Arad's Sword

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Although they were afraid of Midi's strength, it was only fear.

The tribes in the Underdark Region are all brave and fearless, and they can even fight for resources. The deterrence of "strength" alone cannot make them retreat at all.

Moreover, although one person died on the Blue Snake side, and the strongest Kuid was injured and his magic power was exhausted, there were seven of them after all, and Midi was alone. The two sides were evenly matched in terms of numbers.

Besides, as a ghost swordsman, Vogel didn't take Midi seriously at all.

He felt that the reason why he was restrained just now was entirely due to the characteristic of the Dreadclaw scorpion being poisonous all over his body. In terms of strength, as a sword soul, he was only stronger than Midi, who used medium-range attacks.

But obviously, this is just his illusion.

Hearing Vogel's unfriendly threatening tone, Midi stood still and didn't move at all, just swept around with a sneer.

In an instant, the hearts of all the dark elves caught by this cold and sharp gaze trembled.

In the entire field, the only thing Midi paid attention to was the level 62 Asura. Others, including the level 61 Ghost Swordsman, could not pose a threat to him no matter how many people there were.

So at this moment, Midi finally set his sights on Kuyd, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Voge, shut up. After all, this person saved my life, and he also fought side by side with me. He was not just taking advantage of the back. The corpse of the Direclaw scorpion will be shared between us."

Kuid took a deep look at Midi, and finally spoke.

Midi smiled lightly and didn't answer, just nodded.

Not to mention that he couldn't swallow such a large corpse by himself, and in the battle just now, Kuyd could also say that he was strong, and they also killed a soldier.

Considering that there is still an alliance between the Blue Snake Tribe and the Tarantula Tribe, Midi, who is now eager to integrate into the Dark Elf society and obtain an official status, naturally cannot do too much.

Therefore, even if the two parties share equally, Midi doesn't mind.

On the side, although Voge was a little unwilling, since the real captain had already spoken, even if he was reluctant, he could only nod in agreement.

However, it is one thing to agree to the allocation, and quite another to allocate how much.

"Slave of the tarantula, for Brother Kuid's sake, let's share the corpse." Voge sneered, "The distribution method is very simple. We get [-]% and you get [-]%."

"Twenty to eighty points?" Midi chuckled lightly.

"That's right, kid." Vogel stepped forward threateningly, "This is already a bargain for you, don't forget, there are seven people on our side, and you only have one, even if it is evenly distributed, you will get Less than [-]%."

"Twenty to eighty percent is not impossible, but I will take [-]%, you can only take [-]%." Midi replied flatly, "Don't forget, most of you have not even made a move. How can it be regarded as combat power? How can it be worthy of coming here to pick up bargains after the end of the warrior's battle?"

What Midi said was true. Due to the poisonous mist of the Dreadclaw scorpion, most of the fighters of the Blue Snake Tribe, including Vog, didn't even have a chance to make a move.

However, when the fact is stated in this tone and in this way, it is tantamount to deliberate provocation.

What's more, turning [-]% into [-]% is a blatant mockery.

With Vogel's fiery character and his contempt for Midi, how could he hold back when he heard such words?

"Slave, you are courting death!" Vogel roared.

The crisp sound of the sharp sword being unsheathed resounded in the dark mushroom forest. The next moment, the dark elf ghost swordsman jumped up and rushed towards Midi from mid-air.

Ghost Swordsman skill, Silver Light Falling Blade.

Looking at the opponent who jumped down from a height like a falcon, Midi was not moved at all.

He still focused half of his attention on Kuid, and a golden-red sword glow suddenly appeared all over his body, and then he raised his hand and slashed out with a sword.

This was a blow that was enough to knock a heavy Lizardman into the air.

Vogue in mid-air only felt an overwhelming force rushing towards his face. He felt as if he was a kite with a broken string in the midst of a howling hurricane, and he had no strength to resist at all.

With a sound of sharp metal collision, the Dark Elf Ghost Swordsman flew upside down and smashed on the canopy of a fungus tree ten meters away.

Then, the blade of the severed long sword in his hand also spun and fell down, piercing deeply into the ground.

With just one blow, the opponent who was one level higher than himself was knocked into the air, and even his weapon was cut off directly!
This is the strength of Midi today.

"That's right." Midi secretly nodded in her heart.

Originally, with Midi's previous fighting style, it would be impossible to achieve such a domineering effect.

However, in the Underdark region, after the teaching of the eighth apostle Rotes, Midi changed from the previous style of "specializing in key points" and winning with speed to the domineering method of "frontal combat". Giants and other heavy tonnage races have collided head-on.

As the battles continued to increase, the dragon blood in Midi's body was also continuously purified, and her strength and ability to resist blows became stronger and stronger.

Now, a dark elf whose main attribute is agility, naturally cannot stop his powerful sword at all.

Seeing that the second-ranked master in the team was blown away by Midi, and couldn't stand up for a long time as if his whole body fell apart, all the fighters of the Blue Snake Tribe couldn't help but drew their weapons—they weren't He wanted to avenge his companions, but he was afraid that Midi would come forward and kill them all.

However, after the blow, Midi didn't pursue him, but just stood still, staring at the 62-level Asura, Kuid.

"I eight, you two." Midi's calm and cold voice rang again in the dark mushroom forest.

This time, in the ears of the Blue Snake fighters, no one thought it was a provocation or a joke.

Although Kuyd's eyes were also full of fear, he was a strong man two levels higher than Midi after all, and he was also a warrior of the Blue Snake Tribe.

"[-]-[-], it's the most fair." Kuid said slowly.

"Three to seventy, for your sake, this is the limit." Midi shook her head, showing a slightly sarcastic smile, "Don't you think it's too late to talk about fairness now?"

When the ghost swordsman was clamoring before, Kuyd obviously had a tentative attitude, so he didn't stop it at all.

Once Midi showed his weak side, the [-]/[-] split would undoubtedly be a foregone conclusion, even if he saved Kuid's life.

But now, after Midi showed extreme strength, he pretended to be a fair judge and came to talk about "[-]-[-]", how could Midi accept it?

Since the other party is such a guy who has the mentality of bullying and fearing hard work, then Midi will naturally be tough to the end.

"[-]-[-], you only have one person after all, even if you have three or seven, can you handle it?" Kuyd continued to insist calmly.

And through the subtle changes in the flow of magic power in the "environmental sensing" of the psychic power, Midi can feel that he is speeding up the adjustment of the flow of magic power in his body, and at the same time trying to make the injury heal faster as much as possible.

Want to procrastinate?
Still waiting for reinforcements?

Thinking this way, Midi showed a silent smile: "Who said I'm only one person?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand in the darkness and made a gesture. In an instant, an incomparably tyrannical power of ghosts and gods shot up from the dark mushroom forest!

It was the breath of Zaknafein.

"What!" Kuyd finally couldn't keep his composure anymore, and in shock, he hurriedly tried to sense the location of the ghostly power.

However, with Zaknafein's sophistication, how could he allow himself to be locked?
The vast power of ghosts and gods is like a flash in the pan, and then it is silently restrained immediately, making it impossible for people to track it.

The only thing that is certain is that there is indeed one person in this dark mushroom forest.

And he is also a master, a master who obeys Midi's command.

It may even be... more than one master...

All in all, the breath released by Zaknafein completely messed up Kuid's thinking.

Originally, he believed that with his hole cards, he could still deal with Midi, a slave fighter.

After all, most of the slave fighters had no family background, and even if they did, they would definitely be "requisitioned" by the tribe they belonged to. Apart from the weapons in their hands, they would have no other treasures to use.

But now, he wasn't sure.

From the fleeting power of ghosts and gods alone, Kuid can tell that the helpers of the person in front of him are by no means easy to deal with, let alone how many there are.

What's more, in order to surround Midi, the Blue Snake members have all exposed their positions. They are in the light, but those enemies are in the dark. As his right-hand man, Vogel is even more unconscious. Not getting up has become a burden.

In this case, let alone bargaining, it is possible to be wiped out directly!
Thinking of this, Kuid only felt a burst of cold sweat soaking his back.

"Just as you said, three to seven times." Kuyd forcibly suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and replied in a seemingly calm voice.

"Very good." Midi smiled softly, and she was not polite, and jumped off the canopy of the mushroom tree, landed next to the dead claw scorpion, and then began to dissect it.

Although it is the first time to dissect this kind of monster, Zaknafein has already explained some key points to Midi before, and Midi has experience as an adventurer, so there is nothing unfamiliar.

Soon, the most essential parts of the Dreadclaw scorpion - poison sac, heart, scorpion crystal, pincers, mouthparts, spine, etc. - were all taken off by Midi.

These parts are extremely valuable, and they are also very convenient to carry. Although they are less than [-]% of the value of the whole Dreadclaw Scorpion, they are enough for Midi and Zaknafein. If they are too greedy, it will cause Can not move.

As for the spirit of the Dreadclaw scorpion, Lottes could not wait to extract it as early as when Midi and Kuid were bargaining.

Soon, under the jealous, envious and jealous eyes of all the Blue Snake Tribe warriors, Midi packed up the spoils and disappeared into the dark mushroom forest after a few vertical leaps.

 I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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