the case, let's be more ruthless and directly use the Double Explosion Flame to double your firepower!
Doesn't the so-called "brute force" refer to this kind of combat that relies on domineering and unreasonable fire suppression to completely crush the opponent?

Feeling the surging magic power in his body, Midi let out a loud shout, and thrust out both swords at the same time, drawing two bright traces in the air.

The next moment, two blasting flame beads condensed on the blade had been shot out with a howl. They turned from meteor-like bright spots at the beginning into huge fireballs, dragging a blood-red tail flame behind them, far away. Looking at it, it looks like two furious flame dragons rushing out of the seal!

 At the end of this month, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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