Arad's Sword

Chapter 390 Dark Mushroom Grove

Chapter 390 Dark Mushroom Grove

It took Midi about half an hour to untie the magic chain, which was exactly the time taken for the planned rest.

Next, the two continued on their journey.

Another six hours of silent marching without any communication or even any sound, plus several expected sporadic battles, Midi and Zaknafein finally came to an underground river.

This river is extremely wide, and the sound of water echoes in the interconnected caves and underground spaces, enough to be heard dozens of kilometers away.

What is even more surprising is that in the clear river bottom, you can see a lot of fluorescent lights.

Those are also phenomena caused by the condensed crystals of the Essence of Darkness. However, compared to the Mirage Grass, the amount is much smaller and it is difficult to collect.

However, despite their lack of practicality, these fluorescent lights can still be regarded as the signature of the river.

Because of this, the members of the Tarantula Tribe called this river the "Fluorescent River".

This is also the boundary of the area they control. After crossing the Fluorescent River, it is the unknown territory that Midi and Zaknafein need to explore.

However, after twelve hours of forced marching, the two of them naturally couldn't set off in a hurry. On the contrary, when they arrived at the Fluorescent River, they immediately started looking for a place to camp.

Relying on the power of environmental sensing, Midi found a shelter faster than Zaknafein.

This is a small cave with two back roads, which is very suitable for hiding. Even if it is lit, the light will not be refracted outside.

However, the two still tacitly did not raise any open flames, but used the "wild fire" unique to ghost swordsmen to roast the prey caught halfway and eat them.

In the darkness, Midi is becoming more and more like a true hunter of the Underdark.

After four full hours of rest, food and water, Zaknafein finally spoke again: "My friend, are you ready?"

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it." Midi replied lightly.

In the eyes of the two, there was a strong fighting spirit at the same time.

During the twelve-hour march before, although I also encountered many monsters, but those were just solitary hunters.

Under the regular cleaning of the Tarantula Tribe, it is difficult for these monsters with low intelligence to fight only by instinct to form a group. As long as the size exceeds five, they will be discovered by the patrol team and strangled one by one.

Not only that, because the predecessors have already ascertained the relationship between various resources, so the location of the water source, the location of the rest point, and even the location of the small monster lairs that can be used are clearly marked on the map.

Therefore, during the [-]-hour march, Midi and Zaknafein were able to travel all the way without detours, lack of supplies, and no place to stay.

However, on the other side of the Fluorescent River, everything is unknown.

What kind of monsters exist?
Where are the water sources and supplies?

Where can I rest my feet?

It is not even clear what the terrain of the entire area is, and it needs to be explored by the explorers themselves.

As for whether there are more or less resources, it can only be a matter of luck.

Combining many factors, the fighters of the Tarantula tribe would not bother to come to such a place unless they were ordered by the elders.

Only the best slave fighters would take on this kind of mission in order to gain freedom faster.

However, Midi found that Zaknafein's expression carried a trace of well-hidden confidence.

"Have you been here before?" Midi suddenly understood.

How could Zaknafein be so calm if he didn't have an understanding of the area he was about to explore?

Moreover, with this person's cautious character, it is even more impossible to bet his own freedom and qualifications to enter the Black Dragon Conference on illusory luck.

Looking back now, he didn't have any hesitation when he chose the mission before he set off, obviously he was well prepared.

Good guy, hidden deep enough.

Midi secretly sighed in her heart.

But think about it, in this dark region where the weak prey on the strong, who can stand at the top, which one has no hidden cards?

With such a powerful and scheming companion at the same time, Midi will not have any fear, but will only feel happy.

After hearing Midi's words, Zaknafein just smiled slightly, and then said: "I guessed half right, I haven't really been here, but I know what is here."

It turned out that although this area was completely unknown to the tarantula tribe, there were some records about this place in Stormwind City, where Zaknafein was born.

After all, there are dozens of families in a "city" in the Underdark, and even the weakest of them is definitely stronger than a "village" like the tarantula tribe.It can be said that the overall gap between the two sides is unimaginably large.

A village like the Tarantula Tribe seemed extremely far away, but to a city, it might just be the surrounding "suburbs".

In addition, most of the underground cities are places where many business routes converge, so the information is particularly well-informed, so the grasp of various unknown areas is even more sufficient.

Like the area south of the Fluorescent River, although it is indeed a land without owner, there are also several caravans who have set foot in it, and Zaknafein happened to have read the relevant report. Now, by chance, it happens that It came in handy.

"According to the report, south of the Fluorescent River is a huge dark mushroom forest." Zaknafein said in a very positive tone.

Dark Mushroom Forest, in layman's terms, is Mushroom Forest, or Fungus Forest.

There is no sunlight in the dark area, and naturally there are no green plants that rely on photosynthesis to survive, and some are all kinds of fungi.

But of course, these fungi are very different from the mushrooms and moss on the surface that can be pulled up with one hand.

Here, after thousands of years of evolution and a suitable environment, they can grow to tens of meters high, like real towering trees, and even touch the tops of many low underground tunnels.

And in these dark mushroom forests like towering trees, all kinds of underground plants, underground creatures, and even dangerous monsters, etc., have naturally formed a brand new ecosystem.

It can be said that such an underground forest is extremely valuable for the dark region where resources are scarce, and it is a natural hunting ground and gathering ground.

The only problem is how strong the monsters living in the dark fungus forest are. This is what Midi and Zaknafein must figure out, and it is also the information that the Tarantula Tribe will be most concerned about in the future.

However, the details of this aspect can only be explored by the two of them.

After all, this is a fringe land that no one cares about, even if it is Stormwind City, not many people will pay attention to it.

Of course, in Midi's plan, the exploration is just incidental, and he has two real purposes.

First, it is natural to find Mirage Grass or similar things that contain a lot of dark essence, and improve your level as soon as possible.

The second is to obtain as many rare resources as possible, and then exchange them for more contribution points.


After crossing the fluorescent river and entering the dark mushroom forest, Zaknafein, who was leading the way, immediately made a gesture.

The two immediately distanced themselves from each other, one behind the other, and headed for the depths of the dark mushroom forest.

Zaknafein is the soul of the sword and only knows the means of melee combat. Moreover, as a dark elf, he is far more familiar with the details of the Underdark than Midi, so he volunteered to walk ahead.

Since Midi has Asura's long-range attack skills, he was arranged behind and followed Zaknafein.

To some extent, this can also be said to reflect Zaknafein's unreserved trust. After all, he entrusted his back to Midi.

The two walked forward in silence, and soon found a high ground.

On this high ground, there is only one fungus tree. Compared with its compatriots, this fungus tree is much larger, 30 meters high, and the huge canopy at the top even touches the top of this huge space. Like a stooping giant.

This is Mushroom King Wood, which is at least 1000 years old.

One of the best commanding heights.

Midi and Zaknafein each took out the hook locks they had prepared long ago, and quickly reached the top of the Mushroom King Wood with neat and light techniques.

From here, the surrounding area of ​​five or six kilometers can be seen in the eyes.

Although Midi's environmental sensing is far from reaching the level that can cover the surrounding area of ​​five or six kilometers, it is not a problem if it is scanned.

When Zaknafein was still observing with the dark elf's infrared vision, Midi's incomparably powerful psychic powers had already swept away like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Soon, the surrounding situation was all under Midi's control.

"Come with me!" Midi said to Zaknafein.

As a dark elf, Zaknafein still has some doubts about the guidance from humans.

He could entrust his back to Midi, but to let Midi lead the way, to be honest, Zaknafein was really worried.

However, out of trust in Midi's strength, he still nodded, and then followed Midi to the Mushroom King Wood.

Midi didn't say much, but ran directly towards the east end of the dark fungus forest, and soon, a bloody smell wafted over.

A gigantic boa constrictor suddenly jumped out of a thick thicket of bacteria, and there were four rows of teeth in its bloody mouth.

It's a pity that Midi had seen its hiding place clearly on the commanding heights, and was already prepared at this moment.

I saw the two swords of "Zu Sha" and "Ze Sha" in his hands silently slashed out, and they cut at seven inches above the python with incomparable accuracy.

At the same time, Zaknafein, who was swaying slowly behind, also rushed over like lightning at this moment, and launched an attack at the same time.

Although the unique magic beast in this dark region is extremely powerful, but its IQ is relatively low, and it was fished by two ferocious hunters in preparation, so it is naturally impossible to resist.

After a while, the boa constrictor's huge body lay limply on the ground, and it didn't move anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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