Arad's Sword

Chapter 502 Dragon Qi Token

Chapter 502 Dragon Qi Token
Just as the Patriarch expected, today's Midi has "Sea Emperor Inheritance", "Essential True Dragon Breathing Method" and "Essential True Dragon Body Training Method" in the inheritance, and there is no regret at all.

In terms of resources, he also made a lot of money in Crystal Dragon Castle, and now he may not even be interested in ninth-level and tenth-level potions.

Although he is somewhat interested in the knowledge of alchemy, those things are not only available to the Death Scorpion, and they are not really valuable rewards.

Therefore, apart from a qualification to participate in the Black Dragon Conference, Midi really has no need for the Death Scorpion family.

But Midi is also very clear that although he has enough cultivation resources for the time being, he still doesn't know anything about this dark region, especially about the Black Dragon Conference. If he can understand the inside story, he must win the Black Dragon Conference The grasp will be bigger.

After all, strength doesn't just refer to strength.

In fact, Midi was able to win the last resource war in Crystal Dragon Castle, mainly relying on his wisdom as the ruler of a country and the commander of the war.

Therefore, since the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion offered to satisfy Midi's request, he will not be polite.

"Tell me about the situation of the Black Dragon Conference first." Midillo pondered for a moment before asking the question he cared about most.

Hearing Midi's question, the Patriarch suddenly smiled.

He was not afraid of Midi making a request, but he was afraid that Midi would not make a request, and that would be the end.

Now Midi came up and asked for intelligence information, and there was no loss to the Death Scorpion if he told it, so the Patriarch naturally answered immediately on the spot.

"The Black Dragon Conference, as the Underdark Region, has continued the tradition of more than a thousand years. It is said that the rules were first formulated by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. There are three forces, city forces, temple forces, and alien forces."

Alien forces, well understood, refer to the non-dark elves' racial forces in the Underdark.

For example, mind flayers who are good at psychic powers, black dwarves who are good at mechanics, gray dwarves who are natural mind catchers, strong lizardmen and dragonmen, etc.

The non-dark elf races in these dark regions, like the human being Midi, are naturally looking for the rewards of the Black Dragon Conference.

Therefore, they will often join forces with some weaker but ancient dark elves, and through this method of embedding flowers and trees, they will be eligible to participate in the Black Dragon Conference.

This method is extremely difficult, and the competition is far more intense than the selection of dark elf fighters, but because of this, every foreign fighter who is eligible to participate in the Black Dragon Conference is extremely powerful, and basically all of them carry powerful The power of the bloodline, even quite a few, is the strongest person cultivated by gathering the resources of a family.

In addition, urban power is what Midi is most familiar with. From the Tarantula tribe at the beginning to the current Death Scorpion family, and the Menzoberranzan city where this family is located, this is urban power.

Midi remembered that Zaknafein had mentioned that he was from "Wind City" before, and although Mason had never mentioned it, he had also leaked "Blue Lake City" in his mouth. These are all urban forces.

This is a behemoth composed of huge "regions", from the smallest tribe to the largest city, plus outsiders, slaves, foreign races who have taken refuge, etc., all people are combined together to be considered a power , so the population base is relatively large.

The fighters of urban forces are all produced through traditional selection, so they can be said to be quite good in actual combat ability. However, due to the serious internal friction, these elites with strong actual combat ability may be short of resources. .

This also makes the fighters of the urban forces always suppressed by the other two forces in terms of level.

Finally, there is the temple power.

Whose temple?Naturally, it is the Dark Dragon God.

Tribal selection is presided over by tribal priests.

The selection of the city is jointly presided over by the priests of several big families in the city council.

And the Black Dragon Conference, the most concerned contest in the entire Underdark, was hosted by the Temple of the Dark Dragon God.

It can be said that the temple is the force that is closest to the Dark Dragon City and knows the many secrets in the Underdark Region best.

Not only that, but the elite fighters sent from the temple have monopolized the top positions in the Black Dragon Conference almost every time.

This is also a matter of course, because the temple is both the host and the participant of the Black Dragon Conference, so it naturally takes advantage of the right time and place.

However, in the final analysis, the reason why the temple is so powerful is that they have something like the "Black Dragon Stele".

"What exactly is the Black Dragon Stele?" Midi couldn't help asking.

Now, through the narration of the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion, Midi can already confirm that the piece of the Tarantula Tribe must also be the Black Dragon Remnant Stele, but the remnant stele is relatively small and its location is extremely secret, so it has not been discovered .

When he saw the Black Dragon Remnant Stele for the first time, he thought it was just something used to absorb some of the Black Dragon's breath and improve his strength.

But now it seems that if the black dragon remnant stele is really regarded as an auxiliary product for leveling up, it is tantamount to a secret cast of the pearl.

"The aura on the Black Dragon Stele is extremely special. We call it 'Dragon Qi'." The tone of Patriarch Scorpion of Death became extremely serious at this moment.

Midi knew that what he said at this moment was the truly priceless information.

"The so-called 'Dragon Qi' is the biggest key to victory in the Black Dragon Conference. In other words, the amount of Dragon Qi determines your ranking!"

The Black Dragon Conference is also ranked.

From all the cities, alien races, and temples in the Underdark region, only 500 people can enter the "Dragon Tooth Arena" where the Black Dragon Conference is located.

These 500 people are called Black Dragon Fighters.

In the end, only 500 people were able to win out of the 100 people.

These 100 people are called True Dragon Fighters.

The way to win is not to look at how many battles a black dragon fighter has won, but to look at the amount of dragon energy in the "Dragon Qi Token" he owns.

The more stock, the higher the ranking, and the more hopeful it is to enter the Dark Dragon City.

Not only that, it is said that after entering the Dark Dragon City, this dragon energy can also be used in many ways, and can even be used to exchange for those legendary ancient inheritances or treasures.

It can be said that Dragon Qi is equivalent to the most precious resource in this Black Dragon Conference.

Therefore, whoever has the most dragon energy at the beginning will naturally be on a commanding height.

After such an explanation, Midi finally understood why the patriarch of the first family in Menzoberranzan City valued the Black Dragon Stele so much. It can be said that his eyes were not only on this session of the Black Dragon Conference , but at least seeing the next hundred years, so they want to lay a good foundation for the family and even the entire city of Menzoberranzan.

But, why did Verna want to get a part of the Black Dragon Stele?
Midi couldn't help but have such a doubt in her heart.

However, this is not the time to solve the confusion, he can only suppress the confusion in his heart, and then continue to listen quietly.

"After the start of the Black Dragon Conference, every black dragon fighter will get a certain amount of basic dragon energy. This is a starting point, but of course, every city and every temple will provide its own black dragon fighters with additional dragon energy. , our city of Menzoberranzan is no exception." The Patriarch said with a smile.

"Oh?" Midi's eyes flickered for a moment. If what the Patriarch gave just now was an unknown secret, then at this moment, what he said involved interests.

"There are seven black dragon fighters in Menzoberranzan City. This time, I still plan to let Thor be the captain. After all, he has the highest rank. However, in terms of the distribution of dragon energy, I will let you monopolize Menzoberranzan." What do you think of [-]% of the reserves in Blair City?" The Patriarch of the Death Scorpion took a deep breath and said quietly.

The dragon energy reserves in Menzoberranzan City are divided into ten parts.

Meddy alone gets four shares, Thor gets three shares, and the remaining three share among the remaining five.

This is the greatest compensation this Patriarch gave Midi.

After all, since Midi has the "Inheritance of the Dragon", it is estimated that he will not look down on those things treasured in the library tower of the Death Scorpion family.

And since Midi can casually take out such a large number of ninth-level and tenth-level medicines, I am afraid that he will no longer have any interest in the family's resources.

The only thing Midi was interested in was the Black Dragon Conference, so in order to restore the relationship with Midi, the head of the family resolutely took out the dragon spirit as the greatest gift.

It was impossible for Midi to refuse this gift, because it was exactly what he needed most.

"Thanks to the love of the Patriarch, I will definitely do my best at the Black Dragon Conference to try to enter the Dark Dragon City and find out." Midi took a deep look at the Patriarch and replied seriously.

Midi's statement made the head of the family feel relieved.

This genius who is proficient in alchemy, has the inheritance of the dragon, and is not inferior to the "King of Fighting" Thor in terms of strength, he finally stayed.

"There are still two weeks before our departure, you should make some preparations first, then I will personally lead the team to the Dragon Tooth Arena." The Patriarch nodded, "Also, if you are free, you might as well go to the Library Tower Take a look at the top floor, although you already have the Dragon Legacy, there is something there that you might be interested in."

Midi nodded, didn't say much, said hello, and left the stalagmite where the owner was.

But he didn't know until he left. As soon as he left the stalagmite, Midi suddenly discovered that the way people looked at him in the Death Scorpion family seemed to have changed.

There are surprises, shocks, jealousy, envy, flattery, and so on.

It turned out that the law enforcement elder had already announced the ranking of the Crystal Dragon Castle trial.

The fact that Midi, the human being, ranks first makes everyone feel unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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