Arad's Sword

Chapter 44 Battle of Fort Joseph

Chapter 44 Battle of Fort Joseph

After eliminating two thousand-man teams and one 500-man team, the effect of the blitz was greatly reduced.After all, General Red Fox is not a scarecrow, waiting for you to fight, his reaction speed is very fast, and his order is faster.After the garrison in Lanshui Village was wiped out, all the scattered teams began to quickly gather towards the main force.

At this time, it is already difficult to intercept, and there is also the danger of encountering more enemy support troops.

However, Midi had no intention of continuing the blitz.

The blitz is just a transition when facing the enemy's early offensive, a buffer, and it is a play that follows the trend. More precisely, it is the psychological containment of Midi, a master strategist.Its purpose is just to make the other party fearful and have to shrink their troops, thereby giving up control of a large area of ​​territory.

The territory was undefended. For the [-]-strong elf army, there was room for manoeuvre, and there was no need to advance and fight all the way, which made a real high-speed march possible.

Now that the situation has opened up, the momentum of the enemy enveloping the whole land has not only been contained, but also severely beaten back. Naturally, Midi will not continue to blitz and earn any more kills.

It's time for a real contest, and the first step, Midi's goal is to capture the lord castle of the Joseph family.

Asrex's lord city was captured, which meant the end of the war.

But the capture of Joseph's lord city, wouldn't it bring about the same huge shock?
If such an earl-level parliamentarian was killed by Middleson, it would be a heavy blow to both the parliamentary faction itself and the prestige of the Seth family as the leader.What's more, as an aristocratic family that has been influenced by the Delos Empire, Midi's approach will also bring about more far-reaching struggles and influences in the dark.

When the fully armed elves with indifferent faces and light and elegant movements appeared under the main castle of the Joseph family, the whole castle suddenly became commotion.

The defenders couldn't believe their eyes at first—didn't the newly appointed Master Quinine, who was full of ambitions, just set off with an army?Why is the enemy already under the city now?
Whether it's the steward, the servant, or the branch clansmen living in the castle, they all quickly fell into a state of panic.

However, the veteran guarding the city quickly calmed down after the initial surprise.

Lancet Joseph, Earl Joseph's younger brother, is also Quinine Joseph's uncle.The reason why he was able to become the highest person in charge of the defenders was because he single-handedly brought up Quinine, which can be said to be uncompromising loyalty; He is a well-known veteran in the Principality of Belle Mare.

Because of this, Quinine, who relied on his conspiracy to rise to power, boldly handed over the most important lord's castle to the nobles to the hands of Lanster Joseph.

"That little bastard Midi gave up his defense and wants to gamble with an all-out attack?" Seeing the elf army continuously appearing in the distance and starting to set up camp on the commanding heights, Lance snorted coldly. He said, "It's just, who do you think you are? There is an old man in charge here, and there are [-] defenders here. What can you do with just those elves with thin arms and legs?"

Facing the elf army that suddenly appeared, Lancet showed the demeanor that a veteran should have.

He personally stepped forward and led a team to patrol the city wall, so that everyone could see his figure in armor and leaning on a long sword, and quickly stabilized the uneasiness and restlessness of the people in the castle.Then, he arranged various orders one by one in detail, and quickly put [-] regular troops and [-] reserve soldiers on the highest alert. At the same time, he prepared various defensive weapons such as rolling stones, wood, black oil, etc. .

In the end, he also quietly asked his confidants to strengthen the guard on Count Joseph who is currently unconscious, lest Midi dispatch a high-level elite team to make a surprise attack and snatch the Count away.In that case, the position of Master Quinine will be passive.

Everything was well organized and discreet.

Lancet gave full play to the wisdom and experience that a veteran should have. He did not despise Midi because of his age and the past of a playboy. On the contrary, he handled every detail properly.

Moreover, the castle is originally a nobleman's accumulation of decades or even hundreds of years. With thick walls, towering towers, a large number of trebuchets and bed crossbows made of heavy gold, and some protective magic circles to protect key parts, the defenders are naturally In the absolute advantage of the terrain.

On the Asrex family's side, it is not easy for 3000 troops to attack a castle of 500 people. On Joseph's side, with 2000 people defending more than [-] elf warriors, is there any accident?

Of course not!Lanster asserted so.

Let alone a week, a month, or even half a year, he has the confidence and perseverance to keep going.He has already made up his mind that he will never accept any provocation and alienation, and he will stay in this city and guard it firmly until the Red Flame Legion takes down the Asrex family!

It's just that the veteran waited confidently, but in the end it came to nothing.

Midi didn't attack.

The elves did not approach the castle, but set up camp on a high ground nearly one kilometer apart.

That highland has a good view. Lanster still remembers that when Count Joseph rode his horse to relax, he also liked to look far away there, with the unique comfort and romance of nobles.When the young master Quining was still a dandy, he even set up a telescope there, and it was said that he wanted to peek at the spring scenery of the women in the castle bathing.

It was all back then, and Lancet couldn't help feeling a bit, and then continued to wonder—what were they stationed there for?
This highland is meaningless for the siege, not to mention the elves' bows and magic, even the largest and most advanced catapults in the Principality of Belmar, the stone bullets fired from there will definitely not hit the city wall.

The surrounding forests were not dense enough to find tree trunks tall enough to make the best siege machines.

In fact, the elves didn't make any preparations for attacking the city at all. After setting up camp, they dispersed many centurions to wipe out all the hidden scouts of the Joseph family, and then did nothing else.

There must be a conspiracy in this!

Right now, every minute and every second is extremely precious to the Asrex family, and they absolutely cannot waste time. If there is any ecstasy formation here, there must be an action behind it, and it must be a big action.Is it poisoning after searching for groundwater sources?Digging tunnels secretly?Sending masters to sneak into the castle to cooperate with outsiders?Or, they have a new reinforcements on the way?

Lanster kept deducing in his mind, but he still had no clue.Enemies that cannot be seen through are always the most terrifying, but although the veteran was anxious, he did not show it, let alone shake his decision.

What if, that big kid Midi is playing psychological warfare?

He still waits.

On the second day, Midi didn't make any moves.

It wasn't until the dawn of the third day that the elf army, which had been silent for two full days, finally started to move.

Great swordsmen, paladins, mages, roaming archers, night saber cavalry, and different arms came out of the camp in an orderly manner. There were eighteen centurions, and only more than 300 people were left behind the camp. Central support can almost be regarded as an all-out effort.

These centurions came to the city, accurately and skillfully stopped beyond the furthest range of the bed crossbow, and then began to form quickly.In an instant, the flowing formation transformed into a thick square formation.Paladins holding thick tower shields are at the front, followed by great swordsmen with two-handed swords, priests and magicians at the rear, roaming archers on the side of the magic square, and the most elite night saber cavalry , it is like two sharp long blades, stopping steadily on the two wings to press the formation.

Layers upon layers of tower shields formed an iron wall, and the spears and sharp swords protruding from the gaps turned into forests of blades, shining coldly like the fangs of death.The surging magic power is moving around, and the surging holy light is accumulated at the fingertips, stirring up awesome waves of death.

A standard to impeccable... defensive formation!
"What do they want?" Lanster finally couldn't help asking the question in his heart for several days.

The next moment, he got the answer.

The sunlight at dawn seemed to dim for a moment, and the swaying breeze stopped at this moment. On the high ground one kilometer away from the castle, suddenly, like ripples on the surface of the water, layer after layer of azure blue light appeared. Like a rose in full bloom.

In an instant, a very sharp slender light suddenly shot directly from the position of the flower core on the high ground.

This light was brighter than the reflection of the long sword's light, making Chaoyang pale.It's faster than lightning, and you can't even blink.In just a short moment, the light was still on the high ground one moment ago, and it hit the castle wall in the next moment!

As if being hit by an invisible huge hammer, a huge pit exploded instantly on the city wall, and countless spider web-like cracks shattered on the edge of the pit.In the shaking like an earthquake, several soldiers standing on the battlements had no time to react, and they fell directly from the city wall tens of meters high, and fell into mud!


It wasn't until after all this happened that the roar like rolling thunder finally reached people's ears, and then, the gust of wind like a knife cut caused by the air being torn apart followed closely, pulling the flags on the city head to flap. The noise made the soldiers' faces ache.

The wind began to flow again, but there seemed to be such an invisible line in the midair that all the airflow had to go around.

That is the trace left after the light penetrated just now, like a vacuum.

Staring blankly at the pits on the thick city wall that was enough for four horses to walk side by side, Lanster's mind went blank. Only now did he understand why Midi refused to attack after he led the army to occupy the high ground.

Because there is no need to attack at all, as long as there is such a powerful long-range attack, the entire Fort Joseph will be turned into rubble in a short time!

He also understood why at this moment, Midi made the army form a defensive formation.

That is to prevent myself from jumping over the wall in a hurry and rushing out with 500 people to fight to the death.

Everything, prudence, calculation, experience, advantage of defending the city, abundant time, everything was shattered under the attack just now.Compared with the city wall that has not yet collapsed, the first person to feel despair is Lanster Joseph himself standing on the top of the city.

At the same time, on the high ground, the red-haired girl standing in the center of the huge magic circle was obviously a little dissatisfied.

"Sure enough, the first shot was a bit off-point." Fina pouted.

Originally, she was not very good at showing this kind of girlish acting like a baby. However, in front of Midi, Fina was always very defenseless, so it was easy to show this cuteness that matched her age.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time." Midi replied with a smile.

 The second update arrives! PS: Recently, everyone has been posting enthusiastically, please add more!
(End of this chapter)

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