Arad's Sword

Chapter 411 The City of Moxobra

Chapter 411 The City of Moxobra

The three bottles of medicine were shot, and what should be settled, naturally all of them were settled.

The old mage who led the team had always had a good relationship with Galantis. In his opinion, what the black dragon priestess got was not only a bottle of expensive dragon's breath potion, but also Midi's statement, so he was naturally quite satisfied.

As for Zaknafein and Mason, after getting the potion, they wanted to break through as soon as possible, and they were practicing silently along the way.

And since the leaders were silent, the other dark elves naturally had "no objection".

Just like that, the tarantula caravan finally arrived at Menzoberranzan City after several days of accelerated travel along the way.

This underground city is composed of several huge interconnected caves, among which there are countless stalagmites and buildings, and in the center is a huge stalactite emitting colorful light.

The difference in color on the stalactite indicates the difference in time. In addition, it, together with the illuminated stalagmites in each cave, weaves a huge light network, thus making the entire city of Menzoberranzan in a state of darkness. A luxurious state of light.

It is said that this is due to the large number of dark elves who need to read in Menzoberranzan City, so the lighting is used so regardless of cost.

After all, with the infrared vision of the dark elves, there is no way to tell the difference between cold paper and equally cold ink in a dark environment.

It can be seen that light is, after all, a symbol of the civilization level of a race.

Walking in the streets and alleys of Menzoberranzan City, Midi also had the feeling of walking on the dusk road of a prosperous county town in the Kingdom of Bel Mare.

However, Galantis and the others were not in the mood to sigh. The dark elves of the tarantula tribe led Midi through several streets and alleys quickly, and then came to a shop.

This small facade is the biggest asset of the Tarantula Tribe in Menzoberranzan.

Those stationed in this shop are naturally clever and trustworthy members of the tribe. They stay in Menzoberranzan City for a long time, on the one hand to inquire about news, and on the other hand, to buy and sell various goods.

After all, judging by the prosperity of the Underdark, even Menzoberranzan City cannot digest all the goods brought by a tribal caravan within a few days.

And members of the tribe who have many responsibilities, like the old mage, the black dragon priestess, and the tribe warriors, cannot stay in the city to guard the goods all the time.

Therefore, the tribe will use the method of stationing and selling goods with special personnel.

Of course it was the same this time.

After unloading the large and small goods by category and registering them, Galantis couldn't wait to drag Midi and the others to the central avenue of Menzoberranzan City, and returned the shops to the garrison staff. There is no sense of management at all.

But this is also a matter of course, after all, compared to selling, buying is the most interesting thing.

Even if you buy it for someone else, it is still buying.

What's more, Galantis is still a woman, so naturally she will not leave this opportunity to spend the entire tribe's money to others.

"First of all, let's go buy some rare materials!" The priestess glanced at the shopping list, and walked briskly, her movements were so natural that one felt that she was a native of Menzoberranzan.

"That can be left to me." On the side, Sherlock couldn't help but said.

Most of these materials are used by the alchemy studio. Since he is here as the owner of the workshop, there is actually no need for the priestess to buy them. The two parties should act separately for the highest efficiency.

The old alchemist thought so.

However, as soon as this remark came out, the dark elves who often followed Glentis when they went out immediately looked at Sherlock with sympathetic eyes.

The next moment, an extremely cold gaze projected from the eyes of the priestess: "Sherlock, you have come to Menzoberranzan too rarely, and you don't understand the rules here, so I have to buy it myself. You just need to stand aside to identify the authenticity of the material.”

Seeing Glentis stepping out without looking back, Midi and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

How much does this woman love shopping?
Fortunately, most women who like shopping are good at bargaining.

Even the alchemy shops in Menzoberranzan City couldn't hold back Galantis' verbal swords, and finally surrendered one after another.

Calculating it later, it seems that Galantis's bargaining has resulted in an average discount of [-]% on these materials, which is quite a considerable figure in terms of the total amount.

"In terms of materials, it's easier to estimate the price, so it's easier to bargain. It's even easier to buy and sell in the slave market. It's not worth mentioning." Regarding the result of the battle, the priestess took it for granted, and then her expression was He became serious, "However, this time we don't want slaves, but equipment. There is the real battlefield."

After purchasing the materials, the priestess sent Sherlock away directly, and then moved to the next area—the equipment area.

Within a radius of thousands of kilometers, only the city of Menzoberranzan, which is the ruler of the region, has a real alchemy factory.

Maybe the surrounding tribes can produce excellent or even outstanding potions, but when it comes to weapons, they are naturally made by alchemy factories, which are far better than ordinary handcrafted ones.

Not to mention anything else, the quality of the sword embryo produced by the stamping of the alchemy furnace is better than that of a skilled blacksmith forging for a month, but the time is much less. How could it be possible to compare with Menzoberranzan's weapon production?

Therefore, in terms of equipment, it can be said that Menzoberranzan City is in a monopoly position.

This guarantees its absolute control over force, and at the same time, for now, I am afraid that it will also make Galantis's bargaining extremely difficult.

But obviously, for this black dragon priestess who is on the rise, the result is not important, what is important is the process.

Therefore, she chose the largest equipment store in Menzoberranzan as soon as she came up.

Its name is "Dragon Spear".

In the Underdark Region, most of the things with the word "dragon" have quite a lot of background, and this equipment store is no exception.

According to Galantis, the backstage of the "Dragonlance" weapon store is probably the largest family in Menzoberranzan City, the Death Scorpions family.

Therefore, most of the weapons here are products from alchemy factories, and they have sufficient quality assurance.

Even the maintenance and repair services of weapons, this shop will provide.

As soon as they entered the weapon shop, many dark elves of the tarantula tribe were immediately attracted by the dazzling array of weapons.

There are all kinds of mainstream weapons such as knives, swords, bows, and alchemy guns, as well as rare spiral blades and fist blades, etc., which can be said to cover almost most fields.

Not only that, each weapon also has a detailed description, in addition to the material and forging method of the weapon itself, it also includes the magic effects attached to it.

This kind of service can almost catch up with those experienced merchants in Bel Mare Kingdom.

Of course, for Zaknafein and Mason who came out of the big city, they have obviously visited a weapon store of this level many times, so they are not surprised.

As for Midi, she doesn't care about these details, but focuses on the weapon itself.

One of the purposes of his coming to Menzoberranzan City this time is to change his weapons to some extent to adapt to the current "frontal combat" style.

To adapt to this style, you have to abandon the dual swords, which are mainly agile and fast, and use heavier weapons.

For example, hammer, two-handed axe, sword and so on.

Among them, the iron hammer does not meet Midi's requirements at all, it is not heavy, but cumbersome.

The hammer's killing method is limited to heavy blows, which has special effects on some enemies with heavy armor, but also, it has no effect on some extremely fast opponents, such as those vampire bats and so on.

What Midi needs is omnipotence. Although it is a frontal battle, it is impossible to give up speed. Naturally, he will not choose the hammer.

As for the two-handed axe, it is extremely powerful, but it also has a weakness, that is, the attack range is relatively small, only the blade of the axe.

In a one-on-one battle, you can control the distance, but if you have more than one enemy, once you are close to the opponent, it will be difficult for the two-handed ax to counterattack.

After all, the handle of the ax is too long, and it has no lethality at all, so it is easy to be blocked by the opponent.

Midi's favorite is the two-handed giant sword.

This kind of weapon can be used in cavalry battles because the attack distance is long enough, and it can also be used in group battles because the attack range is wide enough.

Not only that, the weight of the sword body can play a striking effect, and the huge edge enables its speed to keep up with those agile enemies.

It can be said that the two-handed greatsword is the most suitable weapon for all-rounders, able to cope with various situations.

Of course, it also has disadvantages, that is, it cannot achieve the single-handed perfection of the two-handed ax and the big hammer.

If a two-handed giant sword and a big hammer made of the same material collide head-on, the last thing to break will be the two-handed giant sword.

To avoid this situation, it must be controlled with greater skill.

However, this is obviously not a problem for Midi.

The ghost swordsman who was reborn 20 years ago, if his sword skills can't be counted, who else can count?What's more, Midi has used the weapon of the two-handed sword many times on many battlefields in Bel Mare, and knows its advantages and disadvantages very well.

"It's a two-handed giant sword." Midi made a decision like this, and then greeted Galantis who was bargaining wildly, and went directly to the area where the two-handed giant sword was placed.

Although the weapon type is selected, there are many specific subdivisions.

On this point, the "Dragon Spear" weapon shop is naturally unambiguous. There are as many as six two-handed giant swords on display, each with its own characteristics.

The length of the handle, the length of the blade, the length and curvature of the blade, and the difference in the magic attached to it determine the respective advantages of these giant swords.

However, for Midi, the type has been decided, and the next standard is very simple.

"Bring me the heaviest sword." Midi ordered.

 The second update arrives, continue to ask for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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