Arad's Sword

Chapter 396 Tarantula Presbyterian Church

Chapter 396 Tarantula Presbyterian Church
The patriarch was hunched over, with gray hair and even his eyebrows drooping down.

Even if the dark elves have a long life, it can be seen at this moment that the patriarch is definitely not young.

Beside him were the 62-level old mage that Midi was familiar with, and several other elders who were either old or in their prime.

And further down, there are two black dragon priestesses, Galantis and Zared.

It can be said that, apart from the warriors who symbolize force, all the high-level officials of the Tarantula Tribe are already here.

Of course, such a grand battle was not for the two slave fighters Midi and Zaknafein, but for the Dark Mushroom Grove.

In this underdark region where resources are scarce and competition is extremely fierce, it is impossible for any tribe to ignore the matter of "opening up new territories". It can even be said that this is definitely a tribe's top priority.

Originally, in the estimates of the mages, the unknown area should be a barren land, so it became a thankless task that was offered with extremely high contribution points for the slave fighters to perform.

But unexpectedly, there turned out to be a dark mushroom forest!

Midi has personally experienced how fertile the land is supported by the ecological cycle of mushroom trees and water sources.

All kinds of creatures, medicinal materials, magical beasts, and even ferocious beasts, all these dangers, to some extent, are just proof of the vitality of the dark mushroom forest.

And the various trophies that Midi and Zaknafein brought out from the dark mushroom forest made the members of the Tarantula tribe even more jealous.

In the cave, such news travels faster than the wind.

Therefore, there will be such a top-level "task report".

Seeing that the patriarch of the Tarantula was waiting here, Midi immediately winked at Zaknafein.

Although Midi himself is very good at words, in the final analysis, he still lacks understanding of this place. The information and knowledge that slave fighters can get is limited, and Midi is not clear about the traditional habits among tribes, cities, and even dark elves.

Therefore, the report this time must be handed over to Zaknafein who came from a big city.

The Dark Elf Ghost Swordsman didn't refuse either. He took a step forward and began to narrate in an orderly manner. At the same time, he presented the map drawn by the two of them.

Throughout the reporting process, the patriarch Tarantula and several elders would ask questions at any time, and Zaknafein was able to answer them fluently without any flaws.

When it came to the last battle against the Dreadclaw Scorpion, these elders didn't make any fuss about Midi and Zaknafein's victory over the Dreadclaw Scorpion like the mages in the liquidation room did, but instead they were surprised by the Blue Snake Tribe The emergence of , aroused concern.

"The Blue Snake Tribe has been overpowering our tarantulas all these years. If the two fighters hadn't persevered in exploring the Dark Mushroom Forest this time, I'm afraid we would miss it again." The old mage said worriedly, "Even so, we are still behind. "

Although it can be said that the tarantula and the blue snake discovered this dark mushroom forest at the same time, the explorers they sent were completely different.

On the Tarantula's side, there are only two slave fighters. Although Midi and Zaknafein are both very strong in personal strength, they are still inferior in terms of status.

On the other side of the Blue Snake, all the people sent were official tribe members.

Among them, there are warriors like Kuid sitting in charge.

From the perspective of the degree of importance alone, the difference between the two sides is not 01:30.

Although Midi and Zaknafein made a lot of money in the battle of the Direclaw Scorpion, in the end it was just the two of them reaping the benefits, and it had nothing to do with the wrestling between the two dark elf tribes.

Now, although the Tarantula Tribe started to catch up after getting the news, there was no doubt that the Blue Snake had already run far ahead.

When the tarantula fighters gathered, the Blue Snake Tribe might have already entered the Dark Mushroom Forest and began to declare their sovereignty.

After realizing this, the elders of the tribe immediately started talking.

And soon, the tarantula patriarch came to a conclusion: "It's too late to rely on the normal way to open up the territory, and a territorial challenge must be carried out."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a slight commotion in the entire Presbyterian Church.

Especially the two black dragon priestesses, Galantis and Zared, suddenly their eyes lit up for some reason, and the smell of gunpowder between them also became heavier.

Is it a territorial challenge?

Midi was also slightly surprised.

On the way back, Zaknafein had already analyzed the possible situation with Midi.

With the Blue Snake Tribe taking the lead, Tarantula has several choices—

One is to send envoys to negotiate with Blue Snake, and both parties will share the resources of the Dark Mushroom Forest.However, in this case, Blue Snake will definitely put forward harsh conditions, just like Midi insisted on before.

The second is not to mention anything, but to silently seize the territory, which is also the practice of many tribes.

In this way, this dark mushroom forest will become a disputed territory, and the competition between the two sides may last for several years or even decades.

The disadvantage is that once they compete, the benefits of both sides will be greatly reduced, and they will only be surpassed by other tribes in the end.

The third strategy is this territorial challenge.

The two sides select their own warriors to compete with each other. The winner will get the entire Dark Mushroom Forest, while the loser will withdraw completely.

There are many specific different forms of this kind of territorial challenge, but one thing is fixed, that is, a special blood-sucking ceremony must be held by the black dragon priest to ensure that the loser will fully implement the contract after the competition is over.

It is undeniable that the territorial challenge is the cleanest of the three options, but it is also the most game-like one.

Due to the intervention of the priests and the blood-sucking ceremony, the loser has no room to maneuver and can only leave empty-handed.

This is obviously not in line with the stable development style of a tribe.

However, Midi can also understand, after all, now is the time when the Black Dragon Conference is about to start, and any tribe will do everything they can to find more resources.

If you choose to negotiate or stalk, you may be able to obtain some resources in the long run, but it will not help the current selection of the Black Dragon Conference.

Therefore, this time, the elders of the tribe will rarely adopt a radical strategy.

"Everyone knows that over the past few decades, the Blue Snake Tribe has always dominated the Tarantula Tribe. They occupy more mushroom forests, have better mine veins, and do more business than us." Tarantula patriarch He continued, "But even so, the warriors of the Tarantula tribe have never bowed their heads, and in the past ten years, our warriors have been outstanding."

"That's right, as long as the opponent is not a black dragon like Ruisen from the Salamander Tribe, the great warrior of the Tarantula will not lose." Some elders agreed.

"Alex is only in his 20s, but now he has reached the peak of level 62. He will definitely become the hope of our Tarantula Tribe." Someone said excitedly.

"Besides, Alex is not the only one who owns the tarantula tribe today." The tarantula patriarch said, turning his attention to Midi and Zaknafein, "Among the slave fighters, I also I saw many down-and-out heroes, they are like mithril sealed in the mud, waiting for us to dig."

Midi and Zaknafein looked at each other and bowed tacitly: "Master Patriarch, I am willing to serve you!"

After the exploration mission was over, with the approval of the tribe chief, plus the exchange of various rare materials, especially the exchange of materials on the Dreadclaw scorpion, Midi now has more than [-] contribution points.

And Zaknafein added that the contribution points of the previous four weeks were above [-].

That's not even counting those used by themselves.

It can be said that this mission of the two of them has achieved surprising results.

Even Mason, who used to be number one, was so shocked that he was speechless for a long time after hearing that Midi got [-] contribution points for a mission.

In the end, he could only sigh with emotion: "As expected of that Midi Asrex, it's the same in Arad or the Underdark, always surprising people."

However, facing the emotion of the Tarantula warriors and the jealousy of the slave fighters, Midi was very calm.

He knew very well that an opportunity like this would never come again.

No matter how efficient it is for two people to cooperate in battle, it is impossible to reach the level of five thousand contribution points a week.

This time, it was possible to do so mainly because Zaknafein, who was born in Stormwind City, already had information about that area, and because of his luck, he bumped into the Direclaw Scorpion, and there were soldiers from the Blue Snake acting as him. cannon fodder.

In addition, the Tarantula Tribe attached great importance to the Dark Mushroom Forest, and the Tarantula Patriarch's intentional gesture of favor made the contribution points soar to the number of [-].

It is conceivable that for future tasks, it is already very good to have more than a thousand contribution points a week.

It is almost impossible to reproduce the achievement of five thousand contribution points this year.

And now, at the elder meeting, the patriarch of the tarantula actually expressed the hope that Midi and Zaknafein could join in this territorial challenge, and Midi naturally wished for it.

Of course, the identity of the main force is definitely not slave fighters like Midi.

No matter how good Midi can fight, in the final analysis, he is still not trusted. It is only an outsider, and there is also the possibility of defection, so he will generally be arranged to be used as a vanguard for consumption.

However, this is not a problem for Midi at all, because what he wants now is not a record like "saving the tarantula tribe", as long as he can get freedom, that is enough.

And since the patriarch of the tarantula promised to give Midi and the others freedom after the territorial challenge was over, he certainly had no reason to refuse.

In a week's time, he went directly from the last place to the number one slave fighter.

And now Midi has two weeks to try to be free and become a true tribal warrior.

Then, qualify for further selection!
 On Monday, please recommend a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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