Arad's Sword

Chapter 505 Straight into the Blue Snake

Chapter 505 Straight into the Blue Snake
Kuid hesitated.

However, when a sneer appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth, and the suffocating dragon power surged around him again, he finally had to speak.

"They're from the Water Spider Tribe." Kuyd wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said through a mouth with half of his teeth missing, "They've joined us a long time ago."

"Water spider? Hmph, it seems that killing one of their warriors is not enough." Midi's eyes turned slightly cold, "I'm afraid they are also around here now?"

Midi's questions followed one after another, and there was an aura that made people dare not resist. Kuyd had no choice but to confess honestly that the people of the Water Spider Tribe were actually in their Blue Snake Tribe. In the cave, it is only about ten hours away from here.

Kuid's words were just as Midi expected.

Although the Blue Snake Tribe was stronger than the Tarantula Tribe in the past, their strength may not be as strong as the Tarantula Tribe, and it is even more impossible to surround the Tarantula Tribe under the eyes of the Tarantula Tribe.

Although the water spider tribe was defeated in the bonfire gathering, the great warrior Urhan and his younger brother Udai were both killed by Midi, but a tribe that has reached that scale will not simply fall into decline just because of such one or two people Among them.

As for who is instigating behind the water spider, Midi can imagine with her knees.

There is no doubt that it must be the red blood bat.

Of course, as the dust of the Crystal Dragon Castle trial settled, the team of the Red Blood Bats was almost wiped out, and they no longer dared to mess with the current Midi.

But now, because the Red Blood Bat is in chaos, the water spider and the blue snake have not been instructed "not to mess with Midi", but are continuing to suppress the Tarantula Tribe.

In other words, everything is a problem caused by delayed messages.

If the news that Midi became the number one in the trial of Crystal Dragon Castle reached the ears of these tribes, who would dare to attack the Tarantula tribe?
However, since Midi is already here, how could he easily let them go because of the naive reason of "the ignorant is not guilty"?

What's more, they dared to move their minds on Glentis, whom Meddy cared about most, which was tantamount to moving Meddy's reverse scales.

Since the lackeys who bumped into these red-blooded bats are making trouble, there is naturally only one word for the solution——


Moreover, it must be killed cleanly, so as not to leave any future troubles!
After a little thought, Midi had an idea.

He nodded to Hawke on the side, and then kicked Kuid out.

"Lead the way ahead, let's go to the Blue Snake Tribe now." Midi's voice was as cold as ice for thousands of years, "Let me, Midi Asrex, have a good time with your patriarch, and Say hi to those of the water spiders."

"What?" On the side, Galantis and the others were taken aback.

There are only a few people here, and they are going directly to the lair of the Blue Snake Tribe?

No matter how strong Midi is, it is impossible for one person to deal with a tribe. Besides, there are people from the water spider in the Blue Snake tribe.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem for Master Midi to handle this matter." Hawke said lightly.

The members of the Death Scorpion family know how strong Midi is.

Even the joint team of the Red Blood Bat and the Two-Headed Wolf was wiped out. What is a small tribe with a maximum level of only 63 or 64?
"You are..." Glentis was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recognized the martial arts master from the Death Scorpion.

There was a flash of joy in the eyes of the priestess.

With this level 65 Martial Skill Chief in charge, it might indeed be possible.

However, why does this high-ranking martial artist call Midi "Master"?

Confusion flashed in Galantis's heart, and she immediately said, "In that case, let's go there together too! Of course...if it doesn't hold you back..."

Galantis' original intention was to help Midi. If Midi's hands and feet were restrained because of the low level of the Tarantula Tribe, that would be bad.

However, Midi did not refuse Glentis's suggestion, but just smiled slightly and said: "Everyone got angry with the blue snake and the water spider, and it was because of me, let's go now to see how I can deal with them Yes, of course it's also very good."

Do you think that the water spider tribe is so easy to deal with?

Kuid secretly sneered in his heart.

He wished that Midi and the others would break into the cave of the Blue Snake Tribe directly.

You know, not to mention that the Patriarch of the Blue Snake has broken through to level 64 with the help of the water spider. This time, there are several elders of level 64 sitting in the team sent by the water spider.

No matter how tyrannical Midi is, running to Blue Snake's home court and facing several 64-level powerhouses at the same time, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

So, he didn't say anything more, but immediately got up, pretending to surrender to fear, and immediately began to lead the way.

Since the Blue Snake Tribe sent almost all the elites this time, there are a large number of people in the team.

Along the way, there were also many blue snake fighters who quietly left the team and went to the tribe to report the news in advance.

However, Midi just saw this and pretended not to know.

If these fighters had informed the tribe to escape, he would naturally want to stop them.

However, through telepathy, he only needs to scan lightly with psychic energy, and he can know that although these people are full of fear and fear for themselves, deep down in their hearts, they still have an unruly sense of resistance.

Therefore, when they reported the news, it was definitely not to let the tribes escape, but to prepare for the battle.

That being the case, Midi naturally let them out so that they could be caught at last and save them from chasing and killing them everywhere.

After urging and rushing, the team arrived at the cave where the Blue Snake Tribe was located after just half a day.

Several Blue Snake warriors guarding the entrance of the tunnel did not show any surprise when they saw Midi and the others, but immediately turned around and left, obviously going in to make a final briefing.

"Just go in like this?" Although Hawk, the chief of martial arts, was in charge, Galantis and the others were still a little worried.

"Go in like this." Midi nodded.

Hawke on the other side secretly felt a little emotional, you know, although it seems that on the surface, he, a level 65, is sitting in charge of Midi, a level 64.

But in fact, the real sitter is Midi himself.

His martial skill master is just a guard, and basically as long as Midi makes a move, he will have no chance to make a move.

In the center of the Blue Snake Cave, on an extremely flat rocky square, the people of the Blue Snake Tribe and the Water Spider Tribe were separated on both sides, and they had already been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he saw this battle, Kuid, who was leading the way, no longer cared about continuing to pretend, and immediately fled to the defensive formation of the Blue Snake Tribe like a bereaved dog.

"You are Midi Athlex?" The patriarch of the Blue Snake Tribe narrowed his eyes and looked at Midi coldly.

Although he had heard the name many times, this was the first time he had come face to face with Midi.

"You are the leader of the Blue Snake? The one over there is the third warrior of the water spider?" Midi asked lazily, and casually pointed to the highest-ranking person in the water spider formation.

The reason why he is called "the third warrior" is because in Midi's opinion, both the strongest warrior Urhan and his younger brother Uday were killed, so the rest will naturally be ranked third that's it.

However, for the warrior of the water spider, this is obviously a mocking title.

It was as if reminding them all the time that it was Midi who killed Wu Erhan.

"I'm already a new great warrior of the Water Spider Tribe." The man said coldly, "Besides, don't think that I, like Wu Erhan, will be led by your nose."

"Very good." Midi nodded in satisfaction. "The heavier the weight, the better. Whether it's a great warrior or a patriarch, I welcome them all. So, are you all ready?"

Midi's words were very casual, almost as if she was asking "Is the food ready?"

"Midi Asrex, do you think that with the support of the Death Scorpion family, you can do whatever you want in the tribe? Do you think that only you have someone behind you?" Blue Snake patriarch sneered With a voice, "I really never thought that you would throw yourself into a trap and come to my Blue Snake Tribe to seek death!"

"It's just a level 64. Do you really think that you can do anything in this dark area?" The newly promoted warrior of the water spider snorted coldly, and then turned his greedy eyes to Galantis beside him, "Master Patriarch, remember to keep that priestess behind later, someone from above wants her by name."

"That's natural." The Blue Snake patriarch smiled and licked his lips.

With a light wave of his big hand, immediately, several warriors surrounded him with a group of warriors.

On the other side, the water spider tribe also moved at the same time, pressing over from the side and rear, obviously trying to prevent Midi and the others from escaping.

Most of these people are level 62, and some are level 63, which is quite powerful in the tribe.

You know, when Midi saw Alex for the first time, Alex was only at the peak of level 63.

But now, Blue Snake and Water Spider are led by several level 63 warriors. The patriarch and great warrior sitting in the town have reached level 64, and the elders and guards around them are also level 64, which shows the strength of the lineup.

However, this kind of "power" has no meaning to Midi today.

"What should I do next?" Hawke turned his questioning gaze to Midi.

As the chief martial artist of the Death Scorpion, it's certainly not that he really doesn't know what to do.

He just wanted to know if Midi was going to do it herself, or let the guards do it.

"I'll do it myself. After all, it's a matter of the Tarantula Tribe, so I won't bother everyone." Midi said calmly, and took a step forward.

"Tarantula, I will protect it." Hawke nodded knowingly, and subconsciously glanced at Galantis.

At this moment, Galantis didn't even realize that she was being looked at by others. All her thoughts were on Midi, with both confidence and pride, but also worry and uneasiness.

Seeing Glentis's eyes, Hawke couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart——

No matter where this Midi goes, she will have an affair with the black dragon priestess.

This is simply a priestess killer!
While Hawk was in a trance, Midi had already moved.

(End of this chapter)

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