Arad's Sword

Chapter 385 In the Dark

Chapter 385 In the Dark
It looks like you're relieved?
Midi secretly speculated in her heart.

Being able to tell the fact that he had suffered a disastrous defeat in public without hesitation can only show that Mason has come out of his past failures and has not left any shadow behind.

Midi still vaguely remembered that the previous Mason was a ruthless and extremely arrogant guy, who would be annoying wherever he was placed.

But now, judging from his attitude towards himself, it is obvious that he has matured a lot.

It seems that not everyone can only taste the bitter fruit in failure, and some people have successfully learned from experience.

Although I don't know why Mason became a slave fighter, judging from the current conversation, it seems that there are no irreconcilable conflicts between Midi and Mason.

But having said that, Midi still saw the raging fighting spirit in the eyes of the roaming dark elf gunner.

"Midi Asrex, you are not my enemy. On the contrary, I want to thank you for cutting off my arms, so that I can see the real enemy." Mason raised the corner of his mouth, showing a cold look Smiling, "It's just that since we met, it's better to let go and fight, because in my opinion, you seem to be an undead from the past!"

"If you want to fight, then fight, but if you use me as a whetstone, be careful to sharpen your own knife." Midi replied tit for tat.

Mason didn't answer, and the sound of gunfire was the best answer.

The two silver pistols jumped into Mason's hands like flying butterflies, and the next moment, bullets poured down like a torrential rain.

After awakening, the roaming gunners no longer use physical bullets, but bullets condensed with their own magic power.

The magic power is directly injected into the gun body through the palm of the roaming gunman, turned into bullets and then fired out.

The power of this magic bullet is much greater than that of a physical bullet, and it is extremely convenient without the need to carry ammunition.

The most important thing is that in this way, the roaming gunner can change the type and properties of the bullets at will, making it easy to guard against.

Maybe the first bomb was still an explosive bomb, but when the latter bomb arrived, it became a frozen bomb.

When the target wanted to use heavy armor to defend against the flowering bullets, the wandering gunner replaced it with the terrifying armor-piercing bullets.

All kinds of tactics are possible.

However, facing the reborn Mason, Meddy is no longer the same Meddy as before.

Just glanced at the bullets shot at him from all directions, Midi snorted coldly, and the golden red sword light spun around his body like a meat grinder, wrapping all the bullets in it.

Amidst the teeth-gritting sound of gold and iron, these bullets were all ground to pieces by the sword light, and they couldn't even get close to Midi's side.

Occasionally, a few explosive bombs mixed in, and the shock wave of the explosion could not shake Midi, whose dragon blood had been purified.

Not only that, Midi rushed towards Mason like a siege vehicle against the hail of bullets.

His speed was so fast that Mason couldn't do it several times when he wanted to distance himself. Even with bursts of explosions, the distance between the two was getting closer.

Finally, the distance between the two sides was drawn to within arm's length, and the two swords in Midi's hands were thrown out like two bright red giant axes.

Ghost Swordsman skill, Collapsing Mountain Strike.

At the very moment, Mason suddenly jumped back and opened the distance between him and Midi.

Midi's double swords slashed to the ground immediately, directly causing a large cobweb-like crack in the arena made of rock, and a huge pit was formed in the center.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, is this the only thing you can do?" Midi deliberately provoked.

Facing his old opponent a few years ago, he didn't take any special way to deal with it, it was still the same - win with brute force!

No matter how violent your attack is, my attack will be stronger than yours!

The fact is exactly the same, Mason's seemingly massive attack has no effect in front of Midi's golden and red sword light, and can't even break through the defense.

And Midi simply issued a skill, which forced Mason to be interrupted from attacking, so he could only temporarily avoid the edge.

"Okay, since you want to be serious, then come and taste it, human." Faced with Midi's provocation, Mason's eyes also burst into real fire.

The next moment, he snapped his fingers lightly.

In an instant, the entire arena and even the surrounding areas were enveloped in an impenetrable darkness!

Dark elves talent skill, dark enchantment!

Of course, although this skill seems to have a miraculous effect on humans from the surface, it can't help the audience in the Underdark.

When the members of the Tarantula Tribe saw the darkness, they activated their own night vision abilities without even thinking about it.

However, when the night vision ability was activated, they were also taken aback.

Infrared vision, which had always been able to penetrate the darkness, was no longer effective. On the ring shrouded in a dark barrier, there seemed to be multiple Masons existing at the same time.

"This is my original skill, psychedelic bombardment. How do you like it?" Mason's voice came to Midi's ears from all directions.

"It turned out to be a solo compound skill, I underestimated you." In the darkness, Midi finally gave up that brutal and mindless collision and stopped for the first time.

Psychedelic bombardment, as Midi said, this is a compound skill and one of Mason's trump cards.

In dark areas, besides the most basic normal vision, which is photosensitive vision, there are three other mainstream night vision visions.

One is infrared vision, which is the innate power of the dark elves. It can form visual effects through temperature differences, and then outline a lifelike world whose colors are determined by different temperature differences.

The second is sonic vision, which is the innate power of bats, vampires, etc., and also includes some alien creatures.They can outline a black and white map of the world by sending out ultrasonic waves and receiving the rebound, just like an efficient "radar".

The third type is smell vision. To put it bluntly, this is not really vision, because most of them cannot form images, but are just particularly powerful olfactory tracking.In the dark region, many monsters are good at this.

And Mason's "Psychedelic Bullet Array" is to block all three kinds of night vision abilities!

By firing various high-temperature bombs, the infrared vision will lose its effect, and what the eyes see is all the same color.

By shooting all kinds of sonic bombs, the sonic vision will also lose its effect. What you see is a fake sound source, but the real footsteps will be neutralized instead.

By shooting all kinds of scent bombs, no matter how sensitive the nose is, it will lose its tracking direction, or it may inhale poisonous gas and die suddenly.

As for the dark barrier used to restrict Midi, this is actually secondary, because in the wild, most environments are inherently dark.

It was only because he was in the arena that Mason had to release such a dark barrier to block the magic lighting in the cave.

Based on Mason's understanding of Midi, although he didn't know the purpose of the other party's coming to the Underdark Region, since he came, he must be fully prepared.

If he despised Midi because of the fact that "human beings cannot see in the dark", Mason felt that he would die a miserable death in the end.

Therefore, he didn't simply throw out a dark enchantment, but directly sacrificed the psychedelic bullet array.

This is a compound skill that can block the perception ability of more than [-]% of the races in the Underdark. Mason doesn't believe that no matter how well prepared Midi is, he can see things in it.

As for Mason himself, although his own infrared vision was also affected, he shot all the bullets himself, and he was naturally very clear about whether the images at each position were real or not.

Relying on the identity of the "creator of the phantom formation", Mason himself is at home in this phantom formation, and can easily find the target and launch an attack.

"I don't hate you, Midi, on the contrary, I am very grateful that you made me recognize my arrogance at that time, and then recognize the real enemy." Mason's voice echoed in the ring again, "However, since I have met the undead from the past, and I have used my ace skill, then you can die here for me!"

Is that human being going to be killed?

There was an uproar in the stands.

Since they couldn't see what was going on in the psychedelic bullet formation, the audience was already commotioning.

Even Galantis stood up straight, stomping her feet non-stop, with an undisguised expression of anxiety - anyway, Midi couldn't see her like this, so the priestess simply stopped pretending.

Originally, she had always maintained a noble and glamorous posture, and at that time, Midi was continuously winning. The priestess thought that she could not show any joyful emotions, otherwise she would definitely be kicked on the nose by this bastard human .

It's just that being a slave is so disobedient. If this guy becomes a tribal warrior and doesn't want to go to the top of the cave, who will be able to control him then?

With such a mentality, the priestess always watched Midi win each battle with a poker face, and tried her best to keep the storm in her heart.

But this time, she couldn't help it, because she couldn't see the human being she cared about, and what's worse, this human being was going to die where she couldn't see it!

"Don't lose to Mason, Midi Asrex..." The priestess murmured the name softly, "I have always remembered your name, at least, live long enough for me to Time to call you by this name properly!"

Amidst the turmoil of the audience, people's guesses, the whispers of the priestess, and Mason's ubiquitous provocative voices, Mason himself, who was hiding somewhere in the psychedelic bomb array, finally launched an attack.

From the muzzle of the gun with a silencer, two high-speed armor-piercing bullets made of condensed magic power shot at Midi's back silently!

(End of this chapter)

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