Arad's Sword

Chapter 5 Family

Chapter 5 Family
Of course, Fenrir did not think so far. After all, he is only the younger generation of the Seth family, and he can only be regarded as a pawn in the hands of the current Patriarch.

However, Midi's understated attitude and rudeness seriously angered him, and with a shout, Fenrir had already put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

However, before he had time to pull out his sword, Midi had already moved. Before Fenrir's weapon was unsheathed for three inches, a cold long sword had already pressed against his throat, growing from the bottom up. The pressure forced him to straighten his body and stand on tiptoe.

"Midi! How dare you..." The blond boy showed no fear, instead he let out a deep roar like an enraged lion.

Seeing the master being attacked, the guards of the Seth family both in the open and in the dark reacted at the same time, but at the same time, a cold current that stings the skin suddenly swept across the entire training ground.

The red-haired girl finally moved, and if she didn't move, she stopped everyone.

The surge of magical power, the cold wind that seemed to crush people at any time, made the atmosphere that was almost explosive for a moment, and finally returned to the slow flow.

Maybe taking this opportunity to kill Fenrir is the best policy!Looking at the opponent who had no resistance in front of him, thinking of the pain of family ruin and displacement, all kinds of humiliation, and misfortune and despair in the previous 20 years in the previous life, Midi's hands began to tremble slightly.

"This trash is not worth your sword being dirty. If it was worth killing, I would have done it long ago." The familiar and nostalgic voice sounded.

Fina's voice sounded like an alarm bell, making Midi regain her composure.

Yes, if it is really done, then the Seth family will immediately launch a war of nobles, Fina's Hamilton family will definitely take this opportunity to launch a rebellion, and the entire Principality of Belmare will fall into civil war because of this, and it will only be cheaper in the end. That's all for the covetous Delos Empire.

After this sword strike, people are refreshed, but it is very likely that history will undergo a huge change, so that they will not be able to catch up with many opportunities, and the advantages of rebirth will disappear.

Midi thought through all this, took a deep breath, and then slowly withdrew the long sword in his hand.

"You are right, Fina, this kind of person is not worthy of my anger." Midi replied and put down her weapon.

Fenrir squirmed his lips, but he no longer dared to utter harsh words. Just a moment ago, he sensed the real killing intent from Midi, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Watching Fenrir leave with hatred in his cold eyes, Fina glanced at the black-haired boy beside him.

"Is there any problem?" Rarely, the Queen of Storms asked a question with obvious concern, and it was very out of her own style.

This long-lost greeting shocked Midi, and then she showed a confident smile: "Fina, we must get the first place in the trial."

"Of course, who do you think I am?" The red-haired girl replied confidently without any hesitation.

In the early morning of the next day, Midi boarded the carriage back to the Earl of the Asrex Family.

Originally, with only one week left, he should hurry up and train with the new members. However, after breaking with the Seth family, Midi's father immediately sent someone to summon Midi. Dee went back.Fina didn't say much about it, she just nodded her head and said that parents are very important.

Perhaps, this is the way the Storm Queen expresses her approval.

Midi immediately returned to the family territory by car.In his impression, this is also a rare tough gesture of his doting father. It seems that his behavior really drove him into a hurry.

Thinking of her father's anxious look, Midi couldn't help but feel a little sorry.However, he didn't regret what he did yesterday.

"Master Midi, forgive me for saying something boldly, the master is really angry this time, please don't talk back when you go back, and apologize to the master."

An old and gentle voice pulled Midi back from her thoughts to reality.

At this moment, sitting reverently across from Midi's carriage was Lautrand, the head of the family.This old man over sixty is wearing a neat black tuxedo, with a neatly groomed snow-white mustache. He looks like a person from the previous era who came out of an old oil painting.In fact, he has indeed served three generations of the Earl's family.

From the birth of Midi to the present, the old man has silently guarded behind him. More often than not, he mentioned this dandy who caused all kinds of troubles to clean up afterwards, endured the wrath of the leaders, and tried his best to restore Ah Si. Honor to the Rex family.

And two years later, when the Delos Empire invaded, regardless of his age, he resolutely went into battle with a sword, and finally died on the battlefield. He can be described as a loyal veteran.

But back then, Midi only regarded him as a bad old man, always shouting around without respect, never showing any gratitude, and completely taking the other party's loyalty for granted.

"I know, but thank you, Lautrand." Midi smiled at the old butler who had taken care of her for many years, and patted him on the shoulder kindly, "Although it is indeed very difficult to fight against the powerful Seth family." It makes people feel uncertain, but I am not acting out of impulse, don't worry. I will communicate with my father properly."

Luo Tran was stunned for a moment, he was already prepared to be scolded, but he didn't expect to get such an extremely pertinent and utterly perfunctory answer.

Could it be that the young master has really grown up?
For a moment, the old butler felt a sense of relief in his heart.

It takes a whole day to return to the duchy from the capital of the principality, Hutton Maar. However, after angering one of the largest forces in the country, Lautrand, who is cautious by nature, was afraid of what might happen halfway, so he not only gathered more than [-] well-trained The great swordsman was the guard, and he didn't stop at all along the way, so he went fast.

At dusk, Midi had already seen the gate of the castle of the Asrex family.

Earl Engelman Asrex, Midi's father, the owner of this land, has long been waiting in the study.

This handsome middle-aged man, dressed luxuriously but with a sad face, first asked the old housekeeper about the situation on the road, and after confirming that there was no accident, he turned his head with a sigh of relief. He stared at the quiet boy who didn't show any remorse.

"Middy, I remember I told you a long time ago." Earl Engelman said in a deep voice, "Try not to get too close to the people of the Seth family, but let alone offend them, even if you are wronged. Good! In any case, as the future heir of the Asrex family, you should not lack reason and think carefully before doing anything!"

"Yes, I know." Midi nodded.

"No, you don't know at all. You actually drew a sword and put it on the other party's neck in public, and the Hamilton family was right next to it. It's already..." The earl sighed and stopped talking.

But Midi knew that the earl had already begun to think about how to make up for the mistakes he had made.In my long memory, my father has such a personality. To the outside world, he is the powerful earl of the Asrex family, cold and unreasonable, and no one can fool him.

However, in front of him, he is a father who pampered him too much. Perhaps because of his deceased mother, the Earl always wanted to make up for it. No matter what request Midi had, he would do his best to satisfy it. .

In all fairness, this is definitely not a good way of education. The reason why Midi became a dandy is largely due to this reason.

However, at this moment, seeing his father frowning and meditating, his heart couldn't help feeling warm.

However, it's not time to relive the family relationship yet.

It is far from that time yet.

Midi reminded herself, looked up at her father, and said, "Father, you probably don't know yet, the reason why I chose to break up with the Seth family is because I learned a very important thing in the academy. important things."

"What?" Earl Engelmann frowned.

"Please follow me." Midi said, ignoring the suspicion and distrust in the earl's eyes, and walked directly into the depths of the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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